Wanda Vision Series Review.

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A few Months Back I started Writing Short Episodic Reviews on The Disney Tv Series Wanda Vision. Actual I Only Managed to write One, On the first Episode After The Aesthetic Piqued My Interest. At The Time I Was Caught In Thralls Of Website structuring when The Satirical Critic Emerge From An Innate Intrigue of the Series And Of The inspiration To Flush out Writing Ideas as They chaotically Crane Through My Synaptic Process.


That Review Of Episode One Came as My Blog Was Still In Its Embryotic Stages. There was Still A lot Of  Work To Be Done In Hope Of refining The Fire Sale or deluge Of Uncultivated Ideas That I Used To Paved The Walls Of my ($100) One Hundred odd Dollars, Somewhat (Questionably) Investment Into The World Of Digital Content Creation. I Gave Little Time to Map Out a Course, or Plan, Or Point of Reference or Goal for Some Of My earlier write Ups. I wrote as it Came, The Word I’m Looking for Is “Amorphous” Or unstructured. But Writing Gave Me Purpose, Pleasure, Power In Some Regard And In Early February This Was what I Needed. But I Feel Behind On Many of My Earlier Projects. Pushing Them ever So Close To The Margin Of Oblivion.


 Wanda Vision’s first season is Climaxed In early March, March 5th To Be Exact.  Around The  Time, I Was Still Lining The Canvas Of The Web Site, Grasping The Colors Of The Art Of Writing,  Painting  Pros Without Smearing Syntax,  The Flow Of Curves Com, the mas, And The EStylizedized Semicolon.  The first Reviewed Followed the First Episode An Began Work On the 2nd  And 3rd before  I Was Inundated With Many OtheWrite-Upsps primarily Those Center On The NFL Draft Which concluded A Week Ago. So Here I Am Now Finishing What I Started, A Wanda Vision Series Review. Sure, I Am Late To The Party, And There Will Be And Have Been Others Who Are AScale-Upp from Me, But for The Completions In Me The Fun Never Stops. This Write-Up Forced me To Binge Watch. I Hate Binge Watching. It took me a few days.


Episode 1

Episode One OF Wanda Vision was “almost Perfect, Or Maybe In a Vision’s View “Almost Human”,  It does What A First Episode Should; it introduces…  I Satirically Criticized the Premise Or The plot of the episode  Itself. Vision has A Job. The UUnassignedHeart Memo On TheCalendarr, Who meaning Is Debated Introducing A Mystery Into The Show Reel. The Story follows The Baseline OF Fiction as Itprescribese. The Maun Characters, Wanda Maximoff, And Vision, (The Machine Thing) Are Those Most Ardent Marvel/Disney Fans Have Introductory Familiar, And Others New to the Comic Book Sitcom Draw Would Have Had Time Between Wanda Visons Announcement To Indulge of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  This Is Followed By The Glimpse Of The World in which They cohabit, Suburban !950s American community of Westview.  Set in Black and White, Possibly A Metaphor For “Beginning”  with A Homestyle sitcom Aesthetic. Following This, the Conflicts These Newly Domestic Super Beings Must contend with the change of lifestyle Vison’s Promotion At Work And Wanda Cooking Breakfast At dinner. The Conflicts are High Stakes And There is Still Confusion To Reason For This S=change of Scenery is But Its ci=urioity To Appeal To viewers To come Back Again For Mire Super Hero High jinks.


Episode 2: Don’t Touch That Dial.


Lost In The Melodrama Of The neighborhood Talent Show Shenanigans Is A Metaphorical Quib That underscores Wanda Vision’s Place In The Marvel Cinematic Universe. The Show Setting Transitions Into The ! 960’s Sixties. Abnormal Activity Begins To form Around the Character as The psychedelic Sixties take shape. Wanda Begins Hearing Noises And Voices Calling Out to Her Through The Radio. The Black And White Status Quo Is a challenge When Wanda encounters Color for The First Time In Three Separate Instances. One when she exits to her front yard and finds  A toy plane In-plane that’s red and yellow; 2, she Meets Geraldine, an amicable black lady, Who doesn’t know what she is doing here, At The Talent Show Planning; 3) the High Pitch noises return this time affecting the talent show lead Dotty, who promptly breaks a class and cuts herself, the blood is red. Speaking Of The Talent Show. Vision, the android,  Is Assigned As the Headline Act With An Organic Bunny That by way of magic will disappear,  out of sight. The talent show Approaches, In Town Hall. Before This Vision Visits the Neighborhood watch committee Where He encounters the devastating force of chewing gum. Strictly for mastication, I do that A lot, vison Swallows The Chewing Gum Becoming Inebriated by the Effects The misplaced cohesive substance lodged into his programming. Vison Loses His Steely Composer which is Replace With An Overlay of Frat boy party crasher. Despite its dissembling effects, Vision Takes Center Stage In A “drunken” stupor Unwittingly Using His Power To perform magic. It is up to Wanda to Use Her Prowess Of Telokinis To Mask Vision Multitude Of Abilities. Saving The Couple From Squandering Their Opportunity To “Fit In”. The Metaphor, “fitting In”. Episode two Doesn’t do much for Deepened the Character devotement, Plot, Or Storyline or even entertain its audience save a few sitcom high jinks but it lays the groundwork for Wanda Visions Motive, To Fit Into The Marvel Universe. At The End Of The Episode Wanda is Revealed To Be Pregnant. “It Was So Hard to fit In After All.”


Episode 3: In Color.

As You Can Imagine, It’s a Bit Too Late For Spoiler Alerts But Episode 3 Enter The Void Of The 1970s And Usher In The Movement Of Color  For Wanda vision, hence the episode title, in Case It was not Obvious. Besides Color This Episode Begins With A New Theme Song. Now The Series Has Landed nd The Truth Of Suburban dream can be rendered 100% opacity. Dr. Nielson reveals That Wanda Is 4 Months Into her Pregnancy. Vision Is Flabbergasted By Both The Pregnancy And. The Time Lapse. It’s a New Decade in One Episode, But Only A Four-Month Pregnancy. Make It Make sense Vision Exclaims. “When A Man and A Women Love Each Other” the Doctor Begins before he  Leaves the Couples With More Questions Than Answers, Except To Where The Doctor Intend To Spend His Vacation, “Bermuda Baby”. Wanda’s Pregnancy Escalates with Little Suspense, Take That endgame. Upon Visions return from the Departing Doctor Nielson, Wanda’s Belly Enlarges. Moments Later In the Nursery The Baby Begins To Kick And Wanda’s Power Begin To unravel as The Born Day Approaches. The Laugh track on the show Elevates from Subtle to Annoying, real quick. Wanda’s Contractions and power Convulsions Shut Down the PowerGrid In The Town. Vision vacates the apartment To find The Doctor. Geraldine Arrives in search of A bucket To resolve A Water Crisis In Her home Most likely The result Of Wanda’s convulsion. Geraldine is suddenly promoting into playing midwife, A Sudden Elevation From The Token Black Women We(I) Thought Of Her. Wanda Gives Birth To Tommy And Billy, Twins With American Names, She’s Sokovian(eastern European). Where is The Accent?  Moving On. Geraldine Becomes The Focus of Plot As She Reveals her Knowledge Of Ultron And Wanda’s Brother Pietro, This Scene Is Cut into Vision Joining an On-Going Discussion Of Anges And Herb were having Of The Same Geraldine, who is new to town but doesn’t own a home or a family. (Must be Nice). It’s A Small world In Wanda Vision. Wanda Grows suspicious of Geraldine and takes Notice Of Geraldine’s Sword Emblemed Necklace Before Geraldine Vanishes And Awakens Outside Of Town Surrounded By Agent Of S.W.O.R.D. SWORD And SHIELD, Who Knew.


Episode 4: “We Interrupt This Program”


They Mean It. They Really Do Interrupt The Program. Episode 4 Is the first Continuous storyboard In Wanda Vision. It breaks right back into Following Geraldine, An apparent Alias For Captain Monica Rambeau, An Apparent SWORD Who is Given New Life After The Events (the Blip) Of Marvel’s End Game. She is Devastated when She Learns of The Passing Of Her Mother, In The Very Hospital, Rambeau is Brought Back To Life. In The three Weeks that follow Rambeau Returns To Work as an agent of S.W.O.R.D.  Under The Direction Of Director Tyler Hayward, She Is Assigned To Help FBI agent Jimmy Woo who investing in the missing person case in West View, Sounds Familiar? Good Because That Will Be The Only Congruence In These Episodes From Those Prior. Episode 4 Is Straight Out The Stephen King Collection. The Tone Of The episode  Takes A Serious, Serious Shift into somber and mysterious overtone, not high jinks recorded, far removed from the light-hearted antics of  Earlier episodes. thankfully, it lends a respite from That Awful Laugh track. “ You Can Feel It Cant You”. Rambeau Visits West View or Where It Should. Be.  There, Her And A team Of Feds  Discover  What Will They Will Come To Know Is A Static Field Surrounding The Town of west view, ominously preventing anyone from entering. Rambeau Breaches The Field Thus Prompting Further FBI and Military Involvement. SWORD establishes A Base Around The Town And One oF Its Specialists Darcy Lewis Establishes A New LightWave frequency, CMBR(Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation) The Content Get Really Erudite And Technical At this Point; Let’s watch. Darcy Orders A TV That could pick up a broadcast frequency entwined with The CMBR (Apparently, not new just anachronistic), The Show Broadcast On The Monitor,  Wanda Vision. Theories And Questions Are Purpose. The Universe Created A TV Show Of Two Avengers? Why Is The Town Hexagonal? Is Vision Alive? Did Vision Get The Promotion? (n wait That Is My Question). “I Don’t Know.”- Darcy Lewis. The Broadcast Are Observe And The Cities residents Are revealed To be The Actual Cast Of The Show With Geraldine As The New Arriving Outlier, It All Makes Sense Now, Einstein Was Right. Jimmy Wo Purposes More Question About The Sate Of Affair The team Is Witness By Now The Answer Are clearer; “It’s A Sitcom”. Choo And Lewis Briefly Breach The Static Wall By Way of Radio but ultimately settling into watching the quips and high jinks, in high defection television. Assumed to be the product of stark industries. The Mention Of Ultron As Previous =ly Stated In the Earlier Episode Enrages Wanda Into Using her “Mutant” Abilities to Cast Geraldine Through A Wall, A Fence, And Outside Of The Static wall. Before her rage Subsides Wanda Witnesses Vision In His Post Thanos Stone Pull lifeless Form. Spooky. The Couple Settles Onto To The Couch And Return To Sitcom Mode.



Episode 5: On A Very Special Episode.


“It’s All Wanda”. We Return To The Safe Sanctuary Of Our Verisimilar Sitcom Setting Now The Show’s Aesthetics Have Moved Into A 1980s Visage. Remnants Of “Full House”, Twins In All. Olsen Sisters For The Win. All Of These Themes we Learn Are Courtesy Of The Productive capacity Imagination of Wanda Maximoff, all rights reserved. As Wanda and Vision Begin Their Dance Into ParentIs, They Trip In Tango Trying To Put The Kids To Sleep. Abruptly, Or Cue It Seems, Agnes, Arrives Amending Wanda’s Need tO Use Magic As Means to Mystify the babies to bed. At Agnes Offer To Baby Sit Wnada, Herself Become Spell Bound To Which Ahgnes Reply “ Should I Taje ThOs From The Top”. Only Vision Registers This As “off” behavior Before His predictions As Cast Aside By Wanda And The Sudden Silence In the Room. The Kids Were Quiet, was It Agnes Lavender Perfume, That Accentuate Her “libido”? The Thought of That Could Put Me To sleep. Or Did Agnes Manage To slip The Kids some Dark Rum, Grammy’s Specialty. Nope, The Kids Grew up, Faster than They Were Conceived both Possibly 4 or 5 In Less Time It Took them To write Them Into the Show.” Making It Up As We Go”. Outside Of The Hexagon The Details And The Debate Rages. Rambeau Comes To the Defense Of Her On Screen, On Screen Friend Wanda, Who Toss Her through the barrier With Little Attrition, and Who  Is Using Her Powers To Zombify Thousand.  Ok, Monica. Heyman, The Classic Token Upright, By The Books, God Bless America, Officer,  Labels Wanda has A terrorist, With No Alias; How Rude. The Details Deluge Continues When it is revealed That Wanda Stole Vision Synthezoid Corpse And Brought It Back To Life, In The Synthetic Universe They inhabit. Outside If Westview he Is Dead.  Wanda Release Her Inhabitations Flexing Her Powers Without the care of Civilians, mainly Agnes And The Kids But This is Troubling To vison. Wanda’s Powers Are Voiltile Not To Mention Expansive, She Took On Thanos One-on-one, With A Varying Degrees Of Success, But Still Remarkable. In Wanda Version Her Prowess Has Reached a New  Level, Now The Sokovian Can Re-write reality. At The Office, Vision Receives An Email, That He And Norm Discovers Is from Sword. Vison Is Suspicious, he Neutralizes The Computer And Briefly Liberates Norm From Wanda’s Whim. “It is Not real. Can’t You Tell. It’s all A joke” A Drone Braches the Hex To Contact Wanda. Her Response Is Not Amicable. Wanda Exist the Hex To Make Her Defining Standoff With S.W.O.R.D And Underscore Her Position To Not yield Her World To Anyone. The Episode Ends With A Confrontation Between Wanda And A “Fed” Up Vision. Vision Is Definite That Wanda cannot Control Him As She Has With The Other Towns Folk, After Wards, the Door Rangs, Its Pietro. It is All Coming back To Us Now.



Episode 6: All-New Halloween Spooktacular!

Were Off To The ’90s in The Sixth Episode which serves as the series ode To Halloween, In The Spring, it is Your World Disney. In The Vein Of What We Learn. Tommy Quickly Establishes Himself As The Cool twin With BillDesignateded As The Dorkasouraus Rex. True to Its 90s Form Billy Begins Monologuing The Show Directly Into The Camera. Pietro, The Man Child who arrived at the Maximoff doorstep only an episode ago Establishes His place Amongst The cast. Wanda And Vision Dress To Unveil The Comic costumes Of The Characters They Are Representing. In Advertly Of course. NOw Halloween in spring Can commence. the Twin Are Off To Candy Leaving Wanda And Pietro To Catch Up After The Speedsters Epic And Exceralate Rise And demise In The Film Avengers Of Ultron. Westview Quickly And Conveniently Become Populated Beyond The Main Cast. Tommy The cool Kide Quickly develops His Speed, Quickly, Wanda, Perhaps Realizing The The Expedited danger,  Warns The Twins Not To Visit A Certain Part of Town, “don’t go Pass Ellis Avenue”. The Intrigue Begins. Visions Are Drape In cape And Csllows Which Should Be Trench Coat And Top Hat, As He Plays Sherlock Holmes and Investigates The Anomaly In the Once Static partTown. Who or what is past Passed Ellis Avenue, you wonder, Vision And He IS Not Alone, withIn The Hex And Out. This Part Of West View Has the Less Amount Of People And  Activity. The Cast In The Section IS Limbo, Waiting To Be Activated. As a Child, When You Watch A TV Program Did You Ever Wonder What The People Of That “World”, Aside from The Main And Supporting cast, Were Up To. Who They Were? What did They eat? What did They do? Well, Wanda Vision Answers That Question Plainly; Nothing. Vision Meets Agnes Who Is Loss, In the Town, She Knows Better Than Most. He  Unscrambles Agnes Mind, She Immediately Recognizes Him as An Avenger, Comes To Save Them. Hooray Right? No. Save Them from what? Vison Is Flummoxed. Not Only By The State Of The Town, His Effects On Its Trance Like Aura, But what Is An Avenger? Agnes Delivers A-Bomb, when she exclaims To vison That He I  indeed Dead, But As A Synth He never Truly kNew Life. Vision Takes off, Cloaked Complete, To Engage the Barrier and Breaks It And Himself. Breaking Down On A Molecular Level Which Each Bend He Makes Through The Barrier. At The Barriers, Edge Are SWORD Agents Standing Bewilder At The Android Cries Of agony. Billy, The Less Cool Twin, Has His  Power Of Telepathy Awaken. Wanda Erupts In Power Shock That momentarily Expands The Range Of The Barrier After striking Pietro In The Chest. Pietro Is Quickly Evolving From Quip To Contentious; Just Like He Said, “Im Just Trying To Do My Part, ok?” Says Pietro. “Come To town Unexpectedly, create Tension with The Brother-in-law, Stir Up Trouble with The Rug Rats and Ultimately Give You Grief. I Mean, That Is What You wanted, Isn’t It?” The Action Takes center stage at The Border Of The Barrier, As Visions Not Only Forces His way Free Of Wall But Also Forces His  Way Out Of Place As Wanda Co Star. Now, Everyone Wonders will He Be Able to Break The Barrier Of Confusion.



Episode 7: Breaking the Fourth Wall.

Wanda Day Off Is Not As It Seems. Wanda Is ExperienceingA a Case Of The Mondays And Decides A Day Off Is in Order. Her House Takes Control Of Her And Agnes Take Control Of Her Kids And Rambeau And Vision Take Control Of The Show. It’s the late 2000s, The Era Of Corny Sitcoms. Wanda takes Charge Of the camera’s Monologue As The Stress of The early Morning Peers into Her Vision, She Longs To Escape The World She Escaped I not. The Kids Need her Assistance And She Needs An assistant In To Help Reign In Her ever Expanding Imagination. Speaking Of Vision Wanda Nearly Cognizant Of His Apparent Vanishing. As The World Around Her Expands So Does Her Blind Spots, It seems. The Show Takes Form And Control Of Wanda’s Breakfast And Her Kid’s Video Game, When Things Begin To Morph Of Shift B=quickly between The eras That have Passs=ed on Through The Shows Running. . In true 2000s Reality TV From The Camera Pans In And Out Emphasizing Articles and expressions In The Show. Meanwhile, On The Outside, The signal Is Cut. Westview Is Once Again Isolated, And So Wanda Separates Her herself from The Cast By Disavowing Her Brother In After One episode, As well Marginalizing Vision In Front Of Their Kids. Wanda villainous Heritage Is Quickly Rising. A Disinterteed Wanda Is Join On Screen By The Ever Efersecnet Agnes, who, As Always, Seems To There When Wanda Needs Her The Most, Rescuing Wanda from. Mother Hood. We’re Off To The circus Where Vision Begins A Sorted Relationship with Darcy. Suddenly His Awareness Is Augmented, when he Breakdown Darcy Place As The Dr. Involved In Anomaly Observation, quite Effectively,  Before he then Returns To His State Of Mental Lethargy, leading Darcy To Take Charge Of the Action. Vision Always Seems To Take Charge, in course to change the play of the show, Before Acquiescing To some Female Counterpart. Back At Home The Show, which IS Already An Abberation Continues To Become Stranger. Wanda Becomes Conscious Of Her Fleeting Control Of The Transforming House. Other Things Gaining Conscious Is Her Camera Man who Shoots Back Tat Maybe This Is what Wanda Deserves, Wanda Is Flabbergasted. All This Reflets The Continuous Narrative Shift. As Vision Gain More And More Enlightenment And Activistic Wanda Drift Fi=further Into Inactivity And Obscurity. All  Hope Of The Show’s  Lighthearted Tone Returning is Now Gone. In Her Quest To Return Within The Barrier Monica Rambeau Procures A, A… (What Is That?) Military Vehicle That Can Penetrate The Sitcom Screen, Halfway The Vehicle’s Structure Is rewritten then Rejected. Can Monica Afford To Have Her DNA Rewritten Again, Again? Apparently Yes, She Charges The Barrier And Enters the Other Side Though Side effects May Very, Take Nexus If Your Reality Is Not The One Your Doctor Prescribed. Rambabu’s Vision Is Altered Into Some psychedelic Lens. Speaking Of Vision He Learns What All Mortals Must learn, He Is A Synth, The Futility Of Using Death to Escape Reality. Darcy Inform The Ignorant Android Of His Murder, By Wanda Resurrection By Thanos, Then Killing By Thanos and Resurrection By Wanda, Again. It’s a seamless Continuum, See Infinity War for More details. Vision Consciousness Continue To Mend The New Realization He Is Given Of His Past As Ann Artificially Lifeform Born Of Another Artificial Lifeform Ambitions. Confused? Good One Thing is Certain, His Love For Wanda. Geraldine MAcrhes Through Town To Confront Wanda. The Last Time These Two Were In The Same. Room Geraldine was Being Tossed. We Didn’t Forget And Neither Did Wanda, who Quickly Reminded Geraldine By Lifting Her Apologist Through The Air, But This Is Not Your New To Town Geraldine, she Has Powers Now, The Power Of Truth. Agnes abruptly End=gages The Two And Disengages The Emotional Engagement. No Matter Geraldine’s Appeal Wanda Remains Adamant, She Is Nobody Friend, She si Nobody’s Villain She Is Just Here Until The New Dr. Strange Movie. At Agnes House Wanda Is Mesmerized By The Kid’s Show Exclaiming To Her To “Jump”. “Kids”. Wanda Has Those And She Rslizes They Are Not Here, Agnes Signals Wanda To visit The Basement, which A lot Deeper Than You’d Expect. Agatha, Agnes Finally Exposes Her Sinister Identity, As Agatha Harkness. The True Mistress Manipulator Of Malevolent. “ Who  Has Been Pulling Every Evil String? IT Was Agatha All Along.” The Quickening of The Revelation Ruined The Reveal. Agatha’s Character Had Not Been Developed Enough To Give Viewers Watching Investment Into Her Role For this  Twist Of Fate To be The Show Shaker I Suppose It Was Intended to Be, At Least It Wasn’t for me.  Nor Had Her Insidious Behavior Reached the Heights Of Destructive Or even Deir. nothing She Has Done Has Had, Whether on Screen Or Behind the Scenes Has Been Consequential, Only Confusing. She Did Sparky the Dog Though. Sinister. Now That The Cats Out of The Bag? What Is Next? What Does This Mean All Mean?


Episode 8: Previously On.

 As We Inch Closer To The Climax, The Series Gradual Regresses In Intrigue. Quick A Flashback. Episode 8 Begins With With Glimpse Into Agatha’s Past Life.  Young Witch Marked For Death For. Practicing Dark Magic, Tied To Exclaiming Her Resolve To be  Good. Her executioners, Her Mother Evanora, And A Coven Of Other Witches Dismiss The Extortion And Commence The Education. As Quickly As It Begins, It Becomes Clear That Agatha Death Won’t Be At The Hands Of These Spell Binder, Who In Turn Fall Victim To Her( Agatha) Magic Consumption Abilities. She Literally Sucks The Life Out of Them Absorbing Their Abiliiets And Perhaps Their Libidos As Well. The Last Of The Witches To Fall, Evanora. Back In The Basement Wanda And Agatha Square Off. Purple and Crimson Sparks Fly. Wait, No. It is Just Agatha. Who Is Control The Mythical Energy In The Basement Square through The Use Of Runes, Protection Spells? Agatha Begins Her Spanish inquisition On The Art of Witch, Apparently, Wanda Didn’t Go To Art School. Round 1 Agatha. Despite Having The Advantage In Knowledge A consequence Of Her Being Hundred of years Older Than Wanda, Some Date Her Life Span Beyond The Last Of the life of Atlantis (purportedly 10.500 BC), Agatha Is Spellbound Buy Wanda, Who is 32, Abilities. The Episode Continue To Explore The Past Of These Ladies. Wanda Is Taken Back To Her Developing Years In Sokovia, When Her Family Was More Than Just A family, They Were Alive. Wanda Affections For Sitcoms Is Disclosed And The World That She Now Inhabits Is Her Attempt To Reclaim A childhood. This Is Not Sure The Serene Utopia Of Her Childhood Is Quickly Expunged By An Explosion, So IS Her Parents. “By The End  Of The Episode, You Realize It Was All A Bad Dream. None If Was Real.” The FlashBack Don’t In Sokovia, “The Only Way Forward Is Back.” Agatha Continue Her Investigation of Wanda Past, In Hopes Of Uncovering The Truth About The Scarlet Witches Recent Mythical Machinations. Those Machination Drew Agatha To Westview in The First Place. Agatha Wants More, More, More. Her Libido For Is Insatiable. A Grief Stricken Wanda Is Forced To Unearth The Vulnerabilities Lying Beneath the barrier, I. E., Beneath Her Powers. The Movie Moment Montage Continues When Wanda Breaks Into A S.W.O.R.D Facility to steal visions body. She confronts Hyeward, Who Knows Her, “You Are Here To The Vision.”, unfortunately, the amicability ends there. Wanda’s Petition To Have Vision 3 Billion Dollar worth Of Technology Buried Is Rejected. She Leaves The Shield Compound Sullen And Dejected. Driving Away From The city, In A Buick. Wanda Could Drive Who Knew. At A New Jersey Lot, Purchase By Vision For The Two Off Them Wanda Breaks Her Equable Façade Constructs A House Of Materials she Conceives And Ultimately Creates The World Of Wanda Vision. Wanda Escapes Her Relapse Into Yeste-Ville Tpo Confront Agatha In The Midst Of The Town. “ Here You Are A being Who Can Create a World Out of Thin Air And You Are Using Your Powers to Make Breakfast For Dinner.” Agatha Then Labels Wanda The Scarlet Witch. This Episode. I Assume, Aims To Open Up More Of Wanda’s Past beyond The Range Of What The Age Of Ultron Offers Us, Succeed. It Fails, Assuming That Was The Goal, To Deepen And Humanize Wanda’s Character. What Does Wanda Want? Control? Then Why Phlegmatic when She Loses It? A family? Then Why Push Everyone Away(literally)? Does She Want to Live In The Past? She Will Have To Sacrifice Her Present. Why Is All Mallovent Magic Coined As Chaos Magic? Marvel Has Many Minds At Work, There Is No Excuse For cliches.



Episode 9: The Series Finale.


The Final Episode Is Here To Answer All of Our Question And Brings Visions Case For  Closure To Its Climatic Conclusion, Or Is it. Agatha Versus Wanda Takes Center Stage, This Time With No Runes Liberating Wanda Powers. Wanda quickly Despatches With Agatha, Briefly, When Suddenly A  All White Vision Arrives. Fabled As “ The Vision” He Attempts To kill Wanda Before The “Real” Synth Stands Up And Takes Him On. Agatha Revcovers And A Duel Battle Ensues. The Plot Quickly And I Mean Quickly Escalates. Agatha Unveils The Nature Of The Scarlet As Written In The Book Of Damn. The Scarlet Witch is Forged Not born. Has No Needs No incantations To Cast Spell. Power Beyond That Of The Sorcerors Supreme, Who I Assume Is Dr. Strange. The moves in town. True To himself, vision Attempts An appeal to His chromed-out copy assailant’s Sensitive Side. “Why are you doing this?” asks a bewildered Vision. True to themselves, Marvel’s one-dimensional Antagonist Offers A Response I Could Only Assume Was Left Out Of The Script For Ultron, so Old And Robotic,  “ my programing” Replies White Vision.  Stoned Faced And Equable. Vision, Our Vision, Informs He’s Assailant That He Is Not Real, Vision. Beyond The Synth Identity, Vision IS Only Conditional Being Of Nods, Bolts Mircoships, And His Destruction Would Do Littke In Satisfying His Assailants Objective. Meanwhile, In Town Square Agatha Continue Her Relentless Disparagement Of Wanda By Liberating The Town Folk From Wanda Sitcom Psychosis. Immediately The Freed, The Fire Folk Turn An Chastise Wanda For The Perceived Torture And Sickness That Scarlet  Strain U=Had Subjected Under Them To Under Her Illusory Magic. Suddenly Wanda Is A Witch And Not A Sub-Mutant. Elsewhere Monica Emerges From Being Held Captive By Pietro, who turns Out To Be An Actor Under The Bewitchment Of Agatha, His Name Is Ralph Borner, Oh God. Rambeau Arrives In Town  In Time To Sheild The Twin From The Bullest Of Hay ard And Several Sheild Agents. Both The Twins And Monica Powers Are Put On Display.  Monica’s Body Absorbs The Bullets, Her Body Autoprojecting In The Midst Of The Malay. The Lame Twins Uses His Telekinesis To Control The Matter In The Bullets. Hayward IS Then Rammed In By Darcy Lewis Who Was Still Driving The Van Vision Left Her In. Vision ANd The Other Vision, END THEIR Physical Conflict And Begins To Discuss Their Difference Diplomatically. Vision, The real conditional Vision Uses his Syth Mind stone Abilities to enlightened other Vision of the flaw In His Directive as well as Their Shared Origin And Memories. Other vision promptly flies away never to be seen again, presumably. Who was that guy? Agatha Is insistent On Garnering Wanda’s Power. Wanda Complies, With Force. Using Blaster infused with Witch Craft chaos magic To Subdue The Rapacious Old Gal. The Entanglement Of. Wanda And Agatha End The When. Wanda Traps The Nosey Neighbour Within The Wall Of The Character Agnes, Soothing Agatha’s Boot With Scarlet Fever. They Are Amicable Friends Again. Wanda, Vision, And The Twins Propose To Go Home As Wanda Release POart of The Town From The Binding Barrier. Back Hime Vision And Wanda Tuck Their Sons inTo Bed Adding In How Proud He IS Of Their Behavior. Somewhere A Part of My Inner Child Just Died.  Around tHem, The City OCntinuew To Be Liberated from Wanda Magic. The Couple Kiss Farewell And Wanda Witnesses Vision Vanish One More Time, Again. Wanda Enter The City And IS Greeted By Several Scowling Faces, NO=one ToPlease To See Her. Ther’re Waiting For Her Rambeau, “ They’ll Never Know What You Sacrificed For Them.”, Wait Wasn’t This Wanda’s Fault In the First Place. Wanda Exist Westview, In Quest Of Discovering The True nature Of Her Powers. Credits Roll, Home Stretch, Lets Watch. Post Credits Hint To The Future. Monica is Visited By A Kreel, Come As AN Emissary Of Her Motthe’s Friend, From Captain Marvel, Signaling Monica Up, Into The Sky. Roll Credits.


Not To Borrow Or Steal From Another Blog But Wanda Vision Could Not Quite Live Up To Lofty Expectation It Set For Fans. It Begins With Promise And Mystery But Ends As Another Segway for Phase 4 Of The Marvel Cinematic Universe. Vison Never Gets His Promotion Which  I deduced Is A Metaphor For Him Eclipsing Wanda In Prominests In The Show’s Lore. Wanda’s Family Rises And Fades As Fast As They Grew. Wanda herself Isn’t Confronted Over Any Of Her Character Flaws and The Danger In Westview Never Felt “ real”. It’s a City, In New Jersey. Honestly, who cares. . At its Highs It Aimed Tio Subvert The Structure Of Superhero Shows at Its Lows Another Stop Gap In The Marvel Universe.


Wanda Vision EPisode 1.


Western Conference Playoff Preview And Predictions.