Star Trek Deep Space Nine: Melora. Why Are You?

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Why Are You?


For Those Unfamiliar. Star Trek Deep Space is The Third Installment In The Star Trek Franchise Following The Adventures Star Trek: The Next Generation But Not in The exploratory Fashion. The Premise Of This Star Trek Iteration Is centered on “Deep Space Nine,” A Space Station Orbiting a Worm Hole That Leads To The Unchartered Gamma Quadrant, Which Is Host To Variety Of Habitant Not Yet Discuss in The Trek-verse To This Point In Star Fleet History. Star fleet Being The Space Exploration Organization.

Season 2; Episode 6

“You Have To Sit in the Chair.” Melora Tells Commander Sisko. “dream Beyond Your Predicament.”

This Episode Follows Ensign Melora, Who Is Assigned To Deep Space Nine On A Mission Into The Gamma Quadrant, Still Uncharted. There Is so Much To Unpack; This Is when The Writing May Get Nerdy. There Is a Side Story about Quark And An Unpaid debt. Melora’s Mission is not clear, Or Important, Cardassian Architecture And The Love Story of Bashir And Melora. Melora Is An Elysian A Species Of Alien from A Planet Of Null Gravity and Upon Arrival To Deep Space Nine IS Confined To A wheelchair, Doctor Bashir, The Ships Physician, Perform Some Neural Stimulation Operations Or Experiments And Presto, Melora Can walk Under The Intense Gravity Of “Deep Space Nine.”  This Further Deepening Their Dalliance That develops Over The Course Of The, Episode But I am Not Going To Explore That Aspect Here.

Bashir Begins To Confide In Melora, Whom His Deep Admiration For Is Showcase At The Early On Set Of The episode. Insert Transition Here. Dr. Bashir Tells A Story Of a time in his Youth, He Witnessed The Death Of A Young Girl. She Had Fallen ill Suddenly, And Bashir And His Father Were Incapable Of Treating Her. When a Medical Officials Arrive, It was Appreciated To Bashir that The Girl, Who was No Older Than Him at The Time, Could Have Been Saved By The Most Basic Of Medical Treatment If He or His Father Had The Knowledge. This Inability Or Hopeless in A crisis of This unknown Young Girl Prompted Bashir To Consider And Ultimately Focus on A Career in medicine and has now brought him to a place of treating ailments and saving lives Daily.

Entering The Climax. Near The End Of The Episode, which, Thanks To quarks Greed Involved A Hostage Situation, Melora Is Giving the Choice To Receive More Stimulants, which Also Curiously Saved her Life In Said Hostage Situation Or Continue To be Confined To The Limits Of her Wheelchair. She Decides That Despite Love, dancing, And Just outright Mobility, Giving Up The Wheelchair Would Result In Her Surrendering Her Life On Her Home World, her family, her comfort in some sense.

Back To My Question: Why Are You?

Bashir’s Story prompted this Question. What Inspires You To do What You do Or To become What You Are? And In Melora’s Case Is Letting Go Of What You Have Worth receiving Something That You live Without Your entire Life. Aristotle Proposed That We As People are A Product Of Our Choices more than our Actions. But What underlines Those Choices Day-to-day.  And So, I Leave It To Thought, why Are You? And Is Surrendering What You Are or what you have  Worth Gaining Something You May Not Want?


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