Wanda Vision Episode 2.


A few Months Back I started Writing Short Episodic Reviews on The Disney Tv Series Wanda Vision. Actual I Only Managed to write One, On the first Episode After The Aesthetic Piqued My Interest. At The Time I Was Caught In Thralls Of Website structuring when The Satirical Critic Emerge From An Innate Intrigue of the Series And Of The inspiration To Flush out Writing Ideas as They chaotically Crane Through My Synaptic Process.


That Review Of Episode One Came as My Blog Was Still In Its Embryotic Stages. There was Still A lot Of  Work To Be Done In Hope Of refining The Fire Sale or deluge Of Uncultivated Ideas That I Used To Paved The Walls Of my ($100) One Hundred odd Dollars, Somewhat (Questionably) Investment Into The World Of Digital Content Creation. I Gave Little Time to Map Out a Course, or Plan, Or Point of Reference or Goal for Some Of My earlier write Ups. I wrote as it Came, The Word I’m Looking for Is “Amorphous” Or unstructured. But Writing Gave Me Purpose, Pleasure, Power In Some Regard And In Early February This Was what I Needed. But I Feel Behind On Many of My Earlier Projects. Pushing Them ever So Close To The Margin Of Oblivion.


 Wanda Vision’s first season is Climaxed In early March, March 5th To Be Exact.  Around The  Time, I Was Still Lining The Canvas Of The Web Site, Grasping The Colors Of The Art Of Writing,  Painting  Pros Without Smearing Syntax,  The Flow Of Curves Com, the mas, And The Ever Stylized Semicolon.  The first Reviewed Followed the First Episode An Began Work On the 2nd  And 3rd before  I Was Inundated With Many OtheWrite-Upsps primarily Those Center On The NFL Draft Which concluded A Week Ago. So Here I Am Now Finishing What I Started, A Wanda Vision Series Review. Sure, I Am Late To The Party, And There Will Be And Have Been Others Who Are AScale-Upp from Me, But for The Completions In Me The Fun Never Stops. This Write-Up Forced me To Binge Watch. I Hate Binge Watching. It took me a few days.


Episode 2: Don’t Touch That Dial.


Lost In The Melodrama Of The neighborhood Talent Show Shenanigans Is A Metaphorical Quib That underscores Wanda Vision’s Place In The Marvel Cinematic Universe. The Show Setting Transitions Into The ! 960’s Sixties. Abnormal Activity Begins To form Around the Character as The psychedelic Sixties take shape. Wanda Begins Hearing Noises And Voices Calling Out to Her Through The Radio. The Black And White Status Quo Is a challenge When Wanda encounters Color for The First Time In Three Separate Instances. One when she exits to her front yard and finds  A toy plane In-plane that’s red and yellow; 2, she Meets Geraldine, an amicable black lady, Who doesn’t know what she is doing here, At The Talent Show Planning; 3) the High Pitch noises return this time affecting the talent show lead Dotty, who promptly breaks a class and cuts herself, the blood is red. Speaking Of The Talent Show. Vision, the android,  Is Assigned As the Headline Act With An Organic Bunny That by way of magic will disappear,  out of sight. The talent show Approaches, In Town Hall. Before This Vision Visits the Neighborhood watch committee Where He encounters the devastating force of chewing gum. Strictly for mastication, I do that A lot, vison Swallows The Chewing Gum Becoming Inebriated by the Effects The misplaced cohesive substance lodged into his programming. Vison Loses His Steely Composer which is Replace With An Overlay of Frat boy party crasher. Despite its dissembling effects, Vision Takes Center Stage In A “drunken” stupor Unwittingly Using His Power To perform magic. It is up to Wanda to Use Her Prowess Of Telokinis To Mask Vision Multitude Of Abilities. Saving The Couple From Squandering Their Opportunity To “Fit In”. The Metaphor, “fitting In”. Episode two Doesn’t do much for Deepened the Character devotement, Plot, Or Storyline or even entertain its audience save a few sitcom high jinks but it lays the groundwork for Wanda Visions Motive, To Fit Into The Marvel Universe. At The End Of The Episode Wanda is Revealed To Be Pregnant. “It Was So Hard to fit In After All.”


Wanda Vision Episode 3


Wanda Vision EPisode 1.