Wanda Vision Review Episode 4


A few Months Back I started Writing Short Episodic Reviews on The Disney Tv Series Wanda Vision. Actual I Only Managed to write One, On the first Episode After The Aesthetic Piqued My Interest. At The Time I Was Caught In Thralls Of Website structuring when The Satirical Critic Emerge From An Innate Intrigue of the Series And Of The inspiration To Flush out Writing Ideas as They chaotically Crane Through My Synaptic Process.


That Review Of Episode One Came as My Blog Was Still In Its Embryotic Stages. There was Still A lot Of  Work To Be Done In Hope Of refining The Fire Sale or deluge Of Uncultivated Ideas That I Used To Paved The Walls Of my ($100) One Hundred odd Dollars, Somewhat (Questionably) Investment Into The World Of Digital Content Creation. I Gave Little Time to Map Out a Course, or Plan, Or Point of Reference or Goal for Some Of My earlier write Ups. I wrote as it Came, The Word I’m Looking for Is “Amorphous” Or unstructured. But Writing Gave Me Purpose, Pleasure, Power In Some Regard And In Early February This Was what I Needed. But I Feel Behind On Many of My Earlier Projects. Pushing Them ever So Close To The Margin Of Oblivion.


 Wanda Vision’s first season is Climaxed In early March, March 5th To Be Exact.  Around The  Time, I Was Still Lining The Canvas Of The Web Site, Grasping The Colors Of The Art Of Writing,  Painting  Pros Without Smearing Syntax,  The Flow Of Curves Com, the mas, And The Ever Seducytive Semicolon.  The first Reviewed Followed Episode one. I enjoy the writing process so much I embarked on Work For the 2nd  And 3rd before  I Was Inundated With Many Other Write-Ups primarily Those Center On The NFL Draft Which concluded A Week Ago. So Here I Am Now Finishing What I Started, A Wanda Vision Series Review. Sure, I Am Late To The Party, And There Will Be And Have Been Others Who Are A Scale-Up from Me, But for The Completionist In Me The Fun Never Stops. This Write-Up Forced me To Binge Watch. I Hate Binge Watching. It took me a few days.


Episode 4: “We Interrupt This Program”


They Mean It. They Really Do Interrupt The Program. Episode 4 Is the first Continuous storyboard In Wanda Vision. It breaks right back into Following Geraldine, An apparent Alias For Captain Monica Rambeau, An Apparent SWORD Who is Given New Life After The Events (the Blip) Of Marvel’s End Game. She is Devastated when She Learns of The Passing Of Her Mother, In The Very Hospital, Rambeau is Brought Back To Life. In The three Weeks that follow Rambeau Returns To Work as an agent of S.W.O.R.D.  Under The Direction Of Director Tyler Hayward, She Is Assigned To Help FBI agent Jimmy Woo who investing in the missing person case in West View, Sounds Familiar? Good Because That Will Be The Only Congruence In These Episodes From Those Prior. Episode 4 Is Straight Out The Stephen King Collection. The Tone Of The episode  Takes A Serious, Serious Shift into somber and mysterious overtone, not high jinks recorded, far removed from the light-hearted antics of  Earlier episodes. thankfully, it lends a respite from That Awful Laugh track. “ You Can Feel It Cant You”. Rambeau Visits West View or Where It Should. Be.  There, Her And A team Of Feds  Discover  What Will They Will Come To Know Is A Static Field Surrounding The Town of west view, ominously preventing anyone from entering. Rambeau Breaches The Field Thus Prompting Further FBI and Military Involvement. SWORD establishes A Base Around The Town And One oF Its Specialists Darcy Lewis Establishes A New LightWave frequency, CMBR(Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation) The Content Get Really Erudite And Technical At this Point; Let’s watch. Darcy Orders A TV That could pick up a broadcast frequency entwined with The CMBR (Apparently, not new just anachronistic), The Show Broadcast On The Monitor,  Wanda Vision. Theories And Questions Are Purpose. The Universe Created A TV Show Of Two Avengers? Why Is The Town Hexagonal? Is Vision Alive? Did Vision Get The Promotion? (n wait That Is My Question). “I Don’t Know.”- Darcy Lewis. The Broadcast Are Observe And The Cities residents Are revealed To be The Actual Cast Of The Show With Geraldine As The New Arriving Outlier, It All Makes Sense Now, Einstein Was Right. Jimmy Wo Purposes More Question About The Sate Of Affair The team Is Witness By Now The Answer Are clearer; “It’s A Sitcom”. Choo And Lewis Briefly Breach The Static Wall By Way of Radio but ultimately settling into watching the quips and high jinks, in high defection television. Assumed to be the product of stark industries. The Mention Of Ultron As Previous =ly Stated In the Earlier Episode Enrages Wanda Into Using her “Mutant” Abilities to Cast Geraldine Through A Wall, A Fence, And Outside Of The Static wall. Before her rage Subsides Wanda Witnesses Vision In His Post Thanos Stone Pull lifeless Form. Spooky. The Couple Settles Onto To The Couch And Return To Sitcom Mode.


The Climb Back: NFL Edition.


Wanda Vision Review Episode 5