Consider The Lillies Of The Valley: An Exert from A Story I Am Writing.

Thinking About You.jpg


They Were So soft. So Inviting. Easy To Dismiss But Too Evocative too Distinct Too Disengaged, To forget. There in Her Eyes Was Something Different. Her Gaze. Her eyes were...  

“Who Are You?” He Heard Himself Ask. His Eyes Flickerred. JH Was BBlinkingFuriously At The Speed Sound. The  Lights Flashing Chaotically In His Gaze Bringing His Thoughts Back into The Present Into Moment, back from the abyss of his memories. His Face Stoic, Unshakeable, Disguising His Collapsing intestinal fortitude. This Was Familiar Territory, Here Your  Façade controlled Your Fate in the jungle. Within This, All He Was Waiting on A Response.

 Still  Silences. Unaware, The Question Never Escaped His Lips.  The Words were Caught in His windpipe. Strangled By Nerves. Tired trembling. The Question Continuing To fight Its Way up Like  A fish Squirming In The Hands Of Its Captor wrestling To be Freed But Nowhere To Go.

“It’s You”, He Muutter, The Shiver pass through Shock AAndAwe, A  Stunned Inflection Of A Fans registering the reality Of celebrity. A Complete Shift In Though But A Success In Utterance. Her eyes. Shades of his mom’s eyes. My Mom? Who?  No, He shoved That Thought Aside.  Whoever she Was, She Is Gone Now.  Her Eyes.Beneath Her Gaze That Soft gaze was a prism of colors flashing over his eyes like a movie credit overlay. Floral Patterns, Of cascading One after another. A Dog Bark.

Startling, HEr Heart Beat was Palpable When  She SSnapsHer Neck Back In The Direction Of where The echo eminent Through The Corner Originated From.  “You are Not from Around Aren’t You” She Blink Twice. Her Head Almost mechanically Breaking From Her Transfixed Lock.  A shudder ran across her Cold Chill had run Across Her Body. It late March Nassau. Then, Tightened. Suddenly. She Straightens Up Followed By Him “No. Is It So Obvious”

He Wanted to “yes” with a Sacactric Tone But fear A snide remark Could Create A Despondent Damsel.

“You were supposed To Lie.” She Could Hear Friend Debra With The Cherry lip Glossed Chatting In the back at Her Head. “I Know, But I Froze Up.” How Many Times Have I Told You When You Find Yourself Around Hood NIiggas Always Lie? They Smell Weakness” That Was foolishness. He Smelt My Perfume. Lavender

“Seriously Are You Lost.  These are Not The Street For a dame Like You.”   Siad The Tall Sinemewy Frame Kid, Interjecting Over Her Contemplation. “Dame”  Dude Are You running A Fever, The Voice In thTheack Of His Head returned. He Did Nit Resoone, His Conscience would Get A Reprimand Another Time.  This was Sophie Salvatore. Heair To The Slavatore Fortune. He Was Outside Im his  Basketball Shirts And A White tee, Life Would Have To get reprimand Another Time. She Was Silent, Was it the Dog, Or The Smell Of The Stranger Studdier Her With The Docus Of a CaCalculustudent.  I Know these Streets Better Than Most. You’re Not From Around here, He Said More Confidently. She panned Left and right To get a Better reference. How did I Even Get Here.? It was… “ That Jerk” She Mutter Under Her Breathe.

“say..’ He Responded Inquisitively.  ‘

Who Is This Kid … Wait I Need Him To Help Out Of ThisPredicamentt.  Play Mode.


The Environment May Have Been Foreign To Lady. The Streets Gritty. The House Were Desperate Need of Carpenter At Least A Paint Job, Their Were Dogs, Larger Than Bicycle, In the Street. Far remove Was She From  Fortune That Paves Her Ideal All  The Days Of Her Life. But The  The Look On His Face, The Frameless Figure,  Was Too Familiar. He was Dumbfounded. Sticker By Her Silky Skin, waves Of Curls Desecedend Her Head Unto Her Shoulders, Those Eyes. Suddenly Her Despondent becomes Ebullient. She Smiled And Engage The Conversationist. It Was Like The Lights Had Turn On, An alter Ego Had Awaken. Sure I Know that’s…” Nothing More . The Words Paused “umm Yeah, Ok” Clueless. Her Effervescent FFacadeSunk Aas quickly As It Set sail. Playing Off HJer Like Two Actors on Stage He Caught Her Fallen Spirit.   “Which Way Do You live? west?” His Confidence Lifting with Every Word He CCouldMmanage It Was Sophie Turn To respond In Play. She Couldn’t Comprehend The Question. “Dom’t You Know? Doesn’t Everybody know?.”

Ok…. So, Bus.  You Should Get Off Here. Catch A Bus Maybe A 21a .” Jer Responded Less Confident As If The Life Was Being Stolen from Him Like They Do Im The Animes He Love To Watch. “Yeah, I Know… 21 Goes…

Sophie Began To Use Her Fingers To Point In The Direction Her Mental Compass Intuitional Gave Condition To…

 South then East”. She No clues. her Face gave way. Those Sharp Bright Turn Dull with Shame. Do not sweat it IO Knew You were not from Around Her Before You Open Your Mouth, Sophie.


Sophia Darling Where Are You?

From Shame To Shock “How’d You…” She Traced His Eyes. “That’s A diamond-studded Necklace Around Your neck …” Her eyes. These Eyes. They fell. My Necklace. “It Worth $700, Give Or take With Your Full Name Laced A crossed It. If I snatched It, You Could Feed The Blocked.” She Recoiled. Covering Her Expose Jewelry,  Her  Shock Her Shame. And That, An  Unknown Sensation Were All wipe Away… Now This was Fear And. Anger.

Suddenly, in front, in Her face, Was Another Boy Another man, Not The  NAoive Eyes Of a Teenager With A Crush. No, A Man. A Hollow soul His face Turned Deep, a Void, Distant. When Did The Light turn Off.? When Did You; Seriously Did Someone turn Off The Its Gotten Real Dark All Of sudden. The Dogs Bark Once again. Echo in The Far Right Of Ear, Others Had  Joined The Chorus  Earlier.  Starting Sweta Sophie Out Of The Daze, She Jumped. Panicked, no  Fuck Panic. This Fright. His Face was… empty. It was a goner. For a moment there, it was gone.

” You Wouldn’t!” Said Sophie, With A hint of Apprehension. Her Shoulder Trun inward Towards The Other As She Werr trying to Clap Them Together. The Expression On Jeremiah’s Face Was Still Blank But his Youth And Volume had Return, But TheAbysss, she couldn’t escape the thought of the abyss.  Sophie Regained  Her Composure In nTime To Hear another Sound, A Bark, A Voice resonating the Background. . “Jay’ The  Old Voice In The Distance Cry Out. Jeremiah Face Sunk. “Yes, Grammy.”  He Responded almost Embarrassed. His Manners Marching up His spine. He Has a Grandmother, You have Have A  Grandmother. Good Lord. Her spirit returned. Some Help “Come Inside, Before It Gets….” He Drowned Her Out But Maintain his Attentiveness. “I Wouldn’t. I Not A Thief. My Friends Are Though… But More Than That. I Know Who Your Father Is. Tell Me What dowse a The daughter Of A wealthy Businessman Like Barry Salvatore Have in The Parks” “You Know My Father.” Suddenly a smile began to crease on the side of the mouth. Those chills were being chased by a fire welling up in her heart. Daddy’s Reach to rescue. “Who doesn’t Know of Him. What doesn’t He Own in the city’? “he spoke with a dull Tone. “I Know Him… My Dad work For Him.”  The ember In Her Heart was Beginning To Burn. Good Well Have Your Dad Call Him… I Could Arrange To Be Safely Out This Pleasant Neighborhood Of Yours” He Could Feel the Slight condescending   In Her Tone. “The Last Call My Dad Gave Him.”



“It was Shot In The dark.” He Manages Muffling His Obvious Agony Under His Breathe “ Ahh… God.” He Shouted As a Strike Of Pain Ran Up His side of the abductor.  Almost Instinctively He Curled. Bundling His Knees up against his abdomen like a cold child fighting off the winter. The Pain Subsided allows him to release his instinctive crunch. Gradually his legs straightened.  Then Recoiled, Then Stiffen, staving off the agony of all with every inch of movement. Try To sit Up. “ahh…” He Gasped. Bad Idea. “It’s Just A Flesh Wound,” he Thought.  It was not. It was much worse, but for now, it was a flesh wound. It is a FleshIt'sts A Flesh. Flesh Wound. Flesh Wound. “It’s JUST A Flesh Wound!” He Was Shouting Now Unwitting. It Was not.  He Removed His Hand From His Side. The source.  To His Shock Face. BLOOD. “O,k I’m Bleeding. Everybody Bleeds Right.” Just A flesh Wound. Continue That Motif.

His Was Soaked in it. Like Paint dripping from the hands of an artist, Drip, drip, drip. His eyes rolled. His Hung askance

. If I Pass Out The Pain Would Go Away, just like when you rolled your ankle. It will go away. He could hear the voice in the back of his consoling him. Before the comforting consoling could settle in Another Shot Of Agony. Ohh, just get past, I promise.  Grimacing he pushed the pain aside.  Teeth clenched, Muffling The Surfacing Scream, he pushed the pain aside.

“I Believe You Need To doctor”. She Knew Said The Soft Voice chimed in a whisper. Delirium was Already Settling.  His Mind Before The coquettish Voice began calling him back From His Daze. It was Faint. That Was A lie, She Knew He Needed To See A Doctor. The Darkness of the evening was Settling In Them as The Sun Drifted Back, It is Light dimming, hiding gently moment by moment behind the Homes And Tree To West. She Clutch His Head in her hands like It was watermelon. “Look At Me. Look At Me” His eyes Rolled around in His Like Cue balls.

Do not Look down, She Could Hear Her convincingly. Please Do not Look down. Sophie, It’s Just A Scratch, It’s Oka flash Back Resonated In Her Mind. She Could not resist It. Her eyes dipped. Instinctively blankly then convulsed. Why. Why. Why. It was Gruesome She Would Tell Her Friends Later. Bits of Flesh splatted Across His abdomen. The Blood. The Blood, The Blood It Was Not Dripping Down There It Was Draining. Her eyes Pressed Shut. Blocking The Thought Of it. “Ok, Maybe I Need a Doctor.” Her Head Lifted As She Swallowed saliva And A Hint Of Vomit. Sirens Rang Recklessly In The Darkness. The Park was empty.

“Sophie” He could Barely Muster The word.

“Yes. We’ve established That”. The Attitude. It Brought A Smile To His Face.

“I Can’t See A doctor.” His Speech Became Audible again.  “I…” All His Strength Was Garnered Toward Maintain His Composure.

An Incredulous Impression Dawned Her.

“Of Course, You Can Why would You Say That?” The Idea Of Not Visiting A Doctor Was So Foreign She Could not Grasp It. At Home, A Knee Bump Or Scrape Could Result In A Visit From The Resident Physician. Who, Thankfully, Lived three Houses Down? This Was No Knee Bruised and This Was… do not look Down, She Had Too. Blinking Twice. It Was not So Bad This Time She Thought. It Blood Began to Pool underneath His Abdomen, Near His Kidney. The Wound was wounded. There Was not A Gash wide Open It Was More Spotted. Dominated Across His Side. Some Openings Small Other, Other Moderate, Still He was Bleeding Profusely.

“I Can’t” The Words Almost Choking Out His Throat. Her Gaze Trained Back To Lips, Still A Perplexed expression. He Might As Well Had Spoken it To Her In Russia. я не могу.
 You are Not…Ok Here Come The Cops” She Replied. She Swallowed Once Again Not From The Sight But For Composure. The Only Time The Cops were Around Was When Daddy was Giving out envelopes, something About New drops, Laundry And Waste Removal But these Were not Daddy’s cops. No Matter. They will Take Orders Like The Others. She Began To Stand, Gather Her Nerve and Her composure...

“Wait…” He was Still Faint. She Began To Lean Over, Then halted. Thinking Better Of It. I Cannot Get Blood, Vomit, Or Ghetto On My Uniform. 

“I Can’t….”

Good evening. What The Issue Here?” The Cop Stood Over Her. He Looks young Maybe fresh Out of Recruitment With A High-Top Fade, similar To The Fresh Prince But He had More of A Dwayne Wayne Look. The Other Officer was Trailing Behind, relaying Message Over A walkie.

She thought Of Cracking a Smile, Then Thought Better. A Little Grain escaped Her Compose Expression.  “You Are Joking Right?” She Asked With Solemn Inquisitively. The Officer’s Nonchalant Approach Spring up another matter that bothered her from the onset, Why Is not Anyone Else Here. 

“Is He Shot? I think He IS Shot, Rob.” The Officer Tailing To The back Interjected. Dwayne Wayne, Apparently Named Rob Observed The Young Man Laying Out Clutching his Side. “Oh Yeah Seem So.”

“No Shit Sherlock. Isn’t That why you came” Sophie Interjected Then Immediately recoiled. Despite His Nerdy Look Officer, Rob was Tall, maybe 6’6, Slender Build. It Was Dark And The Only Comfort She Had Was Laid on His Back and without A Pay Phone In Sight Now May Not Be The Time For attitude.

“Sorry young Lady…” He Paused. Scrutinizing Her. “QC?” He asks.

She Nodded Apprehensively.

“You are Not from Around Here Are You?” Asked Officer Rob.

Again. Should I Where I do not Belong Here On My Forehead Or Something.  the hat was reckless. She rebutted with the authority of a mother correcting her child. “ahh…okay” He grimaced flashing the full breadth of teeth.


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