Unrefined, Part 2: A Matter Of Time.



Unrefined Part 2: A Matter Of Time.

Continuing My Venture Into Yuval’s Discourse On Human History I entered into the chapter titled, “The Cost Of Thinking”. Here We Find Man On The Move. Not From Place to Place But From Posture to Pasture, In other words, They Stood Up Straight, No Longer Hunched Or Deformed By Our Modern Aesthetic Standard, No Quasi Modo. This Shift In Posture Appears Minor now But Then, Hundred Of Thousands Of Years ago It Gave Our A Better Gaze Or Grandeur Over The Savannah And Valley. Better Perspective On Prey And predators. The Hands of Homo Sapiens Followed In This Development sequence. Our Hand’s Became More Dexterous, Adroit. Nerves Endings And Muscles Became ‘fine Toned’, Making way For The Development And Use Of Tools That Would Prove To Be Consequential As Mankind Continued Its March across Evolution. I say Consequential Because Tools For all Their Glory Produced Waste As A By Product. Before Tools What Man Could Not Use in Its entirety Was Not Use At All. The Creation Tools Allowed Man To discard What Was essentially Not Useful. No, I Am Not NA Environmentalist those are The facts. ENVIROMITE! Back to then Hands. These Burgeoning Traits further distinguish Homo Sapiens From Its Relatives in the chain of Great Apes And Other Humanoid “species”. We Learn That As Man Began To Stand Upward The Female Birth Canal Gradual Compressed Or Narrowed, which coincidently coincided with the head of babies becoming larger. The Consequences Of This evolutionary advancement Are Well Documented and need no further discourse. Offspring and Their Dependents are also discussed, As Indifferent to Their animal Neighbors Human Offspring are birth completely vulnerable At Birth But On The Offset Are Far More Pliable Inn Development.   Standing Upright Also place Considerable Strain On The Back And Neck, Which As A Writer Often Hunch Over A Pad On Phone I Can Attest To. Standing Up Right coupled With The Staggering Progression Of The Human brain resulted In Homo Sapiens Escalating Or rocketing Up The ranks Of The Food Chain, a top dog so to speak, or ape. A Shift That Has Left Other Premier Predators And The Ecosystem Still Adapting These Alterations. This Metamorphoses Of Sorts Would Come With Some Kick Back And Sacrifice.


“What Should Go Forward With You And What Should Be Discarded As If It Were Dead Wood.”

Refinement requires sacrifice. As of March Of Time Move Ahead So Did The Homo Sapiens So Do I.

Standing Upright Required Accepting Back Pain, Refine Reading Writing And Other Quality Skills Has, Apparently For Me, Required Solitude. Time When Most My Age, Let us Say 20’s And Leave It There) Would-Be Presumably Partying and Socializing even Amidst These Pandemic Times. A Discussion When I Expound In Yuval’s Other Book “Homo Deus”. I am Bit Locked In. I am Reading A Book on Anthropology, I studied Journalism. I Am Reading This Book In Short Intervals (10-15 Per day) But Humanities Sacrifice into Esteemed Stature Took Thousands Of Year. Refinement Is Putting Aside what is Expedient For Could, Potentially, Be Exponential.




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