Pride Month Is Here To Stay, For Now.

Getty Images/ Mindfull Arts

Getty Images/ Mindfull Arts

Pride Month is here to stay, For Now.


A Burgeoning Movement,  Repleted With Subplots, In an era Of History Already Replete with Burgeoning Movements. Pride Month Embodies everything Society Is Working Towards And Consequentailly Everything That Is Holding It Back.


If You Are Any Thing Like Me, Which Unlikely; I am Truly one Of One,  Honestly, asked My Neighbors. Regardless, if you happen To Be, Then These following Conditions Apply. You Are addicted to Instagram. Always On It, grazing Through its Square Bars of content containment seeking  Spiritual Sustenance, balance, and motivation, also  Wisdom quotes and Bible Verses. More Over, You are Surfing Through Youtube, listening to Lofi And Jazz music, and glancing over news articles and Baseball Highlights As you impale The keys of your MacBook, Locked In thralls of Another Editorial Write Up Through The Late Night. Or best, You Are Scumeraging Through The Blog-is-sphere, whether It’s Condes Nast, The Vox Media universe or One of the Many Sports Outlooks, Insatiably Seeking Rich Content and Buzz Worthy Headline To Satiate Your Rapacious Reading Habits. Reading Makes Good English. I Once heard.

 This Is You, Or Not.


Regardless, whether One Or None Of The qualities described,  Ascribe To You, One Thing Is Sure Youn Must-Have Noticed The Rainbow colored Palette  Laced Across Most Logos And Symbols Throughout Social Media And Quite Possibly The Rainbow related content On Streaming service. I Took Noticed American Gods.


If You are Anything Like Me, As We Discussed earlier, You Are Not, still, follow the narrative, Then The Artist In You must have awakened and thought, “Damn That Is One Gorgeous color palette”….Also, why?


The Month of June Is officially recognized as Pride Month. An  International Acknowledge Celebration of The Liberated LGBTQ+ community and Its History Of struggle For social Recognition. According To My Sources Google. The Month of June Was Designated For LGBTQ+ recognition For Some Time Now, decades actually  But You Would Be Forgiven, As Was I,  For Not Knowing This As Such. Given The Recent Change In Appellative, From “Gay” To The Nebulous “LGBTQ+,” And The  Sordid  History Of the Movement, It  Gives way Too Added Perplexity and Obscurity To This Once Much Malign Social assemblage; An Aire Of Inscrutability.



The LGBTQ+ Group populates itself amongst Some  Of the Most Obscure and ostracized sects  Of the global community, and Its Numbers Are Not Verify For Reasons To be Discussed. Still, According to the Willimas Institute of UCLA, An Estimated 3.5% of Adults Americans Identify with at least one Of The Labels Under The LGBT Umbrella, Mostly Adult Women Who either  Share The Coinage Of Lesbian Of Bi-sexual. They Represent  Around 1.8. of that total—trangenders occupying The Smallest Section of that sum With 0.3%. The  LGBT Groups Would be Less opaque, More Socially Amalgamated If Most Of Its defining feature ended at These Few Numbers and Names. Alas, As The Movement Moved Through the decade, It Picks up Another Number Of other Obscure Factions Seeking Homage With This Populace Group existing Near the Margins Of What Is Socially accepted. The MMovementBecame an Abstract Amalgamation Of StstitchTapestriess Of The Discarded in Some Sense. Lesbians, Gay, And Bi-sexual, Were For ALongtimee The Only clinicians Socially  Accepted Terms as Differentiator Of A Person Sexual Orientation, Given That They Didn’tIdentifyy As Heterosexual. Recently, It seems, The Plus Was Added  Therein lies  Where The Controversy of Sorts begins,  On The “Plus” side. I Failed To Elaborate Earlier, But LGBTQ+ Represents The Lesbian Gay Bi-sexual TTransgenderQueer, Plus.  Because The Groups Identity Is Base Along Gender Lines and Sexual Orientation, Some Of the more Highly debated and Nuanceidentity-defining aspects of social culture, There Are And may  Never Be A Total Number Ascribed Representatives The Group. Not to Mention, Sexual Proclivity Can Change On A Whim Unlike Other Social Marker =s of Other Collectives, Sexuality changes And Broadeneds Across A Lifestyle. according to That Study 8.2 % of AMERICANS Have Acknowlgwe Some Same-Sex Experience Throughout tHe Course Of the Thelivesife With 11% Acknowledging  Some SaSame-Sexttraction yet Ultimately None of these Groups Would  Ascribe Themselves Under Any Same-Sex or Queer Identifiers To Themselves, But would They At theTime Of Their Practice? Added To The Identity Issues, Are Terms Like Non-Binary, Gender-fluid, Aromatic, And the Numerous  The Quasi Definition and Neologism That Entangled Such Terms That Evolve Across Cultures, Constantly Changing With the Shift Of Global Of the Tide.  This fact, divergent of Other Social GroGroupso are ratified on One Single Principle, or Globally Accepted Attribute Such As, Ethnicity, Race, Or Heritage.


Ostracized The Groups Ahs A Whole LGBTQ+  Subjected To some most heinousness prejudice, persecution and hate crimes. Harvey Milk Is One Of The Promenignt As Well As The Orlando Nightclub MMassacre The Persecuatitioon bordering near Some Of Those Faced By  Jews, Blac,k and native Americans, In the area of some most Rivel groups of peopleHistorytory. LGBTQ+ Numbers Are Accessed By Way of Survey, A Proven Mean of Effective National valuation Never The Less Faint In The Shadow Of Government Registries That Attribute Ethnicity And Nationality From Birth. Another Ledger In The Ambiguouss Logs Of LGBTQ+. Verscae’s Line Of “Born This Way” Appeal Is In error Factually, And Stylishly, The Concept Of Gay Origin Is  Just Another Chapter  In Long Line In Disputes unraveling as  LGBT+ is amalgamated into greater society. Is This Groups Society is Accepting For What It Ahs Ir Can Contribute To It Socially, Or Is This A  “Agenda” Many are Being Subjected To.? Agenda Is A Bad Word, Often Exclusively  Reserve For CIA operations. Still, Often, For Some On The Outside Judging in, Me, That is  How LGBTQ+ Branding often  “Feels,” Like An Agenda.


All Of These Factors Can Often Appear Superfiacail even Monotonous; Rudderless Drivel impressed Many By the Few. But They Impact the Most Crucial And Prominent Component Of Social Culture, Policy. Whether You Are A Capitalist Or Otherwise, Government Is Here To stay. Whether You Straight Or Otherwise Designated, LGBTQ+ Is A Community Of People, Yes People, The Science Checks Out, Who Have Voting Rights, They too Are here to stay As Well. The Systems Andstructurese that are IUsed To Acess the equality of LGBTQ+’s Impact on Ou Expansive World Is Still Bein Refined. The Question For The Surveys That Embellished The Numbers Listed earlier Are Still Being Refined. Understanding The Underlining Of LGBTQ+ Is Still A Process. The Movement Understanding themselves Is Still A Process… With An Entire Month, Dedcacde To Their Affairs Lgbtq+ Presence here Today Is No Longer Marginalized. WithMemberss Near Every Level Of legislature, Federal Laws That Have Been Strongly Encouraged To be Enforce And Penalizing any crime of Sexual OreOrientatedSupport Of the Major Sporting And Media Complex. Hate GCrimesThat Affect Our Social Mores Whether You Are American, Or Otherwise, The LGBTQ+ Movement Is Ballonings And It Will Require Room to Made Near You.




This leads Me Back To My Question of Why. How Did Once Did This Ostricized Sect of Society, Emerge Out Of The Woodwork To  Garner Such Momentum Amongst larger Grids Of Society So Expeditiously And What Can Or Should We Expect Of This?


I Discussed Earlier What Pride Month Mean. It Is  A Celebration of That Which WE in 21st value Most freedom, InThis Case Its Freedom For LGBTQ+. Liberated BY Legislature, Out Of The Darkness And Void And Into The Light Of This reality We call the 21st century. “Visibility, Dignity and Diversity.” Are  The Ideals the month?  Once Known As Gay Pride Month, Now Just Pride Month As It Brandishes The Ever Expansive Portfolio Of People IIncorporatedIn The Movement and Its Acclaim Gained. June is   Devoted To Macrhess, And Demonstration Devoted To Bringing more Clarity For The People Championed Under Its Banner. In the Words of Professor Farnworth, “there Was Once A Time When. Ever Group In New York wanted A Day For PParades Those Were Dark days.” If You Wonder Why They NNeededA Month iitBecause, As you Can Imagine One Day Would Not Do.


The Story Of This Exodus From Mount Marginalized and   Into Greater  Wilderness Of Society BBeginsIj The Decade Famous for Another Grandiose Liberation Movement. The 60’s.


The Decade that Brought Us The Kennedys Would Have A lot Of To say And do With the World View that We Exist in now. As we Would come To understand Decade Known for “Free Love”  Andy WWarholAnd Psychedelics The 60’s would could to Frame, Imapacxt and Influential The Craftmanship that Formed The latter half Of The 20th century. The Cuban Missile Crisis, And the Cold War that Inosired Held Held Most Of The World InGrdilock Early in the decade. Fighting the war Of Superior Of The Influenctail Sphere, the world’s Single Super Power, America And Western Society On A Global Scale Continued Its March Against Russia And The Deisae of communism The Space Race, a Celebrated But often FForgottenaffair Of The Cold war That Would Prove Consequential In Breaking The Russian Resolve And End the War entirely Play Out Over The Course Of The Decade.  Domestically the Civil rights Movement Was About To enter its  Apex Dirven By Its Championed and most famous figure,  Martin Lurther King Jr. The Decade that Brought us the Kennedy’s Alos Take Him And His Brother, By 68nTwonof The World Most Promises PoliPoliticiansd Past, Assinated, As Well As Dr. King And Other Notable 60’s figures. By Its End, the Sixties replaced Kennedy With Nixon, King With The Civil rights Act And Cuba With Vietnam, but Before the decade was Closed, They Would give one More Movement Life.


This Is Not the History Of Homosexuality which dates Back Into the Bible Days, On One Occasions   Incurring  The wrath of God, Though Debated As the Impetus of  Sodoms And Gomorahs Destruction. Romans Culture Is Quorate With Such Lustrous Behavior. No, This Pride Month.


On June 28th, 1969, New York State Police Penetrated The Walls of TheStonewalln In New York City’s Greenwich Village, A Notorious Gay And Trans Night Life Haven  In The New York metropolitan area. In The late 6’60sNot Only was The Act Of Homosexuality Socially Reprehensible, They Were a Crime.  Being Gay Or Engendering Gay Values was Consider Morally Ignoble, Those Per[etraing Such ActsCould also Be Branded As mentally Ill. Being The 60s, as It Were customary, A Riot Ensued. Bricks Bottles And Glasses Were Thrown and Up from The Rumbled, Emerged A Movement.


In Its Immediate Aftermath, The Movement Made A Merger waves On Society. Nobody Died Or Was Seriously injured, And The Night Club Was able To Conduct Business just a  Night after. Homosexuality, A Term I Recently learned is No Longer Associated With The core Of LGBTQ+, was Still As A Practice Illegly So Media Coverage Of That Nights Affairs Were Referred To Later Decades. No More Would like A Homosexual Speak Of His Antic that Night  Then, Then A Drug King Pin Speak openly of His Bussiness Today. A year later, At The Very Night Club was The  Inception, The A Gay Pride Parade Was Held To Comerrate The Moment. This Followed By Parades In Los Angeles, San Fransico, Chicago, Amongst Others City, This Meant, The Arrival Of The ’70s Gave The Movement Some Much Needed Publicity. Unfortunately, the &0s Wouldn’t. With The Inception Of The 80s Came The AIDs Pandemic which, Whether ScScientificact Or SSociallyEngineer repression, Tethered Itself To homosexuality, Virtually Suffoctaimg Any Momentum That Movement Had Gradually Inhaled. Unlike The Other Famous Movement of That Era, “Gay Pride” Lack A Certain Distinguishing Factor; A Figure, A Champion. Movements Are Often Defeind Three Things; The Moniker, The Motion(riot), and The Man. The Men And Women Of Civil rights Are Much Renowned, No Need to Rehearse that Refrain But, And Pardon My French, The “Homos”  Have Not A Hero. Some May Object. Proclaim Names Like Harvey Milk, Or Marsha p. Johnson But Ask yourself, Outside Of The LGBTQ+ Compendium Would Anybody Know Who They Are? Despite The MotionlessMovementt, Missing A Key Cog. How Has It reached Mass Appeal? Through The Very Means That It Couldn’t Breach, The Media. Most Preeminently Fashion.


Gianni Versace’s Revelation Into The World OfHomosexualityy Id One Of The More Famousacknowledgmentt Of Homosexual Uncovering. Versace’s Affairs Were Not Public But Known accepted and may Have Contributed to His Demise But  His Influence On fashion Scene, runways  AAndGalas Put Gay men, Their Style, Their Aura, Their Life On Display. Closeted Men Were Always showcase In Versace’s shows, and A remain Prominent Fixture Of The Clothing Line Productions To This day. Versace won, So was Others Such As Ellen DeGeneres and ABCs Teenage Drama “My So-called Life.” That Featured The First Openly Gay Leading Character In Rickie Vaquez in the 90s. But this Dosen’t Cover the Full Length Of Pride Month. As Far As I Could remember, The “Agenda,” yes, That Word Again gained Traction Sometime Beyond Obama’s Legislative Move to Legalise Gay Marriage in the 2010s. WheWhether was The Media Attempt To make Up For Past ills or To Move A new Wave of Products entering The Market, Or In earnest Equality, inclusion Became The Identity. Suddenly, “Unclosted” was A term, All Across the Media, Within Sports Men and Women Were Encouraged To come. I remember the Buzz On ESPN When Jarron Collins Became The First “Gay” man In the NBA. The Announcement was Treated With Great Appeal, Adoration, Acclaim. Sam Donald Becoming the First Opening Gay man Drafted Into The NFL. It was Bustling, Suddenly Being Gay Was the New Black; At Least that Is What They wanted You To be, I Suppose. Im A Sports Fan At HAert, So These Two Numbers Have Remain Permanent Markers Across The LGBTQ+ Timeline. I remember So Vividly The Inssutent Encouragement For More LGBTQ+ Voices Amongst The EEliteOf Worlds. I also Remember The Silence Echo Strdidently Across Platform As The Motion Failed Gain Enough Votes.


Let’s Return To The Principle Point Of This Exposition, Bringing Awareness…. To That Gorgeous Collor Palette. Lacking the Traditional Components Of Movements As Ststed Earlier  The LGBTQ+ Community  Needed The Media Exposure To Move Their Case From The Closet And  Into The Frontroom, To The Emoji SEletion,  to Our Minds. But Media Intermingling Mechanism is Two-Fold. When the most powerful structure of influence in society, the media industrial complex, Takes Charge on your behalf, the Billings are always Defer onto the valuation of your movement Itself. Pride Became A Postmark, A Position; Now It Needed to become A Purchase. In His Peirce For VOGUE Online Title “On June Pride Month And The Battle For te Rainbow Flag,” Raven Smith, A Gay writer, Notes How June Has Quickly Consumed By Marketing Tactics. How The Morality and Dignity Of The Movement Have Channellled and Transformed Into Another Gimmick to Move Exclusive Merch, Similar to How The NBA Uses MLK Day, Raven’s Supposition is then Underscored By Two Other Vogue Article One by Jannelle Owunku Another Written By Lauren Sanchez Promoting Siad Merch. OFcousre A Margin Of The Proceeds Are Said To BE Contributed To Movement, But The Merch Takes The Focus Away From The Ideal And Transposes it To The Items. Suddenly That “Born This Way” T-shirt Has A Larger Appeal In My wardrobe Collection The LGBTQ+s Standards Against Homophobic discrimination, When Did That Start. Raven, Like Many Other Practicing LGBTQ+ Advcote  Fear That The Activism That Inspires All Movement Has been Lost In the Marketability. Smith Alos Proclaims That Being Gay is An Enjoyable Experience Though I Must Admit I Must Take His Word For It. The Rainbow Flags and Market That Endorse It Work AS It Is  Intended. That Beautiful Color Palette Has Won My Affections. The Advocates Of The LGBTQ+ Community Must Seise The “Ever elusive Equality” And The Inscrutable Identity Of Their Group If They Hope Not To Lose Amongst The Shuffle Of Movements Of 21st. Pride Month Is … Still Up For Consideration.





Since The Writing Of This Article(Today), I Have Learned That The Terminology is Now LGBTQIA+.


Also, Anybody With A Versace Connections. Bless Me Up.


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