Wanda Vision


Prompted By My insatiable Appetite Article Written Posted On The Ringer, I Was Educed into Watching The Disney Plus/ Marvel Series’ “Wanda Vision”.

What Is It? Great Question.

Wanda Vision, As It Is Entitled To Reason Soon To Be Explained, Is Marvel Studio’s Seminal Step Into Genre Of Sitcom Status. As The Cinematic Universe Enters Into 4 Phase, And Its Preeminent Cast Of Glorified Heros And Heriones Slowly Fade Into Obscurity, Marvel Executives Have Now Set Their Aims On Entree Into Streaming Service And High Light Some Of The Comics Periphery Characters. Who Are Now In LIne To take The Reigns Of The Cinema’s Identity. The Series Follows Wanda Maximoff, Who Through Exposure To An Infinity Stone, The power Stone, Comes To Possess Extrasensory Powers, centered on telekinesis. Along with Wanda for This Adventure in Television History, Her Beau, Vision, The Artificial Intelligence Cyborg With The Mind Stone Mended Into His forehead or mind. The Superhero Duo “Appear” To Be Away from The Sky Scrapper Destruction, Alien Invading Life Of New York City And Are Now Quietly Sequestered In the Suburbs.


Ringer Was Also The Reason, I Began Watching HBO’s “Acclaimed” Television Series “Game Of Thrones” And “Westworld”. Game Of Thrones Speaks For Itself But I Put Acclaimed Is In Quotations Because After A Season And A Half Of Screen Time, I’m More Confused About The Premise of Westworld today Than I was When I Started Reading The Articles. So As Of Right Now, The Ringer You Are hit or Miss With Tv Prompting.  The Completionism In Me Will get Me Through.

With That Break Back To Our regularly Scheduled Critic.

From The On-Set Let Me Proclaim That I Am DC Guy. Despite The Box Office Duds Of The Past decade, I Could Never Turn on Batman.  Honestly But I Have Invested enough Hours Into Marvel Movies To Know That They Have A Solid Formula For Producing Good Content. Not even The Staunches Of Batman Fans Could Argue Against Or Ignore The Marvel Mania Of The Last Decade Or So. I Tried, But Damn Infinity War Was So good. I Had to watch The Others Afterwards just to fill in the story. Do not Judge Me. Forgive ME, Bruce Tim.


 All I Can Say of My first Impression of Wanda Vision Is “Oh My God, what The …!”

Wanda Vision Was a viewing That This Lexicographer, Who Owns Both A Dictionary And Thesaurus and A Grammarly Subscription, Cannot Find The Words chronicle his thoughts of what Wanda Vision Represents As far Societal Themes Or Motif Are concerned As Well As What The Over Arching Plot Is Centered On. Is Vision Going To Get That Promotion? He Deserves That Promotion. Productivity went 300% when They Hired him, He Is Getting That Promotion.  Should women Stay In Kitchen? If It’s Wanda Maximoff, Think Again. Also, Where IS Wanda’s Russian Accent? After Avenger’s Age Of Ultron Elizabeth Olsen Simply Cast It Away. Now Would Be A Good Time for Marvel For Its Return Marvel. Mysterious.

Wanda's vision Is unorthodox In the World Of Marvel Format and Perhaps That is its Core Principle. a Shift to appeal To The More Home Dwelling Superhero enthusiast: “For The Sophisticated Shut In.”. Still, After One Episode, Yes One Episode, Wanda Vision has A lot to Establish As Far As Plot, character development and Entertainment Value.  A lot Of elements are being mixed and confusing as a byproduct. I am confused about what exactly this show is. Wanda And Vision Are Confused About Their Marital Status, Anniversary, And Apparently Their Nationality. Vision has An Office Job. Vison. The Machine-ish Android, Who Was Murdered by Thanos; Infinity War, Am I Right. Wanda The Ultra Powerful Mutant, Sub-Mutant, -Ish, (What Is She? Dammit Avengers Ultron) Is Now A Housewife. Vision, Well, Vision Has A Job. This Once-Fierce Couple Is No Longer Defending Cities from aliens, at least not In episode 1, But They Are Now Discovery The Sweet Agony Of Matrimony And All Of The Joys And disappointments That Encapsulate It.

Awe, good For Them.


Despite The “Adjustment” of these Heroes In a Home Setting. The Aesthetics Of The Show Were Appealing. With the glaring exception of vision in a   suit And Wanda in A Dress, cooking. The Black And White-Ish, Fifties-sixties Home décor Resembled Slightly, Those Of The Marvelous Ms. Masiel And watching Wanda And Vision Encounter This New life could Open The Door for A Foray of Couple Hi-jinks And Shenanigans As they Explore The Inner Workings Of Their Powers And Habituating Themselves Into This New World View.

I AM Intrigued Plus It Gives Me An Excuse To read more Articles written by The Ringer.

Love Jason.





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