Let us Temper Our Expectations As We Enter The Quantum Realm.

"Time Works Differently In The Quantum Realm."—Antman. 

Will Marvel Phase Five serve as the status we sought in phase four? 

I think it Is Safe To Say Phase Four didn't Inspire Us To Say, "Wow." Too Much Unless, It's "Wow, That Sucked." 

All You Can Hope For In Phase And The First Movie Of Phase Five Ant-Man And The Wasp: Quantumania Marvel Has The Hype Machine Set To Overkill Doesn't Follow The Trend. So Far, I See Tragedy Blooming. Numerous Trailers, Several Off The Record Leaks, and Breakdown HAve Me Tuggung Back On My Initial Excitement. The First Screening Already Took Place, and We're A Week Out From The General Public Having a Viewing. Most POf Marvels trailers These Days Are Misleading. What's More, The More Trailer Thye Release Only Increase The Likely Hood You're Going Leave Bamboozled Or Disappointed. 

Let's Return To The Forgettable Phase Four. We All Can, All Movie Fans, Can Agree That Marvels Phase Four Didn't Impress. The Expectations Surrounding Phase We're Mild, At Least ForMe. Months After The Culmination Of Phase Four(4), I'm Left Wondering How I Think We're All Left Wondering how We Feel About The Direction Marvel Wants To Take The Most the World's Entertainment Interest. Phase Four Introduce a New For Style Of Programming, a Series Starting With The Ciltive Wanda Vision, Loki, Falcon and The Winter Soldier, Hawkeye(Why? oh Hailey Steinfeld), Ms. Marvel, Moon Knight(Ouu), But The Movie The Feature Films Drove The Marvel Machine And The Box Office Machine. Three Of The Top 10 Grossing Movies Of 2022 Belong To Phase Four(4). Starting with Dr. Strange and The Multiverse Of Madness, Wakanda Forever, And Thor Love And Thunder. Phase Four Stretches Back To 2021(Wow, Time Flies, With Kang, Of Course), With Spider-Man: No Way Home Setting The Pace Way Back When Marvel First Introduced The Concept Of The Multiverse That Finally Unraveling Nearly Two Years Later. 

Marvel Has Conquer The World Of Long Term Plans and Doing They Disrupted Their Sacred Timeline. The MCU shattered And Splintered All Their Ambitious and Imaginative Work Into Two States Of Work. 

I Really Only Followed Wanda's Vision On The Streaming Side Buy "No Way Home," Whiles Not Inoculated From Faults remained The Only "High Point" (For Me) Of the Phase. The Cmapiness Of All The Spider-Men, The Only Marvel Film That Successfully Introduced The Mighty Crossover appeal THe Multiverse Promised At The On Set. The Plot For The Latest Spider-Man Film Feels Flimsy. Peter Wants Everyone To Forget he's Spider-Man Because His Wildly adventure Somehow Became Difficult. The Kid Died In Infinity War, But Somehow, A Little Social Bullying Gets The Best Of Him. Parker And His Friends Also Get Rejected From MIT. Massachusetts Institute Of Technology Plays A Pivotal Role in Succeeded Marvel Movies. 

Dr.Strange Decide To Warp The Reality Of Their Universe In Response. 

Never TheLess That Thin Stripe Of Reason Provides The Basis For The Following Filmography. The Plots For The Rest Of Phase Four Had Ghost From Ant-Man Type Consistency.  

Thor: Love And Thunder. I think Gorr's Design As A Villian Felt Unique. I've Watched "Wakanda Forever" Twice, and I Still Don't Quite Know What I watched; not Much About The Movie Resonated. How Does A MIT Student(Protege Or Otherwise) Build a Vibranium Detector In What Every Time They Find? Wouldn't The Trial And Error Process Need Rigorous Refinement? I'm Not Saying what Riri Williams Can't Happen, but The Chances Are So infinitesimal. She'd Need A Team At Least To Map Out All The Work That Encompasses A Project Of That Nature. 

Marvel may get to that point as phase five progresses. 

"I Hope [The Audience]Gets Excited For What's Coming," Jonathan Major Said In A Sit-Down Interview With Fandango. 

I Am Excited. I'm Here For Those Here To Save Us From Big Name Hero Against Big Name Baddies, The Small Guy. The Guy With The Least Significance, Ant-Man. 

Marvel Introduces Ant-Man In A Solo Project In 2015. Good Movie, Mostly Engineered tO Introduce The Felon(ex-Con) Scott Lang, Portrayed By Paul Rudd, To A Larger Crowd Outside Of The Comic Book Aficionados. Scott Grew Weary Of Stealing Stuff Until He Received An Offer to Steal Some From a Highly Secure Government Compound. Marvel Demonstrates Scott's Ability To Control His Body Mass In His Suite OR As The Writer For The Guardian Put It, "Ant-Man nips nimbly back and forth between sizes," Thanks To Molecules Called "Pym Particles."

As We Learn That "Back And Forth" Has Conditions, Those Conditions Are That The Person doesn't Shrink Down To A Molecular Level From Which No One(Really One Person) Has Ever Returned To The Land Of Size Appropriate. 

Hank Constructed The Suit Build On The Premise That the Future Of Stealth Soldiers And War Itself Starts At The Sub- Terrain Atomic Level. Ant-Man Didn't Stop The Future In 2015; he Became The Future(In Some Ways). The Follow-Up Film Serve As A Ploy Device For the End Game. Still, Ant The Wasp Also Feature Great Character Development For Ant-Man And His Collection Of Cohorts. The Ant-Man Movies Themselves Have Great Continuity As Film And Film Quality. In Ant-Man Two We're Introduced To Janet Van Dyne, Hank Pims Lost In The Quantum Realm Wife, and Hope Van Pyne's (The Wasp) Mother. When We Meet, She'd Call The Roads and Whatever Exsist In the Real "Down Below" OF the Subatomic World Her Home Since The 1980s. In That Tome Four Decades Apart, Van Dyne Acted Heroically And Save The World. Unlike The Heroes Of Her Day Or The Near Future Of The Avengers, She Doesn't Receive Veneration Or A Government Subpoena; she Gets Lost. 

Down In The Basement In Beyond World Of The Sun Atomic Janet Receives Or Develops Special Powers—The Truth Remains A Mystery—Just Breathing Into The Sub Atomic Air Like The Fantastic Four And The Cosmic Rays They Absorbed. She(Van Dyke)Uses Telekinesis To Reach Out To Scott. Eventually, He Ventures Into The Quantum Realm To Retrieve Her. Now We Explore, Some of What She Experienced. Janet Takes A More Central Role In The Third Installment. 

Also, A lot Of Stuff Happen With The Government, Hank's Former Partners, And another Secret Human Weapon Name "Ghost." Ant-Man And The Wasp Set The Course For Undoing The Damage Created In The Aftermath Of The Blip From Infinity War. 

The Plot For Ant-Man Has Roots In Something We All Can Relate To In Some regard. Only Two Lost Years Most of Us Spent The Better Part Of A Year Lock Down Due To The COVID-19, We've All Lost Time. Some Us More Than Others Obvious Lost A Commodity We Can Never Retrieve Back. Unless Your Scott Lang. In The Quantum Realm, Time Works As Currency. No Commerce, No Exchange Can Take Place Without Time. The Premise Straight From Our Reality Taking Place In Another Dimension. We're All Tempted In Some Way To Cease The Hands Of Time for Ourselves. 

The Other Relations This Ant-Man Movie Shares With Covid, Variants, Multiple Variants Floating Everywhere. That's The Deep Mystery Of The Quantum Realm And Why Most Battle Happens "Down Here." How Much More Battery Can Earth 616 Take Before Everyone Succumbs To PSD. The psychedelic Style Background Of the Quantum Realm Provides Some Relief For The In And Out Of The Movie. 

I Thought Of Marvels Phase Four Like A False Start, A Learning, "Table Dressing." It's a Marvel, So Something Watchable And Mentionable Will Happen, But Very Little Entertainment or Story Structure, Just Camp And Gaffs. 

Ant-Man Lost Time Due To The blip That Knock Half Of Exsistenxe Out as Lang Simmering The Quantum Realm. The stakes are raised; this won't just be Another "Insect-sized" Adventure. The Quantum Realm Will have Its Mysteries Exposed. The Movies were Directed By Peyton Reed, The Director Of The First Two Ant-Man Films. One Of The New Faces Of Ant-man is Jonathan Majors, An Actor Whose Praises Far Exceed His Film Credits. 

"The Actor Of His Generation." Director Payton On Reed On Jonathan Major. Reed High Praise For Any Actor In Any Day, Major's Career Mostly Recently Breakout. That Hasn't Block His Talent From Praiseworthy-Ness.

 "The age of authenticity is upon us now," Major Told GQ Two Years Ago. 

GQ Magazine Bestowed Acclaim On Majors. His Appeal As "timeless" Quite The Congruent Appraisal Of Major's Talent. If You're Seeking other Appraisal Of Majors Skills, Look No Further Than Marvel Judgement. The Actor That Hails From Yale—Something You Don't Hear Often— Like Several Marvel Alumna Such As Angela Basset And Lupita Lupita Nyong'o. The Yale Connection and sauces Didn't Take Marvel To Major; Marvel Took His Imaginative Engineering Minds On A Ride. the Versatility He Displays When bringing "the characters of Kang To Life" With His "fully immersive, jovially inclusive form of Method acting." he's Made An Indelible Impression On Everyone Whose Casted Major, Casting Spell Binding Performance Unto The Inanimate Molds Of Characters Directors Set Forth Him.

"He is Nat Love. It's like Nat Love cast himself as Jonathan Majors." Director Jeymes Samuel Said Of Major's Ability To Absorb No Envelope A Character. 

This Ant-Man Movie "Lacks" The Traditional Share Volume Of Star Power We've Seen In Previous Marvel. Nevertheless, This First Entry of Phase Five Still Feels Staggering In Effect Because Of Kang. I mean, Paul Rudd, The Biggest, Most Prominent Name In The Fil, Feel Small When Juxtaposed With the Underlying Conflict Between Cassie Lang and Major Kang. Is She One Of The Incalculable Amount Of Ravvonas Kang Seeks Into Infinity? I Hope The "Falling" Into The Quantum Realm By Our Hero Doesn't Come Around an Accident But Instead is Engineered By Kang Or Janet. Accidence Are Too Formulaic for Marvel At This Point. Also, The Existence Of A "Resistance" Force against Kang Dampens My Expectations. The small Band Of "Heart Or Heavy Artillery" do It Yourself-ers Are.'

A Trope Well Played Out. Leave It In Phase two, Marvel. 

What's the Relationship Between the Quantum Realm And the Multiverse? According To the Emergency Awesome YouTube Page, the Quantum Realm Works Like A Blood Vessel, An Aorta Of Sorts For The Quantum Realm. How Did Kang Get Caught Down In The Quantum Realm? Is It a Cage For Him Or His Captives? How Many Kang Variants Are In The Quantum Realm? I Don't Believe It's One. Whose Opposing Kangs? "You Think You Can Beat Me?" Is Chronopolis The Epicenter Of The quantum Realm, And How Many Epicenters Are There? 


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