Spiderman: No Way Home. Marvel For All The Marbles… Then Another Time After.

Spiderman “No Way Home” Could Be The Ground-Breaking Film of Phase Four?



“It will Be There if You Look.”

Somewhere In Between The Iron Man Suit, The Gauntlet, The stones,  The Snap, The Blip, The Unsnap Or Re-Snap(?) And The Unbilb Or re-Blip And The Skrull, The Contentious Egos, The Division, the Shield,Choose A Side. The Incomprehensible Damage Superheroes Create, The Responsible To Citizen. Their Litany of Personal Choices. The References To Vague Objects And Planetary Systems To Be Introduced In Movies To Be Anticipated. And Finally The Deaths(Sacrifices). This List Is Not In Chronological Order But that’s How It Felt.

And There Is The Foundation For Phase 4 Of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Phase 3 Ended with Spider Far From Home. Tom Holland’s Peter Parker, reluctantly Steps Into The Shoes of A Falling Tony Stark. As Marvel Adherents, Not Fans, We Get Our First Glimpse Of Regularity In A World Returning To Regularity; After The Events of Avengers: End Game.

“The film is a direct continuation of ‘Avengers: Endgame,’ so we deal with the ramifications of ‘the blip,’ of the death of Tony Stark, ” Tom Holland.

Parker Continues to Grow Into His role as The World’s Exceptional Wall Crawler And Into His Life s A teenager. Far From Home Begins Where We Left off.

Nick Fury Invites Parker To Join Him on A Mission, a New form Of Foe Is Menacing Countries around The Globe And The Avengers Are; See End Game For Further Information. Parker Rejects in favor Of A School Vacation. He’s Noticeable inconsolable After the Events of Endgame, But His testicular fortitude Wouldn’t Allow Him To Say. As The Movie Progresses, Parker eventually reveals His Desire Break Away from “Superhero-ing” And, Above All Else, Open Up His Life And Time to M.J. His “feelings.” for Michelle Jones,  not confused with the Mary Jane Watson of earlier Spiderman projects, Will Prove Consequential.


Far From Home, finds  Parker, In Marvel’s Third Installment To revive The Titular Character’s Persona away from the Moody, Awkward Spidey’s To The “Physicality” Of An Action Hero, Tagged along with  Mysterio. A Persona, simply Described As A “super-powered individual,” who Parker Come To Confide.  Jake Gyllenhaal played it. Mysterio reveals Himself, Subvert the Magician and Superhero Code,  As A Superhero who Bring An Element of “Mystery” To The Story. He Has A Fish Bowl As A Helmet, Coming Straight From The  Alt Universe, Where creatures called elementals, who Have Faces, A Point To Note,  Are Breaking Through The divide.


It's Personal for Quentin Beck (Mysterio’s Real Name, amateur Hour Anyone), Somewhere In the Boundless vacuum Of The Multiverse,  the four Elementals killed his family and destroyed his civilization. Mysterio’s mastery of illusion Is Not The Right Touch for the Situation At Hand.


After Fury Fails to Enlist Parker, He Orchestrates Events and Planned Schedules To “Coincidentally” Place Parker In Prague, The Place, Beck So Convincedly Predicts the Last Remaining Elemental will Appear.

Parker And Beck Dispatch with the Final Elemental, the Fire One—with The Face.

With Parker Serving as Starks titular Successor, Fury Again Obliges Parker To take control of The E.D.I.T.H. (Even Dead I’m The Hero, A Noted Starkism), the Artificial Intelligent Network that controls The Stark interstellar Arsenal, Neatly hidden in An Innocuous pair of Classes. Parker Bulks. It's Too Much responsibility for a Teenager(16-Year-Old). Especially a Love Stricken one. Spidey Suggest That Beck Takes Hold Of Earth's safety. A Planet, A Reality, Beck Is Only Now Becoming Acquainted within The Few story Boards of The Film. Parker Transfers The Artificial Intelligence Network System to Mysterio. If You Had Becks Superhero Persona  Was too Hollow For a Marvel Feature hero, You would Have Been Right. Afterward, Beck reveals fish Bowls Are Sinister apparatus constructed By Men For Global Mind Control, but Beck Is A Fraud.




He, alongside A Group Of ex-Stark Industries employees, Have Been working Behind sense On A world deception. He was using superhero Personas To Infiltrate Stark Industries And Cement Themselves Atop The Industries giants. Beck got fired from his position as Stark's holographic-illusions specialist for his unstable nature.



His Specialty In advanced projectors, He simulated his powers and the Elementals And The Effects their Issuant was Having on the Cities. It's Safe To Assume His Profile About the Multiverse and Family Was Fetter With Falsities As Well. With The E.D.I.T.H. In To W Beck And. Co. Intend To Use the weaponized orbital drones to increase the scale of his illusions and fraudulently establish himself as an Avenger-level hero.


 Beck’s six years Planning Is Happen Upon By Happenstance.


M.J. Discovers The Image emitter For The Air Elemental.  Parker Takes On Beck.   



In A Struggle For The Weapons Array System, Spiderman Wins A Mostly Anticlimactic battle.


The Only Critical Caveat Is Parker’s identity Revealed. The E.D.I.T.H. Returns to Spidey, Stark’s Rightful Successor.


The Film Was A Box Office Success, But That was A Given. Phase One earned The Once Defunct Studio 7 billion. Phase 2 and 3 15.2 Billion Between The Two Epochs Comic Storytelling. Despite A Washout here And there.  The second Marvel Spidey Tale, Mild In Terms Momentous Moments, Voluminous in Terms of reception,  Like Ant-Man, Which Ended Phase Two. Spider Far From Home, The Film Serves To Reset The Order Of The World(s), If Not A Little Shuffled, Minus A few Key Characters.  




Of course, Before Marvel Infuses And Reshuffles.  The Film Was An opportunity for Marvel to Explore the Depths of CGI Processors. The New, Not so Nuovo De-aging Technology Will Prove A Critical Facet Of The Third Spidey Film. Marvel  Excessive Use Of CGI Garnered The Studio, Some Round of Censure from  Critics. CGI Implementation, even Excessive, demonstrates Forethought That Has earned Marvel Its Near Unflinching Grasp of The Attention Of All Who Trespass Onto Their Universe. Great looking Out On Marvel Favreau’s part.


Furthermore, The Film deepens The Humanization Of Parker‘s Character. He And M.J. Begin Dating.  The Film Introduces  The Concept Of The “Multiverse” Alluded To In The Dr. Strange film. Mysterio was A Fraud, And So Too His Story.  But The Concept, The  Multiverse remains a weighted Part Of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.


Accurate Beyond the Four Avengers Films. Think How The  Vibrainium From The Iron Man And Captain America Films Link Forward To Black panther.



Marvel  Scripts Their Movies  In This Way, Particularly phases 2 And 3.





 Films Bleed Into Each Other. “With one film’s narrative dovetailing with the next, no MCU addict can afford to miss a movie.” Spiderman Far From Home serves As Both The Conduit To Phase 4 And The Cut Off Point.


 Phase 4 Began Where Few Expected It too, On Streaming Services. Wanda Vision, Loki, Falcon, And the Winter Soldier. All These Titles Put Marvel Characters In Fresh Format Out Of The Dimly Lit Corridor of The Larger Of Storyline And Into the Spotlight, Seemingly Extricating Themselves  From the Timeline That Birthed them Before Ultimately Thrusting Them Back In The Marvel Cinematic Universe. The Change Of Pace Gave Marvel A Chance To Boost Revenue For Their Streaming, Channeling Their Recognizable Faces In Their Franchise Into A Steadier Trickle Of Storyline, Not As The Blockbuster The Studio has churned Out like Trap Songs.  And Its team of Creators is A Moment To “reboot” After A Decade Of Constantly surpassing Themselves.





 No Matter.  What The Quality Of Marvel’s Foray Into Streaming.  It's admirable to witness Marvel Executive Not Basking In the Showers Of Praise And Diluting Themselves  Into Believing The Runoff Success Would Carry On with locomotive momentum, without Having To Change Gears, but Continuing into the “stringently produced, tightly interlocking Marvel domain.” Taking A the Risk On Streaming is  Simple Another Shrewd Move By A Company Still Seeing The Bigger Picture Despite Setting Industry Standards.





The Global Pandemic Skewed Marvels Nearly Unchallenged Timeline Just a Bit.  The Cinematic Introduction of Phase 4 Begin Took To Combat with “Black Widow.” A Standalone Origin story For Natasha Romanoff, A character Introduced in Iron Man And Famed Tagging Along with Cap’s Shadow. Nevertheless, Powered by The Sexualization(Let’s Be honest here) And The Star Power of Scarlett Johansson, the role develop the Character Gradually over the years.  By The Point The Black widow Film was released,  Natasha Romanoff was already dead due To The Events Of Avengers End Game. The Plot Predates The Events of the Infinity Saga. The Origin Story Feels More like an “Apology,” “We Meant To Do this Earlier But Nevermind, Here It Is.”


A script  And A Film lost In The Grander Tapestry of The Universe.


 The Movie gets  Overshadow By Scarlett Johansson’s Spat with Disney Studio Over Handling Of The Movies Streaming Licensing. And Romanoff’s Pseudo-Sister, Yelena Belova, Now  Positioned To Supersede the elder In The Marvel Continuity.



Black Widow Ends, for Now.



Phase 4 Follows up with  “Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings.” Starring Shimu Liu.  The Films serves as Marvel's Spin On A Marshall Art Film with The Added Benefit Of Mythical Elements Augmenting The Stars abilities And The Films Appeal, further Underscoring,  The Critical Consternation About Marvel’s Excessive Use of CGI. The Film earned Remarks For Being “tedious,” “Mediocre,” “trope-Heavy” Films. The Film Is A Forgettable royal Rumble With CGI.



To that point, Phase 4 remained Increasingly Innovative And Diversified but Mostly Unremarkable. Until “Eternals.”



“Eternals,” released In Early November, Chronicles the Lives Of godlike humanoids with Attributes And Titles Derived Directly from Greek mythology.  A Mostly Marginalized Number In the Comics, Eternals Were One of Jack Kirby’s Underwhelming Works, Somewhat Leftovers From His Year With DC Comic, which Also Uses Mythology With Their Plotlines.  Marvel's Latest Feature is a dozen new characters, time Trips, Sex Scene, And reveals a previously unknown origin of the human species.




The films Plot; A Grouped  Known As Celestials Created All intelligent life in the universe, this, Of course, Included Humans.  Despite,  Intelligence, Humans Remained Vulnerable To Life forms Known As Predators. All Other conditions of Life Remain Unclaimed. The Celestials Created Beings Known As Deviants to protect humans from predators. No, wait for I.T.


In  A Mostly Unironic  Twist Of Fate, Straight of The Jeff Hardy PlayBook, The Deviants Become Discontent With This standing. The  Amorphous Beings who Range Form Animal Like creature To Humanoid Like Giants  “rebel,” hence the Name Deviants.


 Was the Name “deviants” was It  Assigned To the Group before Or After The Rebellion? That Unclear  But There is A Foreboding Piece of trivia.



The Deviants Themselves Move Into The Role As Predators And Became Malicious Towards The Frail Humans, They Once Protected.



“Eternals” were created As A Defensive Countermeasure As Well As a Heavenly Form Of Guidance And Correction. Throughout History Have Interfere in The Course Of Human History. Purposely Guiding the Frail Ones Through Evolution and inspiring The Human Mythology That spawned Their Very Lives.



It All Makes sense when you Focus On the Special Effects And Fight Scenes.


The Movie features 10 Eternals, chief Amongst Them Is Ikaras, Sersi, Their Leader Ajak.  

The  Largest Ensemble in the Marvel Universe. The Infinity saga And Those Akin Are Crossovers.



Eternals Is More A Attempt to Revive The Fails “Inhumans” concept Originally conceived During The Roll Out Of Phase 3.


Approaching A breathtaking three Hours in length, the “Eternals” Archives Several “Criterions” For Marvel. It Reintroduces Some Form of Group Dynamics, That For The Most Part Remained Unhinge After Civil War. In The Films Credits, We get A Glimpse Of The Character Known As “Black Knight,” Who Served as One of the members of The Avengers In the Comics.


The Original Black Night.  A villain.  The Credits Intimate That The One Kit, Harington Of Game Of Thrones Fame, will Star As May Brandish the Role oF A hero Or Anti-hero Style Of Character.


Dr. Strange Like, since A Villainous Model Rarely Develops Into Herodom But instead Treading The Unsavory Line Between Both. Finally, The blend “science fiction And Myth” Eternals is suffused in science fiction more than any Marvel film before it. Similarly, Too  Black Panther, A Movie That Fuses both Forces, But  Eternals Have Better Luck Balancing  And Accommodation of Both Sides. The Science fiction of Black Panther Bordered On Near lunacy and The Mythology become  Somewhat Over Bearing.


Marvel May want to consider Leaving Mythology Alone.   Otherwise, The Eternals And Phase 4 cultivate the many Elements And the Foundation That the Marvel Cinematic Universe has teeters. Because With Every Marvel Movie, “what comes next is more important than what just happened.”


“No way Home.”


For six years, Marvel And Sony Have Had Joint custody Of the Spiderman Film franchise. Spidey ingratiated himself Into The Marvel Cinematic Universe, first Appearing In Captain America Civil and Spiderman: Homecoming In 2015. Them Later In Phase 3 films Like  “Avengers: Infinity War,” “Avengers: Endgame,” and “Spiderman: Far From Home.”



This After Sony failed To Inspire Reverence For The Spiderman Character In Its Final Three Attempts To rebrand the Character. Those would Be The Cult Classics, Starring Tobey Maguire, and The Forgettable Double Dosage Od  Andrew Garfield.



That’s where Marvel Succeeded, Though under The Glare of Sony. Marvel earned Praised for its  “reclamation” of Peter Parker Not To Mention The Box Office Put Out. Sony purchased movie rights to Spider-Man before Disney Caught The Hots for Marvel Comics and its intellectual property. The two studios have collaborated as Spider-Man, As Sony continues to develop their own Spidey-verse. The relationship Has been Rocky and narrowly Threatened To stifle The Continuation The Spidey, played by Mr. Holland,  Tom Holland. The British Actor, Only 19 when he first appeared as Spider-Man,  became his generation’s most prominent leading man. Of the five movies, four have made more than a billion dollars to Launch Holland’s career to Near Astronomical Levels.



Now Sony Is focused on Its Own Cinematic Universe Strengthened By the Success Of Venom And The Universally celebrated “Into the Spidey verse.” Marvel's final Installment of Spiderman  No Way Home the Stakes is even higher. For several movies, Marvel has been establishing Holland as the new center of Marvel’s World, Starks Heir Apparent, Remember, “Iron Man Risk.” Propagated The Marvel Universe On The Studio’s Governing Body Belief that Iron Man Was Popular Enough To Spearhead The Organizations Vision.



 The Marvel And Sony “multiverses” Are Set To Collide in Some Way Or Form.




The Result Would be This Continuity of  Spiderman Converging With The Stories Of Sony’s Universe Or Fading Into Oblivion Like Some gut-wrenching Reply of The Blip from the Infinity war. Whatever The Case, Holland Could be A Passed Part  Of Either Course.



As of This Writing, His Contract As Spiderman Expires As of This Film. Meaning either this Peter Dies  Or The Sprite Complications of Eternals Introduced (You Like That?), Only Served As A precursor of Things To Come.


The Film Initially Had a Scheduled Date for July 2021, But  Will Now Hit Theatres Dec 17th, Less than A Month.

Releasing. The Content Of Which Seeks To Combined And Expand Holland’s, Spiderman Lore. Picking Up After The events of “Far From Home”(Interesting), Mysterio Reveal Peter Parker  As Spiderman.



Which Complicates Things Now That  Parker’s Two Lives Must Coexist But The cohesion Isn’t Possible. Parker Gets Harassed, His face All Over the City’s Digital Billboards; New York Has a few of Those. Parker Becomes Public enemy Number One. Spiderman, Now  Suspected Of Murder of Mysterio, “Listen, I did Not Kill Mysterio. The Drone did It. ” But They Are Parker’s Drone.  It’s An “Irreconcilable Situation.”


Parker Seeks Out Dr. Strange. Hoping t Fix All of this.  The Sorcerer Supreme Is A Hermit After The Infinity Saga, But He And Parker Are On Name To Name basis. The Circumstance dangling Along Parker’s web Slinging life Requires A Mythical solution or A Legislative One, But what fun is That.


As Doctor Strange Begins casts the Spell, That will Undo The Aftermath of All “Far From Home.” Parker Relents. Peter Ponders The Ramifications of his Dalliance With Witch Craft. Yes, The Spell Proposed Would Undo “far from home” Entirely. Parker’s Interferences Created a  Space-Time Void Or Black Hole. Nobody, including M.J., will remember any Of It. The relationship,  Voided.


Parker’s Emotional Turmoil Causes a Mythical Backflow Creating disruptions in the Mystical Channels.



Dr. Strange Appreciates to Parker That the Interruption Fissured the Multiverse, A vague Anomaly “Of which We Know, Frighteningly Little.” Not the best Writing, but Who Am I To Judge. Strange Bemoans Parker For trying To Live A Double Life In A World That Seeks To consume Both. There Is No Time To Consider Parker’s Life’s Choices. Villainy, Not the societal villainy of Phone Recordings And Public shaming, is Afoot. As the World Around them Begins To Warp, The trailer Gets Injected By Our First Glimpse of the films Antagonist To be, Alfred Molina’s Dr. Ocktubus from spiderman 2 “Hello Peter. “Either Otto has to Upgrade his profile, Or He is Not Alone. A green Grenade Precedes His entry.



If trailer One Sets the Stakes for No Way Home. Parker wants The return Of His Identity Status Quo.  Trailer Two, Sets More Stakes for The Movie.

One Villain Serves As A Feature film. Two Villains Gives off “Night” Feels. Trailer Two “It’s a Party.”  Spiderman’s Greatest villains, “The Sinister Six,” At least Five of The Six. Green Goblin, Electro, Sandman, and Lizard All enter Through The Void. All The Actors Reprising Their Role From Past Universes.



Our  First Dose Of Reality The  Multiverse Could Spawn. Multiple Iterations of Characters Form Every Universe.


These Villains help churn the “Hype Machine.”  As Dr. Strange soon extolls Peter, They Are Here To Survive.


Suppose the Villains Are forced Back into Their Universe They Will Die Fighting Their Respective Spiderman In Seamless Tragedy Of Cinematic climax Continuums. The MCU becomes A Universe Of Sanctum, A refuge. These Characters Don’t “exist” In This Universe.  Together versus One Spiderman, They Can Thrive.


To Defeat And Send them Back, If Possible, for The Villains tantamount To A Death Sentence. The  Conundrum Of villains Inspired The Title “No Way Home.”, At Least So Some Believe.


Spiderman Must Tackled between The Lives Of Villains And Saving His Universe. Doctor Strange demands That he “Scooby-Doo This Crap… Please”.


Still Grappling with Direction, In the Shadow of Its Predecessor. If Spider Sticks The Landing. If  It Could Come To Define Path The  Fourth Phase of MCU  Installment.


“We had a great meeting with Nate and we, talked all about Phase 4 and what they could do with that,” says Ryan Firpo, One Of the Heads behind Eternals. “At that time, they hadn’t shot Endgame yet, but they knew where it was going to go. … They were looking to expand outside of that formula, and try new things and take risks.”


Regardless, the Dazed The Titular Masked Mechanical Arachnid Becomes Bended Between the Studios Control The Course of its web. Spider-Man Will Be Marvel's Man.



 “Spiderman: Far From Home” Peter attempts Circumvents responsibility As the Lead Of The Marvel Universe. In “Spiderman: Now way Home” For A More Active Parker, The Responsibilities Are deadly Inescapable.


“Peter, you’re struggling to have everything you want while the world tries to make you choose,”


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