The Multiverse And Marvel: A Rational Play On Madness.

With The Multiverse Of Madness, Marvel Attempts To Bring Another Esoteric Idea To The Mass And into the Future.

“The Warning Come *after* the Spell.”





After Six Years Of Stasis, The Second Installment Of the Dr. STRANGE franchise Takes The Public On  The Assumed  Maiden Voyage Into The Multiverse. I Say Assumed Because Trailer And Final Product Rarely Marry.


The Multiverse, Marvel’s Grandest Plan For Character Ascension Exploration. In 2022, Only The “Ukraine” Crisis Maybe Of  More intrigue The Eminence Locked  Interwoven monolith of the world that “we know  frightening little”. Along with Strange Wanda Maximoff Making Cinematic Return and A Few Characters Making Their Film Debut Including Variations Of Strange All Dueling Enemies and Themselves Across The Spans Of galaxies. The Multiverse can Be Principled as Comical, Theoretical, and practical, and Its True Scientific Value Could Yield More Than An enjoyable Adventure In Cinema.



The story Of Science and The Society Remains One Of Unrequited love because we Can't Love what We Don’t Know, we can't know what we can't Perceive, Mostly because No One ever defines Science on a grander scale.


The study all Things That Can Be Illustrated In Math. Chronicled Through Literature Debated In History And Imperial Cogency And Mass Of Polysyllabic Reference and The Evidence that Connotes To Them.


If Religion served as The Opioids Of The Masses, Science Stands As the Adderall To the “Select.”


Religion Doesn't Grow In Concepts. It's Not necessarily Firm, But It's Core Components Are rigid. That's The Appeal Of Religion. The Bible Will Never Canonize A STORY of Jesus Dying on A meteorite and Rising In Radioactive Glory.  As Exciting A Plot Twist That Idea Could Make this Allowed The message of Christianity to permeate freely.


Science Never Could


“That’s because it isn’t intellectual but procedural.”


Science Has Several Ubiquitous Symbols, The atom The Insignia Of a Now Renowned Blog. The  Lab Coats, The Test Tube Nd Microscope But The World Knows Science. But All These tokens Exhibit Why Science Can Sometimes Has Reputation Of  Cold.


The Ancient Greeks Looked To Arbitrary gods For The Answers To Forces This World. The 1st Century’s Buzzfeed.


Science Found in Comic Books A Place To communicate The Story Arch’s transformations. Where The Rational And The Imagination Cross Paths.


Science. It’s The Objective Sense That bridges  “the way certain chemicals bind to certain receptors.”  All Thing Exactness. Uniformed Models tried and true Brought About a Sense material Progress In The Minds Of Some  And Dizziness For Others. Whenever A PROCESS reaches the Point That It Produces The Expected Result Without Deviance, it Is Said To Be Down To Science.


Science Likes To Be Predictive and Sculpted Out In Every. The Retraced Results Leads to Ground Base Theory Like Newton Deterministic Universe, The Assumption:  Given a summed Amount Of Variables, Distances, And velocity,  A Scientist Can Asses Any “Particles” Position, Predicted A Moment. These “Simple” Ideas are the ones that morph into the differing view of quantum physics. It's all sounds Like Jargon, But It's The Theorems That Form The World.


Can everything just be reduced to Notion And behavior of the smallest particles and their laws?


It's Deft Enough To Explain Why We Die But Ineffectual In Concluding What happens Afterwards.


The Concepts Are Well Known. Gravity Mass Time. But The Allegories and The Concepts Behind Them Are From Universal.


Many Of Us, And By Us, I Mean The Receptive Mass Public, Taking Brisk Walks and Drinking blurs Of  Coded Coffee In The Grand Simulation Under The Gaze Of Big brother. MOST of Us Were introduced and Indoctrinated Into The World Of Science Through Science Fiction. The Shiny Pristine Functionality of Worlds Like The Jetson or The Endless Voyages Dense and Machination I Worlds Like The Star Trek Franchise. But Real Science, That’s Less so Endearing And Even More Recondite.


The “ Exploratory Combat” Of Science.


In The Playground Scripted Television, The Science complements the people who engineer It. The Character Who Take The Concepts from Their Knowledge Audience. Each Bot, cyber, Laser, and Warp Drive makes life easier or less complicated. Herein Lies Part Of the Partition between Greater society and Science.


“many important scientific studies have required of their practitioners a degree of single-mindedness that is quite inhuman.”



Even When On Experimental, Lab Coats and Becker Science Can Always transmogrified Into Something Still processing.



Science can be a struggle.


The Mass unitization Of Mice,  cadavers.  Clinical Experiment that further Explores and Expands The Human Genome. Science, for its intentions, has Always Had a Difficult Time Appealing to the Masses. From The Rationalist Early Struggles To Challenge Religion and Philosophy.  To later struggle to  Coalesce Within Religion Through The Help Of Galileo. To Contemporary Standoff With Skeptics and Even Politicians to Misinformation Who Chant, “We Will Not Give In To The Thinkers” Thanks To A FEW influential Figures, Galileo, Keppler, Copernicus and Einstein, and Some Undeniably Crucial Breakdown. THE lofty realms Of Physics and Chemistry And Bespectacled Wizards And Wunderkind Who Employ Their Theorems and Serums are No Longer Ostracize Sect Of Mystiques Who Ulteriorly Purpose to Rewrite The Law God Each their Own.


Despite a Glowing Acclaim Of Number Of Its Chief Emissaries, Particularly Einstein, Newton, And Tesla. The Innumerable Contribution Science(Physics, Chemistry cosmology) Gifts The Modern World In Only The Past Century Alone Science Remain A Disdained School Of Thought. Less Of a Pariah and More Postscript.


Unlike Its Sometimes Adversary Religion, Or it's Sometimes Cohorts Philosophy and economics; Science Like The Universe It Hopes To Define,  Can Never Be Static.


As Einstein Doubtfully Discovered, The Universe Continue To Grow. That “Exactness” Can Eluding Minds Into The Lengths Of Its  Unpredictable Reality. Science Must Grow and Compound But To Do So It Must Crush The Progress. Impound And impact All Of The Works Thea Have Made Its Inclusion On The Society Of The Mind Inexorable.


Its practitioners can be a very fractious group by Accords. The Desire to disprove another to build acclaim always appeared to be the fence needed to climb into the upper echelons of renowned physicists. The Great Physics Card Play; “Einsteinian” physics Trumping “Newtonian” physics.



To Keep Science Alive, Some Desperados Have Sunken To Posting Unaccredited and Falsified Reports In The Fight To Keep The Way We Understand The World In Exactness Moving. Destabilization The  Credibility And Undermining Work. Science And Scientists Exercise Their Deductive Experiment Under Surreptitious, Near Closeted, Examination.  It's Often Only By A Commission Of The Member Of Their Class To Rebuff Or Counter Work, At Least With Accurate Effectiveness.


Concepts Logged In Grievances Of Quantum Physics String theory Holds The Potential Unravel Another Lofty Realm Of Esoteric Thoughts. Math While Also Being a Gateway To Frustration Can Also Be a gateway To Reality.


No Other Realm Of Scientific Study Adores Math More Than Quantum Physics.

Quantum Physics The Study Of all Things Small; atoms, Particles Light Waves, Quarks. These subatomic meters That Prevail Our Lives.



General Relativity gathered together all things massive. Einstein's theory set the Standard For Modern Science. The Math Suggested The Universe Our Universe has to Continue To Expand, a Decade Later Observations Confirmed.


Physicists have pinned for That chord that can strike between General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. There May Lie Dormant The Next Age Of Human Advancement, String theory—conveys the fragility in the cosmos-- And The Multiverse. Instances that suffer From conflicting laws of Physics. Galaxies of infinite Outcomes. Where you and I Where capes and Crawls, Strike Punches That Come With exclamation Marks and Only Move Scene by scene, Forever.


The Multiverse It's Not A Theory But A Possibility Between Where Other Theories Meet.


From the days Of Galileo Challenging The Church and Reordering the Knowledge Of Our Solar System, What We Know It Today, Sun In The Center Is all.


The Pandering About the Multiple Galaxies Has Spent Many Debates.


No More Than A few Decades Ago Science Had Began To explore the Concepts Of The Far Galaxy. Colonizing Mars, An Exploit Which Has Become So Critically To Human Survival Because Due In Part To Science Humans Are Living Longer But Also Generating More and More Of That Toxic By-Products We Read So Much Of In Popular Publications


Science Took It's War Against Christianity, To War Against Pseudoscience Then Against Itself.  The scientific Structure.


Gaining Prominence but Only as A Surrogate. “In addition to God and state, there would now be science.”

But Science couldn't Exist On Its own only as It Relate or In Use To One or The Other Counterpart


The motion; straightforward step By Step guidance along. A Simplistic Reagent,

 “Ask A QUESTION.” Why something does or Does Not Do This Or Something Else? Propose a hypothesis. Experiment, analyze the results To One Of Two Ends: Either Further The Proposition into Fundamentals Or Until  The Theory Reach Falsity. Through This Function, Science slowly Provided and poked away At The World of Capricious gods and The Unknown. The Unknown Remain The Only forest Continuing Beyond the Reach of Science.


Yet All of These Chassis Have Molded Science Forward. Rational Thinking Took Board in Natural Society Some Foundational Five Hundred Years Ago. Before, Humans Had Mostly “flat, loosely drawn maps of their knowledge.”

During That Time Science Both Serve as The Impetus and a Bystander To The Revolutionary Age that Anteceded Today’s societal Format.

Civilization would rise and capitulate in near predictable sequences—one Empire Rises and Fall Only Another to Replace It. Offshoots like “political science” have mostly corrected this fatalistic cycle.


because its success is so fundamental to our continued existence



What If We No Longer Have To Populate Mars Or Saturn Or Venus. What If We Could Populate Another dimension. Assuming The Laws Of Physics Permeate Beyond The Voids Of String Theory It’s Believe That

You Believe There’s Just One Universe There’s Not Just One Universe There’s A Multiverse.


The idea is that there are an infinite number of other universes out there besides our own. It strikes many as odd and exceptionally modern, Nouveau from contemporary physics.


Hat, the order and beauty of our world, was the accidental product of atoms colliding in an infinite void.




When We Last Left The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wait Where Did We Leave The Marvel cinematic Universe?



The Marvel Tapestry Extended its extremities Over Another Region Of Films Since The Last Dr. Strange Movie. In Marvel's 2016 Cinematic Introduction Of The Character. We Meet Dr . Stephen Strange. Yes, Strange. Quite Strange. Marvel’s First Anti-hero-Ish Lead. A Boundlessly Capable Surgeon Who Take Corporal Of What Shakespeare Said That Ambition Should Be Made Of Sterner Stuff.


Stephens Only Desire To Continue To Be Ambitious Until An Accident Mingled His hands Beyond Repair. Yes, sterner Stuff, Indeed.

Strange’s only Grievance With The hand Fate Deals; He Would Have to Perform Better Work On His Hands Had It Been Capable.


But all Has Not Yet Been Lost. Strange Opens Up To New Form Of Treatment, Mysticism. The Doctor Take On A Trip Into A New perspective And New Astral Planes. “ You Think That this  Material Universe Is All There Is. But What if I Told You The Reality You Know One Of Many?

Strange, Never one To Care For Anything Aside Himself And His Work, Takes a Teacher, The Ancient One  And To The Ancient Arts And Even Saves Our Earths Dimension From Dormammu. An astral Dimensional Being Who Powers Can Save Worlds From The True Enemy Time.



It's challenging To Say If Any Motifs Will Carry Over From Strange One To Strange Two, Given The Heavyweight Fights That Have Bridge The Gap Between The Two Films. The Presence Of A All Too Mercurial Wanda Maximoff Fresh Off Of Psychoactive Brain Washing An Entire Community only Adds another Element To This Crock Pot Of Mesh Up Character arch.


For all That Science Has Unearth, The Subjects beyond rudimentary parlance Remain Brutally Marginalized. The critical factor is not the money, it’s the will . . . the brutal force of putting in sixty hours a week for a year to get one million fragments.” Marvel Assuming Attempts To Intersect And Mediate The Force of The General Public And Acclaim Science That Works To Hold It All Together. Science catches the Rap of Being Boring, Brutal Even Brooding.


“There is no such thing as spirit. We are made of matter and nothing more.”



It's Rightfully just to assume that to Callow Conscience, the general public, Comic Books Are No More Than Figure Art Corrupted By Scribbles Of Incomplete Sentences That Support Some  Purported Storyboarding. Like HBO’s “Euphoria” On Paper.


I Have Met only a Handful Of Earnest Marvel Fans And An atom Sized Number Of Comic Book Fans. Of Course, I Live In Small Country, But The Movies haven’t Turned As Many People Over To The Comics as Numbers Would seat would Suggest. The Average Comic book fan doesn’t emerge from the movies. It Seems That Either He is Or He isn’t. So to Science.


Despite the stigma over the Humdrum of comics, In Another World, Possibly Earth 4, Studying A Full Scripted Page Of Comic Book Ledger that Form a complex Map With Nuggets Of Intrigue Through Every Turn Could Be The Work Of Pastor Politicians and Scholars. It's the fevered dream I Madness. But those same death lead Comics Into A Corner.


In Marvel's Grand Comic, Name “Infiniti Gauntlet.” Thanos Put his vendetta Against The Universe To Rest And Consequently Himself.


Tales Of His Triumph, The Bases For The Movie Adaption, Couldn’t Be Found In A Vacuum cum In the ’80s.



Comics Move To Homes In Specialized Comic-book Stores shelved away from the abode Of Trade books store for contemporary Literature And Newsstands. Comics took Off The Shelves And Into The Hands And Minds Of Slice of Society.  Believed To Be The Literary Substance, If any substance For “young Children” Or “Illiterate Adults” Comics, Like Science Always Had a Niche Appeal. Only a select group took an interest in it, and only more exclusive groups understood the deeper thickets of the pages.


The Idea that Someone Spent Time Creating and Worse others Spending Time Digesting. It’s Repugnant. To Those Minds, The  Marvel Movies Are No More Than CGI Visual Effects Capsulized In Action blast.


Beneath, Rather Layered across every page Comic are Mined And Flirt  With Conscripts That Aren’t Art Or Kids Stuff. Comics Are Queasy-ingly Rich With Metaphysics. The Story and The Actions That Propagate The  Intersection of both the Science and the philosophy, At Junctures  Religion. Harrowingly Creation Story’s That Follow mythology that Emerged From Scientific Anomalies.


Marvel's Comic Book History Opens Up With a Universe That Grasps Life through A “Big Bang “Like Event. The Universe In It’s Cause To Grow to Spawn Multiple Aspect Of What We Know As Life; Epiphany, Empathy Eon, as The Universe Continued To Unfold.


As Species And Intelligent Grow From Spores, The Comics Began To Tackled The Subjects Of Inclusion, Technical Advancement, Nihilism and A Radical Patriotism, Sometimes Known as Terrorism. Many Topics That Bitter The Tongues Of Common Conversations Due To The polarizing Nature.


The Nature Of Said Topic Elucidates Why Comics Became Somewhat Ostracized But Also The Perfect Canonized Format For Smuggling This thought across Minds.


As A Kid, I Loved Comics For The Art Work. As An Adult, I’m Blinded By How Rich In Intrigue. The Put The Studies of Life into  Digestible form.



As Comic Books Grew In Size, Scope, Number Of Issues And Most Importantly Influence, The  Minds That Engineered These Harrowing Stories sought to inject in each Topic of Higher Learning Into The Rudimentary Elements Of Bad Versus Good.


The Multiverse Would Be The Next Step In String Theory Which Is Itself The Next Step In Quantum Physics. Science grows from quantum mechanics, which is the theory of the microscopic Whose Evolution From One Quandary About Lightbulb Produce The enormity Of The Technical Advanced Age As We Know It.


Einstein And Other Physicists Of The 20th Century Couldn’t Quite Understand Why The Light Of Lightbulbs was so Inconsistent With The Laws Of Physics. As The Waves of Energy Grew, The Power Should Expand as Well. But No Matter How Much Light a Piece of Metal Became Exposed To, The Waves Produced became a Null Effect On The Electrons. Still, The Small Lights, imperceptible Ultraviolet, Created more Potential And more Intensity.


The Revelation Of Quantum, An Otherwise Overlooked Discovery, Uncovering, That Won Einstein The Noble Prize, Set The Stage For The Production of Lasers Opening Medical Advancement And Nuclear Energy. But Could Set The Stage for Greater Mysteries That Could hide Across Other Dimensions. A New Vision Of The Future “the possibility that every time a quantum event happens, every time an atom radioactively decays, the universe splits into multiple parallel versions of itself.”


Comic Books Aren't The Only Media Multiverse-Like Immersions Are Taking Place. The Latest Pokémon RPG, Pokémon Legend:” Arceus,” the Series Evolved From the Mono-deterministic prepackaged goal of becoming champion into A Virtual transformative scale with three separate, successive endings. The grand aim of closing a rift in space-time and battle a Pokémon god worship and Celebrated. Perhaps simulacra of Science’s battle to the masses.




When Scientific Breakthrough Serve, It's Never With Sceptic. Even Those In Science Turn a Cold To The Esoteric Revelations. Vaccines Are Sometimes Prime Example


“Towards an explanation to the unexplainable.”


Perhaps The Movie Serve Is An Precursor Of What Scientist  Have Already Quietly Observed. Marvel May Only Be The preparatory Introduction To The World. Or Maybe It’s Just A Movie Based Loosely On Comics.



The Multiverse Would Be The Next Step In String Theory Which Is Itself The Next Step In Quantum Physics.


Dr. Strange and The Multiverse of Madness Would Be The Next Step For Marvel On Its Course To Reset. Spider-Man: No way Home Just Bellow a New Note  In Box Office And This one Should As Well But Critical this Movie Are Mostly Mulligans For Future and Past Endeavors. Space-Time Loops.


Cascading across the Internet are Deluges Of Hype. Form The Rumor Professor X,  Patrick Stewart, Look Poised To Reprise His Role In Some Form. Will There Be A  Tom Cruise, Dead Pool? Hype, Like The Theories That Propagate Them Are Usually Far From The Truth, The Crossover Villainous Expectations Of Far From Home. Or Disappointing, the Heroic Revelations of Spider-Man Far From Home.


I Think This Revelation Will Turn Out To Be The Elders Of The Universe. Protector Of The Temporal Space Rather Than The Supposed Illuminati. Who does The Ensemble Consist? Not Sure.

“The Real Achievement Of A Successful Future HISTORY Is If It Convinces The Reader That the World They Live in it not The only One Available To Them.”


Luka Doncic Has Reshaped The Mavericks In His Own Image.


NBA Trade Deadline.