The Economic Disequilibrium That Created The Recent Wide Reciever Market Bubble Boom.

Out There , Beyond The World Blades of Grass,  Outside The World of  Sports, the Biggest Non-Football Related Headline This Week  Emerged Out Of The Digital Colossus Known AS The Streaming Markets. With The Spine Stiffing Thud Pulsing through Your Corridor Pulling Attention back To the Knock At Door. Followed By “This Is The FBI” .  A  Shutter, The Not So Surprising realization That You Received A  Notification Appreciating You To A Active Bureau Investigation Uncovering A Scurrilous Transactions  Link To Your Server Traced to the Far East And Traced Back You.

This Week Netflix Got That Sudden Conscience Crippling Thud. The Pioneering And Some Respects Premiere Streaming Giant Reported That Stocks In Studio Brand Cratered About 30% -35%. Following A Large Lost Of Subscribers Estimated In The Neighborhood of Around 200,000 Consumers. With the Studio Expected To Amass Loses In Subscriptions In The Millions By Summer. A Marginal Dent To The Reported 167 Million Paying Customer The On-Demand Media Avowed Last Year. An Estimated gut-wrenching $50 Billion in Cash Flow. Executives Expressed Concern In Company’s Existential Status Before Rector Shaken Event Of This Quarter. Certainly Largest Exodus Of streaming Customers In Recent Memory And Hardest Hit Financial  Quarter  For The Media Company In Over A Decade.


The Streaming Wars. The Battle For Revenue and Market Share Amongst A Group Of Services that Include but Are Not Limit HBO Max, Disney+, Paramount+, Etc. The Decline portends The Rippling Effects Of A  Landscape Shifting. A Landscape Netflix planted In The Streaming Media Platform Forum Some Decades Ago Turning Back Against Them. The Evidence Doesn’t Suggest the Sudden Unpredicted Nose-drive The Results Of Wavering Content. Netflix missed the First Pinch Of Patrons Returning To  Broadcast For Better Programming. The Producer Of Emmy award-Winning Hits Such As “ Queen’s Gambit” And Cult-Favorites “Squid Games” And  “Stranger Things,” Netflix cemented Itself As a Game Changer. But The Game Maybe Gaming Too Much For Them. Threatened By A Overcrowded Market  The Resulting  Kickback Of Success sort Of Demand Further Success. “That’s Why Success Is The Enemy.”. “Revenue Up The Wazoo Cause I Hustle.” With Other Streaming Services Plunging Into the Market Netflix’s Concerns Rose From Market Consolidations To Market Retention and Further Market  Consolidation.

The Surplus In streaming Services has diluted the Market To The Point It’s Fear That The Whole May Fall In On Itself. Some Streaming Service Are So Reductive And Offer So Little In Content Their Moves Into Could be Seen As Market Cannibalism Intended To Weakened Other Services By Schism The Market Rather Than Producers Of Enjoyable Content and Contributors to The Markets Value. A Product Of broadcasting Television And Movie Theaters “All In” Agenda To Conflate Netflix. The Big Four Networks, CBS, NBC, ABC, and Fox, The Standard Industry Titans Suspected Of Preferring  A Return To Status Quo. Cable Subscriptions. Ceasing Control Of Viewership Away From The Audience. Rather Than Have a Market Determined By Mercurial Consumers. As a result, Netflix, From Humble Project,  Once Standing  Alone, Between The Internet And Program Demand, Found Itself Entered Into A dynamic market. A Space where the Rules of Engagement and  Business Practices Are rapidly changing. But the Crux Of The matter Is How You Say Less Reductive and More Complex. “Nothing Grows Forever Every” Economist Worth Their Salt Knows That Much.


If the market Continues, It Fails To favor the trendsetter.


No To Mention Netflix’s Decision To Play Proxy In Social Ostracizing Russia Restricting Their Services From A Large Market Of Consumers.


The Strangest Thing about the Netflix News,  Pun Unintended, And  How The Streaming Decline Ties Into My Football Segway, Reveals and Intertwines With How We Interpret What The “Losses In Revenue” Mean For The Future Of The  Tepidly impending Compression Streaming market. Few Products Can Convey A Emblematic Diagnosis Of The entire Market Itself. Netflix Can. “They switched from a sound business model to an unsound one,”

Few Competitive Scoff To See The Competition Fledgling. But Reports Indicate That a Similar Crisis Could Beset Other Giants as Well, And Netflix Could Just Be The First To Feel Brunt Of structural “Comeuppance.”  Erstwhile  Eager Investors have already Began Writing Netflix Off.

 “We have lost con­fi­dence in our abil­ity to pre­dict the com­pa­ny’s fu­ture prospects.”. When Investors See Consumer spending Decline, They Q In On It.  Lose Faith In The Market, And Sell Even At A Lose. The Bail, As did investors In Netflix. A Cloud of impending doom could shroud other services in Its Wake. Even with Streaming Service Like NBC Universal’s Peacock Reporting More Than 24 Million Subscribers And The Ever Merging Lifestyle Of Now Warner Discovery, The Market, In General, Has Entered Flux. Disney, Warner Bros. Discovery, and Paramount collectively felt the Collective Kick Back.


The Internet, Which We are Aall On And Controls So Much Of How We Interact And Experience Data And The World. The Internet Also Acts As The Model Of The Original Volatile Market. Netflix Makes Nearly 40% Of Internet Usage And Its Decline Could Wild Effects Across Markets. For example, consumer Markets Have Got Boost In Sales Thanks To The Wide Spread acclaim Streaming Giant’s serial Sucess. “Chess board sales soared thanks to “The Queen’s Gambit," while interest in tea drinking grew because of “Bridgerton.”

Netflix Also Serves as A Core Pillar In The Distributing Flow of Local And Internationals Media Into The Zeitgeist Of Masses. Bringing To The Worlds Of Unadapted Literature And The Cultures Of Distance civilisation To Yours, mine, Our Homes. Far More Than the Streaming Giant, Netflix Has grown Into A Complex With complex tentacles Woven Into all Places in Modern Society.

The Netflix Dilemma Made Me—A Lousy But Interested Economist—More Curious About Market Dynamics.


Despite what we Know Of the Market and The Cold Imperial Reasonings That Propagate The Lever Financial  Temperament. They are not So Cold; They are “Almost Human.” Markets are a shared social space. Not build Insularities like dollars and Cents And Algorithms But Intangibles Concepts Such As Trust And Reciprocity And Love. Ok, Not That Third Point, But There Are These Rigid-Flex Features In This Shared Space. Markets Produced,  “Site where buyers and sellers negotiate and exchange goods, information, and other resources.”


They are also unpredictable and prejudiced.


The NFL Organizational Structure Can Be Perceive Or  Exist As One Of These Shared Markets. The primary function of this market happens when skill players Sell Their Ability To Teams with The Collective Goal Of Making Billions Of Dollars, Composing A Producer For Fans, And Giving Me Something To Write About. I’m Not Shedding New Light On Matter. Each  Position Has A Market Of Its and Monetary Valuation Attached. Monetary, A Matter Of How Much Premium Talent Exist At The Position And The Market Impact The Position Contributes To The Team Success. All  Of This determines The Value Of  The Position.


The Most Urgent News In The NFL making Cuts Out Of The NFL Comes Out Of The Thermal Incandescent Wide Receiver Market. 


49ers Wide Receiver,  Pro Bow Offensive Weapon,  Deebo “wide Back” Samuel Requested a Trade This Week After  Contract Talks Between Him and The Niners Stalled To The Point Of Gridlock.

Now The Two Sides Have Lost Contact With One Another, And The Once Harmonized Relationship Looks Unsalvageable. The Report First Made By ESPN and Proliferated From There. The Athletic Reporting That The Divergence of the Matter Surrounds The Niners Playing Deebo In a Dual Role. The Former Round Pick Earned Near Reverential Success For His Play As A Plug and Push Running Back In Stints For Kyle Shanahan’s Offense. Eventually, Samuel, 26, Come To Spurn The Traditional Wide Receiver Role Together In Favor Of The “Questionably” Coined Wide Back Position. “A wide back. Wide receiver playing running back.”

A Supercharge Cordarrelle Patterson With Better Receiving Chops. Deebo Proved To Be Very Effective In The Role. Over 1,000 Yards Receiving, Six Receiving Touchdowns, Eight Rushing Touchdowns, and 365 Rushing And One Passing Touchdown. The Niners Brass, Lead By GM, And Former Player Jon Lynch Remains Steadfast On The Team, Keeping Samuel. Making Him A Niner For Life. In The Bay Area, The Team Hasn’t been Shy About Setting Market precedent. They Currently Employ Four Players Who Stand At One Or Two At Their Position In Contract Figures.


As customary, Social Media “post-Deleting ensued.” Deebo Declines To Appear T All Team Related Affairs. His Dispute Could Just Be Another Wrung On The Ladder.

Suppose that’s The Point. Deflecting His Bargaining Chip As A Duel Option Weakens Samuels's Negotiating Leverage. Health Concerns Aside, Deebo doesn’t Strike me as A Dynamic Receiving Threat. Sure, His 1400 are Nothing To Scuff At, But He’s A “Z” And Slot Receiver Exclusively. His Stalky Build Helps Him Break Tackle But Doesn’t Favor Him Creating Separation Deep. There aren’t Too Many Teams Who Have Offensive Imagination To Scheme Up Ways To Put The Ball in Deebo’s Hand In Perfection Positions Like Kyle Shanahan And The Niners.



Next-Gen Captured A Perfect Snippet Of This When The Niners Played The Titans In Dec. On A Game Tying Drive, the Niners Got 56 Yard Reception Down To The Titan's six With 3:42 On The Clock. The Niners Lined Up In A Two. Deebo Ran a Skinny Post Creating A 1.4 yards Of Separation At The Point Of Garoppolo Targeted Him. And 3.1 At The Point Of Catch. His Legs Accumulated 46 Yards After The Catch On Trek To The Red Zone. Though not Particularly Fast, He’s A Terror To Topple In Once He Develops A Head Of Steam.

Shanahan Excels at Developing these Long Developing Plays That are Deebo’s Bread and Butter. It May Behoove The Former South Carolina Gamecock To Disparage The Backfield Ahead Of A Payday.

What’s More. Yes More.


Deebo Now stands at the forefront of several 2019 Draft Wide Receivers Looking To Cash In The Skying Productivity. The List Includes Titans Standout A.J. Brown And Commanders Terry Mclaurin. Coming Off Of Breakout Year in The Case Of Mclaurin, Who Finished The Second of Two Successive Thousand Yard Seasons, And Brown, Who Ended His Streak Of Thousand  Yard Season To Begin His Career after Struggling With Injuries That Landed Him On IR For a Short Stint.


AJ, Who shares An agent With Deebo, Reportedly won’t show up For Titans Camp. McLaurin, More Of An Outlier But Not To Be Overlooked Remains a Bit Of An Unknown. His Social Media, Importantly Twitter, where Every Seems To Be Leveraging Deals These Days, Doesn’t Showcase A Disgruntled Football Player. Just a Proud Buckeye and A Few References to His Fallen Teammates Dwayne Haskins(RIP🕊). Reports indicate McLaurin Could Get Paid First Or Traded Earlier. Regardless The Prospects of 20 Million Payday Would Serve As An astronomical Rise From “OverLooked Prospect” To Elite Wideout Now Possible Market Catalyst.

But  Not This Group alone, These Wideouts Alone. Which Also Includes Seattle’s DK Metcalf, Who Appears Compliant.  These Holdouts Are Just Another episode In this Unconscionably Raucous Off-season. It’s the Result of a  Market Fighting To Reach Equilibrium, Balance after A Successive round  Of Concussive Blows Set By The Sudden Up Tick In Cash Figures At The Position. In One Year, The Receiver Market Jump From Just For $20 Million To Nine. Not To Mention, Tyreek Hill and Devante Adams Resetting The Platform in Back To Back Trade Deals That Saw Both Switch Teams and Shift The Market. The Usual Practice For  NFL Market Economics Works With Some Esoteric Order.  Teams and Players Reset The Market Every Year, Annually  Or Bi-Annually. Think Denzel Ward Resetting the Cornerback Market Two Years After Jalen Ramsey Achieve  The Same Feat After Being Traded To The Rams. Aaron Rodgers Resetting The Market One Year after Dak Prescott And The Cowboys Did A Year Ago. As The League Gets Richer and The Salary Cap Rises Team Aim To Pay Premier Players More To Level The Market. But Now, The Paydays have Spun Out Of Control.  Teams Face The cap Flexing Struggle Of Paying And. Extending Guys Earlier Than The market Would Have Suggestive In Prognosticated Models. More and More Players want Out and Are earning Big Paydays.

A Suspected Influx Of Wide Receiver Talent players Could Be The Result of Fear.


Several Big Time Prospects Are Expected To Add To The Surplus At the Position. Players Are Pressed to “Cash Out” Now Before They Miss out on Their Maximum Value. Then The Market Will Have A Continuous Fight To Meet Equilibrium. With The Price Rising So Will The Supply. The Demand Won’t Decline Because Premium Receivers Are Always In High Demand. But Are Willing To Continue This Range-less Bartering. The Market Price and the Market Demand Meet At An “Identical” Point. Right Now, the NFL Markets Suffer From More Buyers(Jets, Chiefs, Titans, Colts, Etc.) Than Goods In the Receiver Market Than Options Available.


Many Experts Point The Recent Jacksonville Signing Of Christian Kirk That Precipitated This  Sudden, If Not Out Of Control Pulse To The Market. In The Wildest Off Season In Recent Memory, The Jags plugged The most Floridian Move—You Know The Stereotype that The Craziest Things Happen In Florida—In The Mind Of Cap Critic. After making the Move to Snag Fringe, third Tier Receiver Christian Kirk At Plus Market. The Former Cardinal Kirk signed a four-year, $72 million deal with Jacksonville that includes $37 million guaranteed. 


At The Time, The Contract placed Kirk, a Former Texas A&M Standout, Top ten In Market Value Despite The Sermonized the Fact that He’s Never Eclipsed 1000 Yards In His Career. He Finished 18 Yards Short Of The Mark In 17 Games This Season On 103 Targets Accumulating Just One Hundred Yard Game In The Process. As More Of A Slot Possession Receiver With A 75% Catch Percentage.


Kirk Made An Excellent Point In An interview With CBS. Kirk Divulge  The Inner Workings of His Contract. The  Reflection Of  The Contract To The Markets And Its(The Markets) Propensity For Growth and Fluctuation. Not The Growing  Misconception Of His Production And Potential. He Also Acknowledged the shifting View in Expectations With A Contract Of That “Stature” Engenders. A “proving my worth” Approach To The Game. Receivers Never Live Up To Their New Billing. Kenny Golladay, Who Kirk Surpassed In Billing, Jostled the market Last Year Only To Fail To Record a Touchdown. Kirk Should Improve That With 17 Touchdowns On Through His Four Year Career.


The 18 Million Dollar A Year Contract Didn’t “Reset” The market(Set The New Standard) And In A Year Or Two Could Be Considered A Bargain, Solely Based On How Salary cap Projections. What Kirk’s Contract Did achieve Or precipitated, The Sudden Clashes Between NFL Purchasing Powers And The Goods Distributors, Better Known As The Players. Disequilibrium In A Market, When Buyers And Sellers Can't Agree on A Establish Price Point. Jacksonville’s Perceive Over Spend Rippled Out and Suddenly Punished Other Team In Its Wakes. Now Young receivers Demand Compensation That Aligns Them at The Top Of Their Position, Even If That Means Playing A “selfish” Role And Skipping Camp.


Nevertheless, Another Factor May Lay Underneath All Of this, an Invisible Hand as It’s Called In Economics. The Sheath Hiding The Blade. The Quarterback Markets.


No Other Position, No Other Market, Has  Served As The Catalyst To Change In The League More Than Quarterback. The Equilibrium Point On The Supply And Demand Graph For quarterbacks Raises Every Year, “There Are Not Enough Good Quarterbacks To Go Around,” The League Arranging  The Offensive Rules To Favor Longevity And Acclaim At The Position Rose The Stakes.  “Pain” Josh Allen Tweeted. Now the Overtime Rules, long Debated, are Sure ago Be Rewritten Because One Of The League Brightest Missed a Chance at a legacy Moment. As The Chiefs Marched On To AFC Championship Round, no More Has This Fact Been True Than in This Past Decade.


Quarterbacks Have Set A Number Precedent For NFL Contracts Over the Past Decade At an Accelerated Rate. From Joe Flacco Earning $40 In Million In Signing Bonus to Kirk Cousins Securing a Fully Guaranteed Deal Estimated $86 Million To Dak Prescott Secure 40 Million A Year Then having Aaron Rodgers Undo Him at 50 Million. The Contract has grown Profusely, and Teams Resolved To Re-evaluate The Market For Other Positions, Say Running Back And Linebacker, For instance, Because They Fear The Idea Of Being Without A Functional Quarterback.

Strangely Or Expectedly, It Hasn’t Worked Out.

The Endless Cascades of “records for the bonus money, new money, and "other metrics." Got Deeper But results or The Yield Reflected Another story. Flacco Saved The Ravens Immediate Money, But He Played Mostly mediocre Ball. He Never Proved To Be An Elite Quarterback And Found His away Out Of Baltimore Before The Deal Expired. Flacco never Proved  The Deal and The Teams Erstwhile Investment Worthwhile. Consider Now, The $66 Million Flacco Got In Guarantees Are Peanuts To The $100 Million Dak Got Or The $90 Million Of Josh Allen. Which Themselves are less Compared To Aaron Rodgers $101, 000,000 And Deshaun Watson $230,000,00 Million.


 Fifteen(15)Quarterback Who Earn 25 Million or More. Starting With Rodgers at $50 Million and Brady at $25 Million, And A Host Of Others In Between.



Brady And Rodgers Are one And Two In Quarterback Rating This Pass Season.

The Rest Of The List Goes as follows, With QBR Rankings Tagged in Each Name:



The Table Above Shows A High Variance For Positional Dollar Value And Performance.  The Highest Paid Quarterbacks, Stretch Between positions 1 and 26, With Lowest Paid of The Group And The Oldest Earning The Highest Performance Metric Five Of Whom Have Switch Teams Over The Past Three Season. Twice, in The Case Of Carson Wentz. Of Course, Of The Figures are New And Don’t Reflect What Price Tag, They Played Under Last, But The QBR Performance Is a Good Reference. Nine NFL quarterbacks are making at least $100 million in guaranteed money, which offset the Nine Receivers Making $20 Million.

The Table Doesn’t Account For The Number Of First Pick Who Falter In Recent Years.


A-List Includes Baker Mayfield, Josh Rosen, Dwayne Haskins(Praying Hands), And Sam Darnold. Such consistent and Staggering Amounts Of Capital invested To Unquantifiable Losses.


Teams And Their Operation Heads Are Smart. Quarterbacks are Still Invaluable, But They’ve Seen what a Consistent Wideout Tethered to a wavering Signal Caller Could Do In The Super Bowl Winning Rams. Intelligent Investors Look To Move Their Money To More Gainful markers. It Just Happens That The Wide Reciever Market Pushed It’s away To The Forefront. With Rookie Receivers Producing In Record Rates and Veterans scaling New Territory, Pushing The Contract Boundaries At That Position Became Congruent.


You May Think: If The Markets are aware Of The Volatility, Why Are Teams Still Pushing To Invest Such Hefty Figures? In The NFL, Paying Now Could Pay Off Later. Teams Are Encouraged To Push The Boundaries On Their Players Because It Ingratiates The Team To Future Free against. “hey, If They Took Care Of That guy When any Time Comes, Ill Be good.” Paying Market Plus Level Ask As A Batman Signal letting Impending high Price Know That Our team and ORGANIZATION could Be a Safe Space. The Safest Possibly Destination.

Remember Markets Function On Trust and Reliability. The Teams Who Best Build These qualities Are In the Best Position To Control The Market.


Of Course, All Of This Would Be Supposition. Without a Thorough Of NFL, I Can’t Certify  All Of My Hypothesis To The Nine, But It's Easy To Imagine and Put The Puzzle Pieces Together.


2022 NFL Mock Draft.


For Zion Williamson and The Pelicans, It’s 360, Again.