The Process Was Built On Failure: Chapter 4.

Embiiid Under The Process.jpg

Mindless Arts

This Article Initialized  As An Unassuming Thought, Merged Into A Study, And Soon Ventured Into A Historical investigation, Under The presumed Inquiry :

 “Why Did The Sixers Fail To Make The Finals This Season?”; Form Here, This Study Gradually transubstantiated Into A Sordid Epic into the Epoch of The Franchise’s History Known To Most As “The Process.”. Due To Much of the Malaise Induced During That Timeline. This Article Aims To Unwrapped, Explore And Ultimately Lay Bear Some of the Views, Assumption, And Critics  Of The Process’s History. Where Does the Process Stand Within The World Of  Basketball Philosophy, The City Of Philly, The NBA  As A Business And Us, the  Fans, Today? Also, the Corona Virus Made A Guest Appearance; Forgive Me.

“Philadelphia has to be cautious in making wholesale changes.”


The  Quote; Easily Stated, easily Read, easily Ascertain.


 Molded And Sculpted; The Sixer’s Primary Unit Constructed On the Trio of Tobias Harris, Joel Embiid, And Ben Simmons, Were Mended of Unform Lumbs Left Behind In The Production Of “The Process”. When The Dust and Clay Settle. The Process Had Come Full Circle, At Least So It Seemed. In 2021, Finally, in These Unlikely Time, On The Trials of An Unlikely Era’s The Sixers had Secured forThe Franchise One Of The Wrinks Needed To land MArk The Way into The Finals. 2020-2021, The Franchise Fused All Of The Experience gains InTo one of The Most successful Seasons in the franchise’s history. The Secure The Number 1 seed, 49-23 in The Eastern Conference. A Top Ten Defense And Net rating. Even With Ben Simmon’s Well Documented shooting Woes, The Sixers had Enough Support Falnking Him To dispel that Concern. Through The Season, Simmons Shot 65% In the restricted area And 50% On the right Corner 3s(1-2), Which is Massive Improvements Compare To His Injury Shortened 2020 season. The Sixers finally Seattle On Playing Simmons At The One After Vascilating His Time Between The Point Guard An Power Forward Spots. His Freet throw Percentage remains Relative Hovering Low Above 60%. But Progress Is Progress Right?


Simmons’ Respectblity As A Shooter Was Negligible.  His Free Throw Shooting Was Decent, maybe Not respectable, But he could String Togtehr Enough Of An Effort To Justify Playing him Late, At times. Most of All, The Sixers Ahd An Aura Of Dominance. Very few Teams Out east   From 2013 beyond,  As The Story Goes, The Sixers Were Near inattentive, Near Conscious Less In Their Approach To The Game. Not stated, but Sub audited The Shift In Judgment That Sixers In 2021 No few words Could Measure the Magnitude represent An entire Era.

This Quote And Exert From An ESPN+ Article Details The Difference In  The Sixers, the Difference  That Has Made The  Sixers, The Differences That by Which The Sixers Could Overwrite Their Problematic Programing. The Longstanding fulfillment  They The Sixers devised, Taking On The form Of “Cell” From Dragon Ball Z, locked in the Inexorable Pursuit of its Perfection, completion Because That’s What It was Designed, Instructed, to Pursue.


The Process. Designed To Expedite The Rebuild Initiative. Codified By Percentage And Systems.


What Is The Process; Success or Failure?


“We Talk A lot About Process—Not Outcome…” said Sma Hinkkie, In His First Address To The Media After The Now defunct Gm Was Took Suoerintendecny f The Team Operation In 2013


In Regards, to that, The Process Is The Product In An Infinite Loop. Hinkie’s designed For rebuilding Only Set Goals To To Pertruate  A Futile existence.  The Process Has Only Propagated More Of The Processing Because That All it Was Coded To Do. And So It hasn’t Truly failed.

 Similiar To the Cybernetic Species From Star trek, Fierce Nemesis Of the Star Ship Enterprise,  The Process are Both seeking Perfection--But Their Purpose To So Is Often Expressed And Then Over Shadowed By Their Continued Assimilation Of Lifeforces, In The Sixer’s Case Draft Capital, Unfortunate Enough  To cross their Path Across the Delta Quadrant.  They Both Devise ways o Assimiluated More Capital With defining The Results, Without Scheming Into The Letter Why the Perfection mattered.

The Endless Pursuit Of Picks Soured And The Sixers Began To Pass Lottery Selctionss, Like Saric And Mikal Bridges Off For Satr Veteran Rentals like Jimmy Butler And   Al Horford, Aws Well As Meani Stay Paeices Like Tobias Harris. They were Putting The Process Behind Them. At Least Trying To.  But They  Can’t. The Process In Indelibly, Inextricably Tethered To Player Like MVP Runner Up Joel Embiid And And 6’11 Basketball Savant Ben Simmon.

“ I Am the Process” Joel Embiid



 The Delta.

“The Sixer’s Plan To tank. This doesn’t Mean Losing Games On Purpose But prioritizing wins In The Long term rather THAn The Short term.”


The Change In Variance  That Runs Along The lines Of “Losing  As A Principle” And To “Losing As A Problem” Are A  Near Impossibility To Completely conceptualize. Those Lines Marked Our An faded Gray. The Sixers Didn’t Invest In Losing, The Divisted In Being competitive.  The Process Eventually feels Victim To Itself  The Sixers, Swallowed By the Toxic Principles That Gave Life To It, Just As So The Man Who engineered It “ Died for [Its] sins.”

The Lines are Hard To Define. Hard to Identify. If The Even Exist.


“Show Me A Good Loser, and I Ill Show you A Loser.” Fame football Coach Vince Lombardi Once Chimed.

There, Above, In lIne, The Scribed  Embodiment of  The Trouble That Haunts The Sixers.


Dary Morley Secured Place Hinkie And Coangleo Once Reign In. The Refurbished, So To say, President would Have Responsible For Resurrecting And reupholstering The Team’s Image.

The  Hinkie era was finally finished. For His Time, Hinkie  Was Adored. His Patience Made The Theorictal Process a Reality. Despite The Inexhautable Mountain Of Losses Piling Up, The Hinke Model Gave The Sixers’ The Prospect of A Way, Something To look forward; The Future. At the end Of The Allen Iverson Era, The Sixers Had Been Locked In The Thoroughs Of The Middle Of The Eastern Conference. The Sixer’s Need A new one. Direction, even If It Took them In The opposite Direction.

Unfotryuantley For Hinkie,  The NBA Is A Result Driven Business, A Point Current Sixer’s General AMnger Acknowloegdes. No One Man Could Retains His Job Amidst So Much organizational Dysfunction, No Matter How Much optimism, Twitter And. Slogans He inspired.

Brian Colangelo's era untethered itself from The Previous  “The Process” Regime. In His Two years At The Hea of, he ranks Running  The Sixer’s Operations Colangelo Executed a Deal To Bring In JJ Reddick, Robert Covington, And Marco Bellini, All Shooters Who Helped Propel The team Into The Playoffs. Brian Was Alos The reagent for The Markelele Fultz Tarde Bettwen The Sixer’s And Celtics, Who Remained An Strong Asset for The Team.

Running the Philadelphia 76ers these days [was] among the best jobs in the NBA. With a roster featuring two of the league’s best young players in Joel Embiid and Ben Simmons….”

Colangelo Was Brought shortly After His Father, Jersey, Was Hired To Oversee The Basketball Operation Of The Franchise And Brian To Serve As His chief Super intendant Once Hinkie Inevntible Step Down, As Most Expected. Brian Had Been The GM For The Suns And Raptors Before Entering The Gates To Philidophia. Further More  Crafted A Contender Form The  Pieces Hinkie Haad Left Behind. Coangelo’’s Methods And His Name Or The Rise Until And Ill-conceived Twitter Scandal.

Colangelo Step Down. Elton Brand, former Sixer’s forward 17 Year NBA Pro Step In.

Brand, Two Year’s Into His Retirement from The NBA As A Player. The Former All-Star Power Forward Final Stinct in League Threads Cam As A Member Of The Process Capping Season For The Sixers In  2016, Brand’s  Second career Tenure  With The Sixers.  In 2018 Brand Secured The Engagement As The Sixers’ GM.  A first Time Hopeful. The Former Rookie Of The years, Brand Had Expeditious Claim The The ranks in Organisation After He Was Hired As  A Developematl Coach In Dec 2016. Brand. Beat Out Several experienced Hopefuls, JAzzz Assitant GM Justin And Rocketd Vice President Gersson Rosas.

Brand Was A cancellation Prize So to Say; The Man Philly Failed To Acquired Arrived In 2020 To Serve  President.

Daryl Morley, Notable For His Over Preoccupation  With  Mathematical Models Served As The Principle President Of Basketball Operation Ij Houston For Year, With An analytics-driven approach favored By Sam Hinkie.

Together, Morley And Co-Developed the Successful Layup Or Three Pointer Run And Shoot Offense  In Houston. Unfortunately, Morley's Extreme Approach To Offensive Effenciny Failed To Meet Expectations. Just Asn Hinkie Extremist Approach Achieved in Philly. Morley Approach Made Magnamious Strides for the Team, Including a Conference final Berth 2018.  At The End Of Morley's tenure, with Houston Still grasping Further Away from Their Once Near Championship Aspiration, Everything Morley Built was For Team was Torn Down and Shafted.


“Simmons will most likely have to go.”


Should Philly Make A Move? Should They Make The Move; To Then Move Themselves  Out Computational Progress.


Whole Sale changes Have come Before.  They Have Cross This  Stage Of the Process To Go Once More.   Trading The Once Coveted Draft Position To Secure Then discontent Wolves Allstar Jimmy Butler.

From Processes Data Cloud Upload Into The Game.  The Sixers Succumnbed To A Stunning Earlier Exit At The Hands… Talons’ Of A Hawks Only Three to four Ago from The Inceipition of Theirs. Rebuild The Series ran A full Seven Games And featured Some Unworldly Performance By Emidd And Some aspersed Performance Form Ben Simmons. But Game Sevens Have Never Been too Kind To The sixers And Not Only Impose Their Will As The Dominant Team; They Expressed Themselves As the Defining rebuild. Danny Ainge Tarde Withstanding.  The Hawks Are Now Claim one of the best young cores in the NBA. The Hawks Are Heralded As The Direct Molding By which Team scouring The Landscape Of their Franchise Torn To Shreds By tHe Wrung By The Tank Wars, As The Land Scape For The Future begins To Bring Bounty; as A Country Like Germany Once represented The Form Of Recovery For Countries Post World War 2. The rings are A String Of Irony.


Come to The 2021 Off-Season The Sixers Signed Backup center Andre Drummond, The Former Piston’s Lottery Pick Shared Stincts In Cleveland And LA This Session Before finding Himself Unplayable and the cliff of The Lakers Roster. Still Only 28, A Year Older Than Embiid Drummond Is no Longer The 20,10 inside in His nascent Days In Detroit. When He Sparred A Few times With The Eman, He Is Now Slated To Share Time With In The Middle. The Sixers Are A Team Already Lockheed Inn Thoroughs of chemistry Concerns. This Signing,  Want serveAssuage Any Difficult Amongst the Core Of the Sixers As Presently collected. Drummond Has Never Been A Mobile, Multipurpose  Big-man.  His Fit With Ben Simmons, Id=f He Comes To remain In Philly Come Nxt season, Could Conjure  Thought sOf Basketball  Efficiency Nightmares.

Speaking of,  Few expect Ben Simmons to Much Time With Drummond In Play Or With Any Other Sixer  For The Matter. There have Been Growing Expectations That The Sixers—Will Tarde Their Former Number 1 Pick Corner Stone. Simmons Had Once Been considered Untouchable, A commodifying Status Only Underscpred When The Sixers Gave Him A 5 year 170 Million Dollar Extention. Now Entering His Six Season Simmon’s Hasn’t Filled Out His Potential Like Embiid Has.

The Australian Native Ahs Made An All-star team, amassed Several All-NBA Accolades, And Notched A few Impressssive triple Doubles Along The Way. But His Shooting Woes, Which have Now Advanced From “Relectuant” To ‘Passive” To “Retrograding,” Over The Ociusre Of His Career,  Since Simmons Rookie season in 2017, Has Been a Point Of criticism For The Sixers failure To Move Above the Second Round. To Move Above The Process.


Trade Rumors Have Have A buzzed The  NBA Since “The Pass,” When Ben Simmons rejected An Opportunity At The Basket, Passed The Ball Off To Another Team Who Was foul and Failed To Sc=eure the Two Points That Simmons Had Deferred.

Teams Link To Simmons Include Portland, Chicago, And The Two Bay Area Team The Kings Abd Warriors, The Team Most Have Speculated As The Premier Destination, Should Simmons Leaves Pjilly As Most Already Expect He, Will. Simmons  Has been Statement He Would Be Open To Joining The Warriors And Has Since excommunicated The Sixers Staff And Players.

Tethering A Talent Passer And Shot Creator Like Simmons with two of the NBA’s best Historically Potent shooters In Steph Curry and Klay Thompson Would Set the Stage For A Career Transcendence For Simmons, who’d Finally Be PFlank By The Shooters His Style Of Play So Desperately necessitates. Perhaps that is what the Sixers fear. Trade Y=their Youngs star, then Watching Him Blloosom Under Another Coach. Another System. Another City. Perhaps the Asking price Is Too steep. Four Fist And An All-star Caliber Player. The Celtic success Still Plays on their Mind.

A Simmons Move Out West, To The Bay Area,  Could Mean An Abode Near The Beach And A Winning Culture.


 “Talent is the most important thing,” Warriors Coach  Kerr said.  In an exert Apart of A Greater Piece Writing  In The Athletic discussing The Nebulous Nature Of Culture but its credible framework Like championship Success.

“ Once the talent is in place, you need a goal; you need a journey, you need the means to travel the journey. And culture is crucial because it builds habits and consistency and builds an environment that lets the players thrive.”

The process Procured The Talent And in the Progression Produced a culture Of Losing One In which The Shredded  Rmenats Of Is Still clothed Upon This Team Long After The Tailor Had Left it Behind.

Simmon’s Cohesion With Embiid Has Always been A Point Of contention. Perhaps Off Loading His up-to-date limited Offensive Skills could Move The Sixers closer To Their Suppressed Goal.

The whole point of Hinkie’s grandiose vision was to avoid this mediocrity, yet here they are anyway.





The Process Was Built On Failure: Complete.


The Process Was Built On Failure: Chapter 3.