My Top 20 Players In The NBA Ahead Of 2021-22 Season.

With All Of This Football Going On--Both American And European-- There Has Been A Void, a Lapse Of Sort In Steady Basketball coverage; At Least Any Meaningful Basketball Coverage, If I Do Say So Myself. The Association Is Where All Of This “MM” stuff started.  Now, Give or Take A Post Or Two, Here Or there,  The Last I recall  Truly Opening My eyes And Giving The  NBA Having  A Solid “Rundown”, Studied Diagnostic on Its Valuation (by me) Was In  The Summertime perhaps. But what Does the NBA Owe Me Right, I Digress(ish).


Now That The  Preseason Has Revved Down And Regular Season Gearing up, What better time To Kick Competitive Play And Comprehensive Writing Back Into, well, “Play”.  Opening Night is Upon us. No better Time To “Peek In” right.


“I’m A More Than Just A Football Writer”, The Blogger Writer Ejaculates to His Critics With Conviction. “I Am A Sports Writer” He Adds With dignity. Sometimes You Have To Remind Yourself. “So Don’t Tell Me To watch Tom Brady And Shut Up!” He Finishes.



Summertime Is the Dribblers Delight (A Double Entendre You Might Just Like) and Dramatics Are The NBA’s Delicacy In the  Offseason. The Soap Opera In The Cities Has Had A Few tales To spin These Past Few Months. Kyrie Irving And The Fight Against The fight Against Covid. Ben Simmons, Burning His Bridges On His way Out Of Philly Only To Fly Back Over And Save Time Not trying To Rebuild Those Bridges, Because We All Agree, Philly Has Done Enough Rebuilding  I Suppose, Also Save His Money And quite Possibly His Career. Damian Lillard And The Blazers, A tale Of Devotion And Love, “A Requiem To Faithfulness”.


Not Only Are these Melodramas Three of the Stories I Combatted In Discourse To Great Extents  This Offseason, The Mentioning Of Such Gives Me Polite Means to Segway You Int My Other Writings(Shameless Plug) But They Highlight One Of The Damages  That “Drama” Brings To The Table. For All the Added Attention to The Offseason, The “Drama” Often Destroys or At least Over Shadows The Actually Play On The Court—in My opinion Of Course. But The NBA Has Contracts That require Content  And Simply put, Debts Don’t Pay Themselves.


Speaking of. This Is A New season And irrespective Of what Challenges The Past Two Seasons may have endured,  Not Much Has Changed Despite The “Deltas” That Have Invaded The Environment. The NBA Player Hierarchy Has Been Challenged But The Pillars Of The NBA So Still Mostly Stand Toe-to-toe  And Appear to Be  Unshaken. I Love Sports. For The Competitive Value And The Theatrics Are A Necessary Evil At Times But That’s Periphery. The NBA Is A Sport Where Individual Minds Are forced To Play A Team Game. Player’s Battle for Status, contracts, And The rights To play with each Other resulting In Some Odd Counterintuitive Measures And Couplings in The League.


Player Rating Don’t Reflect On Their Status Amongst the League’s titans.  This Is My Evaluation Of Things That Will Of Course Differ From The Standard, as It Should But You’ll find “familiar” Names And the Like Bridging the Top Ten With The Surging second wave, the Covid Play On words Is Soon To Be Retired.

Preamble In Place Top 20 Players As We enter The NBA Season.

20) Damian Lillard-

Lillard Will Have A lot To contend With If Portland Does Contend early And Often This Season. His Capacity For Scoring Must Or May Have To Evolve To accommodate The Burgeoning Play of His teammates. Can Lillard Move Into More Of The “traditional” Point guard role? The Toll For The Offenses’ Effectivity Will Still Run As His  Responsibility And bombs First should Be The  Approach To The Game. But A Given emphasis To distribution For The betterment of Portland Or at least the trade Prospects.


19) Trae Young-

Trae Young, The villain Had a Coming Out Party This past Season But There Are More Coming Out Party To Be Barrelled Out In barrages and Blast. “Who gonna press ‘em the Fastest? (who?)”-Quavo, Migos. This Could Be An MVP-Like Season For Trae Young, Yes M-V-P, And If The Hawks Threaten A Weaken Brooklyn Nets Team At The Top Of The East The rewards Are all his.


18)Julius Randle-

The Most Improved Player In the League Form Last Season Is Back To Lead The Knicks Into Another Playoff Berth For The Second Year In A Two. Randle Is One Of The Few Player Who Does About Everything And More His Team, Points, Rebounds, And Assists Active Defense. The Hawks Stifled His Offense And The Knicks Chances At Advancing Beyond The First Round Now Can The Most Improved Player Improve Again.


17) Kawhi Leonard-

Kawhi Has Been The Fallen Sharp From Heights Of His Championship Glory Of Two Years Ago And Though The celebration Of Toronto Was vivid One The Memories Begin To fade. Coming Of An Injury That Ended An Historic Run For He And The Clippers There are Some Questions As to How The 30 Year Old Will Regain His Form And How much s Left In The Tank.



16)James Harden-

Making Any Deduction About Harden Has Never Been As Hard As It’s Going To Be Moving Forward. He Is Never Had To come Off Of An Injury This Significant. Injuries Have Benched Him Say All Of His First seasons In. Brooklyn Say Playoff Series Against The Bucks’ He is as Never Played An extended Period With This Version Of Kevin Durant Whose Ball Dominance Did Win Him Over with the last Team And Whose Passivity(At times) Hasn’t Won Him Anything since. Harden Is Going to Have To Learn To Play In Rhythm To Durant’s lead. When The Swing Man Wants To Play It One On One And He wants To Differ. Reading And Adjusting To That Style Full time Could Prove Crucial. Judging, Evaluating Harden into 2022 Without entangling Brooklyn’s Other Stars Isn’t Possible. From The top, The Precipice Is Deep Ravine That Swallows Whole.


15)Jaylen Brown-

The Celtic Two-way Swing Man Is the Best Of His Kind In League Circles. It’s Clear He hAs Pushed Passed The Others who Ware Gifted Such Acclaim But and Despite A Nagging Setback That Halted A Leap For Brown The Celtic Second Star Has shown Near Galatic Sweeps On The Year To Year Progress Bar. Brown was Locked Into A Career Year Before A Wrist Injury Shelved Him Near The End of The Season. It Ended A Idea Of the Celtics Competing in The East. Part Of Placing Brown A top 15 Is Projections. His Averages Have Climbed Steady Across The Board Since His Rookie Season. At 25 Brown is Entering His Prime.


14)Nikola Jokic-

The League Least Likely MVP Is Nikola Jokic. At 6’11 284 The Serbian Jokic Isn’t Physically Imposing. The Mammoth Of Man With Domineering And Demeaning Scrawl That Adds Depth And Roots To His Ruthlessness. The Serbian Center Doesn’t “make Guys feel Him” Or Tear and Torrent At The Rim anytime That He Is Within Six feet Of The Basket. Jokic Has A Planetary Orbit About Him. Nuggets Players Cycle In and Out of Domain On Low Block and The Mid-post, where Joki Operates and Uses His Eye And gravity To Manipulate The Object withIn His field Of Vision. It all uses Finesse, Guile, And some flamboyance. Jokic Lead the Nuggets in Points, Rebounds Assist, Usage, PER, And Nearly Every Stat That Wasn’t Defense Orientated. There Just Aren’t Enough Player Who Can do that Much for Their Team And Look Mostly indifferent About It.




13)Brandon Ingram-


BI’s Growth And Productivity Was hampered In LA when He Played With Two Of The Largest “Egos” In The Sport, in separate season Ofcourse. He would Have No Growth Had he Played With Kob And Lebron concurrently. The New Orlena’s Offense Is going To The Play Through Him And The Far Reaches of His Abilities Are Going To  Put Forth And Put To The test. There are Assumptions About How Much He Is Accomplished For All The Talent He Posses And He Hasn’t Played A Playoff Game Yet Neither An All-Star And There Are Many Mantle To His Credit, Say A Rookie Second Team And Being two Years Removed From A Most Improved Player Award In 2020. All I Know Id He Has Sustained An Average of 23.8 points Per Game In Back To Back Seasons And That Was Good Enough for 20th In The League. His Player Efficiency Rating Is Up, So Is His Assist Percentage And His Turnover Percentage Is Down Whiles His Usage Rate Remains Unchanged And He Is Pushing For That 40% Percent Clip from Three.


12)Anthony Davis-


The Lakers Are Anthony Davis’ team, Of Course, That’s If Davis Can Stay On-Court Long Enough To lead The Tinsel Town Back To The Title. Davis First Season In LA Was A Follow Up Of Near MVP Level Play In 26 Points, 9.3 Rebounds, And 2.3 Blocks when The Power Forward Went Down with A Back Injury His Absence Was Felt. No Other Lakers Line Up Could Produce Near the Same Level of Production. His Averages Dipped Last Season 21.8 Points, 7.8 rebounds, and 1.6 Blocks In 36 Games, both (Blocks And Games Played) The Lowest Of His Career. For LA, The Team Is Only as Good As AD’s Healthy Is. Good, Being That He is The Most the Talented Big In The NBA But Davis Will Be 29 Come March, And Health Rarely Improves Into The thirties.


11) Zach Lavine-

It Appeared For A Some Time, Even Before Lavine Jetted Minnesota And  Landed in the Windy City That The Former Slam Dunk Champ  Would Always Be Hovering—which  He Does So Gracefully---Between The Basketball Realms Of The Kobe Bryant And The Vince Carter. One end, The Talented Prodigy Who Never Let Greatness Be The Benchmark But Instead Maxed Out His Talent and Found Untainted Land In The Game To Chart Out. On The Other End The Uber Talented Highly Capable Swingman Who, No Matter What He Accomplished Always Seemed As If He Were holding Back As If There were More He Could Give. With The Swift Quickness with Which he Move Lavine Has Put Together Three Consecutive Season Of 20 Plus. Gradually Mounting Upon Levels Like Tetris 23.7, 25.5, and 27.4 Last Season. Lavine Hasn’t Played More Than 70 Game Since His Rookie But He Has Morphed His Game From A Slasher And Slammer To Offense Deft Bobby Fisher Of Basketball, Having All The Moves and He Is More Than Capable. Lavine 45% from The field and 40% From Three Better Than Others At His Position.



10)Bradley Beal –

I Must Admit I Have Been Mildly surprised At The Transformation That Bradley Beal Has Undertaken These Past 3-4 For Seasons give Or Take. Coming Out of Florida in 2012, yes I Have been watching his Career Ascent Since The Billy Donavan And Patrick Young Days. I Thought He’d Be At best A Decent Fourth or fifth Tier Two Guard. Great Off Ball Screens, real JJ Reddick Type. And  It Appeared At Times in his First Four Season He would, At Least,  Throw My Assumptions To The Wall And Give Or Take a growth Spurt Even Meddle with Stardom. Then He’d Suffer A Injury Or Lapse In production. In 2018-19 He Played His Second of A Full 82 Games of basketball Beal Averaged Around 25.6 Per Game, it’s Still His Most Productive Season As far as totals go(2099 Points Scored) And I thought, He May Finally be Prepared To Support John wall And Help Lead  The Wizards Forwards. Beal Surged up out From Behind The Wall. Beal Has Averaged More Than 30 The past two seasons. Defending Him One On One On A wizards Team Devoid Of Any Other Gravity That Pulls Attention Away From Himself Is The Mightiest Feat In the NBA Right Now. There Were Times Last Season When Beal Appeared Visibly distraught About The Teams Failure to Succeed despite His Production But if He Continues To Play Like The Best Offensive Player In the League This Wizards Team which Should Be Amongst the Worst In The League May Continue To Push Themselves into Playoff Position.


9)Joel Embiid-

If There Is Or Could Be, A Catalogue Of All The ways Basketball Player’s Defy The Reaches Of What is Known Of General Physic And Human Physiology, In The Pursuit To Surpass One Another In-Play Then The Files On Whom Amongst Them Exceed the Greatest Should Read Into The Bleeds Of The Angular But Massive, Lissome But Forceful Joel Embiid. Embiid’s Play And the Script That follows May Demand A Book  In The annals Of Anomaly And Anatomy Because He Is In Grouping Of Himself and He Alone. Embiid Is A Freak Of Nature, The Most Dominant Big In The Game Since Prime Dwight Howard, Shades Of Tim Duncan, And David Robinson With Extra Dipping Sauces. The Only Big Man In Recent Memory Who Can Beat His Chest And Boost Prolific In the Paint And Outside The restricted Area. The MVP Runner could Be A Locked in To Make Another At The Trophy. Forth In Points Per Game(28.5), Second In Player efficiency Rating(30.32), His 37% From Beyond The Arc is Better Than Devin Bookers. Embiid League The League In Usage Rate In The Regular Season(35.2) And Second I the Playoffs(35.1)  Amongst Regular Starters. In A Guard Driven League, Few Teams Have The Luxury To Build Around A Big Man Who Can Take Defenders Off The Dribble On The Perimeter. The injury Concern Will Most Likely Continue To Mount But What Embiid Has Exemplified Through The Playoffs And In The Atlanta Series He Can Be Dominant Through Pain And Average 33.3 Points.


8) Devin Booker-

Believe it Or Not, Devin Booker Is About To enter His Prime And That Means We Could Be In Tow To Witness A Greater Elevation In  His Game, Which Would be Seismic When We Consider The  Recent Run On 40 point Performances And The Sun’s Run To The Finals With He And Chris Paul Nearly Punching The Teams Ticket To The Chip And Bookers Near Unchallenged Offensive Acuity. At 24 The Kid Is Already One Of the NBA Champion Household Names And That’s All Credit To Drake Shout Outs. Booker Is Coming off Of a Season Where Averaged 25.6 Points And Playoffs Where He Averaged 27.3 Shaking And Shooting Is What Fans Love Most About The Game Of Basketball And Few Do It Better Than D-Book. Book Should Look To Improve His Three-Point Rate This Season. Somehow Book Has  Never Shot Over  Greater Than 35% Form Beyond One Aspect If Any The player Who As Most been Compared To Kobe. Nevertheless,  it’s Unquestioned as One Of The Best Shooters In The Association


7) Giannis Antetokounmpo-

The Two NBA MVP, Time defensive Player of The Year, Finals MVP, And Most Improve Player Giannis Has Really made A Name On the Boards for Himself. Accolades Abound And Believe it or Not He Is Only 26 Years old Entering His Eighth Season. The One-Man Fast Break A Built Comparable to A Young Tim Duncan and Play Style Reminiscent of Scottie Pippen dimensions that Probably rival Mr. fantastic. Antetokounmpo Has Never Placed Limits On The Strides His Game  Can Take Nor The  Strides He Takes To the rim.  Coming off Of A Championship win Present A brand New Challenge To The Greek Freak who Has Answered The Call of All the Other Challenged Set Forth. But before he can Return To The Top He Needs to break Down At The Bottom. Giannis Is Also Coming off of A Season Where He Shot 30% Form the Three-Point Line 68.5% Form free Throw—free-throw Shooting is Usually The Most Transferable Model For Shooting Extrapolation. His Mechanics Looked Improved In Some Spots During the Preseason Perhaps given That teams will let him Shoot At His Leisure. His Is Still closer to Mechanical Than A fluid Motion.


6) Lebron James –

Lebron James Has Ostensibly Lost A Step or Two. To His Credit, He Had A Step Or Two To Give. His Game Has Been ahead of The League For More Than A Decade Now. Last We Saw of King James He was laboring A woefully Inept, Rudderless Lakers Team Through A First Round Battle With The Suns. The Lakers Would Ultimately Fall and Defeat Would Be Lebron’s First round exit in Hos Career. The king Only Managed 45 Regular Season Games for The Lakers Which Was Only a Slight Improvement in Availability during His First Season in LA. Lebron Has Been Hampered by injury Since He Arrived in LA. Looking at His Game the Stats were Down All across the Board Last Season, Though 27/7/7 Splits Are Nothing To Scoff At. He Has tailored His Game To become More Dept in the Paint. His Free Throw Attempts Are Down Meaning He Is Not Being Aggressive. His focus is Shifted to Load Bearing. How Much Does Post MVP, World Best Player Lebron Have Left In The tank? That’s What We’re Going To Find Out.


5) Stephen Curry-

The Second Act of Steph’s Career, Is Scripted Like All Plays of It Kind. It is Hinged on The Doors Of The Season Before It And How He Intends To Apprehends The Play Style He is Put Into Action A Season Ago. Come March Steph Will Be 34, “The Baby Faced Asinine” Hasn’t Lost Either Attribute of That Moniker but This Season Will Be the Post Physical Prime for A Player Who May Have Missed His Physical Prime entirely. Never Genetically Gifted, The Injury Concerns That Tethered Itself To Steph Hasn’t Been the Nagged They Have Been for Him in The Past and Steph’s Lower gravity Game of Deep Bomb, Silent Snipes And whistling wipes And Wheeling’s With The Ball Are Still The Bags And Its Expected To be Just As Mesmerizing. Last Season Curry Averaged a Ridiculous 37.5 Per/40 (Points Per 40 Minutes.) For Comparison, Lebron James averaged 28 Points in That Vein In His Age 33 Season. The return Of Klay Thompson Intimates That Curry’s Usage Rate Won’t Be So High but Another MVP-Like Could Be in Play.


4) Luka Doncic-

The Mavericks Made No qualms About Making Luka The Face Of The Franchise the Moment The Secured His rights On Draft Night 2018 And To their Credit, He Hasn’t Disappointed. Doncic hasn’t Average A Baseline Of 20/5/5 Each Season Each Of His three The NBA. Those Aren’t The Accurate Figures, It’s More Like, 25.7 Points, 7.7 assist And 8.4 Rebound Securing Doncic Verbiage Amongst The Greats Such As Lebron James  And Magic Johnson.  Watching Luka Play He’s Not Quite Exceptional At Any One Aspect of The Game. His Mechanics Are “Flawless” for A 6’7 Guard, with Beyond The Deep Range But His Three-Point Shooting Has been At Best 35%. His  Usage Rate Is 36.5 % Is Ridiculous But Luka Operates As the Mavericks Primary Offensive Conductor And distributor Flanked by A Number Of Capable Wings  And Guards Who Spell His Ball Dominant Playstyle. Despite being 6’7-6’8, He is Not Physical Imposing. He Does Not Blow Guys To Get To the Rim. He Is Just A Gamer. With Jason Kidd At The Helm of the Dallas Coaching Staff The Offense Coach Kidd Implements could Lift The Slovenian swingman’s Game To Even Greater Heights




3) Zion Williamson-

The Freight Train with Extra Boost in Throttle And Another Gear To Kick into. The Former Number 1 Pick Zion Williamson Is About To enter To His Leap year. Injuries Arrested Him with Limitation in His First-year But Bonuce Backed and Zion Put Himself Squarely In Placed To Be Mention Amongst The Best. He Had the Pels in Playoff Contention for A Short while Last Season And There Is No Telling What Could Be With Or If The injury Bug Doesn’t Play A visit, speaking Of Which, ZionHas A foot Injury NA d Will Miss Some Time At the Beginning Of The Season. I Have Seen A top players list, some have listed Zion Outside of the Top 20 Others List near the End Of It. My Ranking is based on 2021-22 Projections. Zion was 8th In Scoring last Season with Most of His Damage Coming in the Paint or On the Fast Break. Has His Jumper Improved… No, But even A Mild Leap Towards Average Shooting Could.



2) Jayson Tatum-

I’ll Be The One to Break New Ground Within The Association’s Discourse Arena when Distill That I Have Been Convinced For Some Time now That Jayson Tatum Is the Most Offensively Gifted Player In the Game And He Prove Me True, Or Better Prove This Inconvertible This Season And He Nearly Did So Last Season. The Celtic Swing Man Has Put a lot Of into His Game. In His Years In League, He Is Added some 15-20Lbs of muscle Consequently Striping Him of His Ability To Blow By defenders And Elevate Over Big But In Surplus Gifting Him Strength To Finish After Contact And over Power defenders On The Block. Beyond The Verbiage, not too Many Players can Get in Their Bag Like Tatum. An Angelic ball Handler Who Can bedevil Defenders with Swift Jabs and Dribble Isolation, Sidestep United with Sweep Moves, It’s a Lustrous Sight When Tatum Is On The wing In isolation, Which He Operate In 60% Of Time. Moves Straight Out of The Curry Handbook, But He Is 6’10. Tatum’s Account for More Than 30% Of his Teams fields Attempted, which He Puts to Good Use as He Also Accounts For 30% Of their Points.  Kevin Durant is The Most offensively Effective player no doubt But Tatum Is the Most Offensive Proficient.


1)Kevin Durant-

Three Centimeters. That Is All It took. Three Centimeters Of A 6’11 Man, Who was roughly 23.9 feet Away From His Target. His Projectile A 9.43/9.51 Ball, Thrust at a speed of just under 20 miles per hour and two revolutions per second of spin Towards A targeted backboard 6 feet (183 cm) wide by 3.5 feet (107 cm) tall And A basketball rims 18 inches (46 cm) in diameter. Those Are Some Of The Number That Represents The Difference Between Kevin Durant And A NBA Title, And That’s Just About That Much Space Between He And The field Seeking To Seize The Top Spot for 2021. The Other Number That Defines Kevin Durant, 26.9 Points Per Game, 50% Percent Feild Goal Shooting And 45% from Three, 111.71 Offensive Rating And 30.3 Usage Rate. Plainly, This Is Kevin Durant. He Is Been Near The Top Of The League In Scoring Since His Second Season And Nearly Single-Handedly Took The BUcks To The Finals. He Is the Best Player In the world. What More Can be Said Than That.






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