The Word.

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The Value Of Good Writing.

The Word. Each word. One Word. These Word.

The Prolific, Universal Juggernaut of Human expression Is proclaimed, as Man’s Most Powerful Medium, an instrument when evoked can and has changed The Course Of History, In Fact, words Declares History, The Word Is History.  Martin Luther Used The Power Of words To Denounced Catholicism and spark the protestant Reformation, century After, a Man Named Of His Inspiration Evoke The Power Of The Word To Stir A Movement changing The Course Of Race Relations, and creating Avenues for “Negro” Advancement, Decades After He Had Passed, “I Have a Dream”, Four Words, Is Still A Logan Championed By All Who Have faced Oppression. Our Days Have Become One’s Fixated On The Pursuit Of Money Medical And Technological Advancement And Greater Status when It Has Always Been “Words” when purposely utilized establishes a man’s value.

In His Magnus Opus “ethics”, Aristotle proclaims that speech is the definitive factor that separates man from animals. There In Speech(words), we are introduced to man’s true identity; when a man utters words, you know who he is; your words are an expression of your being, auto projection in some sense.  

The Advent Of the internet, tethered with the blossoming of Social Media Has Put The Word on its highest platform. Martin Luther and the Printing press could never Capture the Scope Of Audiences That The Internet has Now assembled before the mighty word. Each Day Any Of The Dozen Social Media Sites attracts millions of Adherents Who Buzz blissfully For New Content. The words, in speeches or In declarations, have Never had This many muffled voices, minds, composers utilize it, express it, compress it, and ingest its value.


This week updated its standard portfolio and within the update, there were around 7500 new words and phrases were entered into it is catalog, most of which were zoom and Covid-19, Understandable, related entries. still, in such Volume, The number of new words and phrases entering into the English Language could Be Consider Excessive.

This Word Diaspora has could Come at a cost. Consequently, Inflating The Range Of The Word Has Weakened its Strength. At any point, ultimately diluting the substance within the instrument it once sought to magnify.  Within Progress, we produced Excess Within excess we produced Regress. With The Word Once The Most cherished Element Of Human Life once the medium of transformative ideas is now whitewashed. In the Early Centuries, The Word Was A Weapon For Only With The Skill To Utilize diversity now has become a Washboard For Those Who are Internet Savvy.



Alex Abad-Santos Of Vox Media Discussed Briefly in a Blog “how boomers got So Good At Zoom” The Change In Value Of Communication(monetarily) Between the ’80s, When he Was the Child of immigrant, To The Modern Day Covid-19 “Zoom Boom” Culture that his parent has now become adjusted to.  In his Article SANTOS Reminisced of Primitive Models Of communications, such as “snail Mail’ and “long Distance calls”, were reserved Exclusively for Weekends And would Require a Budget Of roughly $300 per month, approximately $957 in 2021 when adjusted for inflation. In Any era, a Thousand For A Phone Call would Be a considerable expense But For Immigrant Families hoping to stay in Now Dispersed Around The U.S.A, This Budget Balancing Was no easy Feat To orchestrate and often required saving pennies through the weeks and planning ahead to whom the recipients would be, just to. Santos continues in His Piece That a call Was considering A Grandiose Display Of Affections between the two parties and would only be used to relay pertinent information. So Much So That The Now Obsolete Text Message at a time was considered A Transformative revelation in the world of communication.  In the present Day Of High-Speed Internet, A Multitude Of messaging Apps are woven Into the Fabric Of Social Media taking the value of Communication for granted is a given.

In the vein of Vox Media and communication, There is prime real estate to consider. The Multimedia conglomerate is a massive holding house for a plethora of subsidiary content creating and word hosting sites, The Goods, where Santos’ Writing could Be found, Is Just One Of The Many. Vox Produces Great Content in Such volume that every Holding Cannot Be Truly Valued By Readers But It Is Also A Great Example of Why Having Rock Copy Writing Is Virtually Indispensable.

President Trump and His successor Joe Biden Have Been Highlighted In The past As Criminals Of Coinage, A Far Cry From The eloquence Of Barack Obama Before Them.


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