Wanda Vision Episode 3


A few Months Back I started Writing Short Episodic Reviews on The Disney Tv Series Wanda Vision. Actual I Only Managed to write One, On the first Episode After The Aesthetic Piqued My Interest. At The Time I Was Caught In Thralls Of Website structuring when The Satirical Critic Emerge From An Innate Intrigue of the Series And Of The inspiration To Flush out Writing Ideas as They chaotically Crane Through My Synaptic Process.


That Review Of Episode One Came as My Blog Was Still In Its Embryotic Stages. There was Still A lot Of  Work To Be Done In Hope Of refining The Fire Sale or deluge Of Uncultivated Ideas That I Used To Paved The Walls Of my ($100) One Hundred odd Dollars, Somewhat (Questionably) Investment Into The World Of Digital Content Creation. I Gave Little Time to Map Out a Course, or Plan, Or Point of Reference or Goal for Some Of My earlier write Ups. I wrote as it Came, The Word I’m Looking for Is “Amorphous” Or unstructured. But Writing Gave Me Purpose, Pleasure, Power In Some Regard And In Early February This Was what I Needed. But I Feel Behind On Many of My Earlier Projects. Pushing Them ever So Close To The Margin Of Oblivion.


 Wanda Vision’s first season is Climaxed In early March, March 5th To Be Exact.  Around The  Time, I Was Still Lining The Canvas Of The Web Site, Grasping The Colors Of The Art Of Writing,  Painting  Pros Without Smearing Syntax,  The Flow Of Curves Com, the mas, And The EStylizedized Semicolon.  The first Reviewed Followed the First Episode An Began Work On the 2nd  And 3rd before  I Was Inundated With Many OtheWrite-Upsps primarily Those Center On The NFL Draft Which concluded A Week Ago. So Here I Am Now Finishing What I Started, A Wanda Vision Series Review. Sure, I Am Late To The Party, And There Will Be And Have Been Others Who Are AScale-Upp from Me, But for The Completions In Me The Fun Never Stops. This Write-Up Forced me To Binge Watch. I Hate Binge Watching. It took me a few days.

 Episode 9: The Series Finale.


The Final Episode Is Here To Answer All of Our Question And Brings Visions Case For  Closure To Its Climatic Conclusion, Or Is it. Agatha Versus Wanda Takes Center Stage, This Time With No Runes Liberating Wanda Powers. Wanda quickly Despatches With Agatha, Briefly, When Suddenly A  All White Vision Arrives. Fabled As “ The Vision” He Attempts To kill Wanda Before The “Real” Synth Stands Up And Takes Him On. Agatha Revcovers And A Duel Battle Ensues. The Plot Quickly And I Mean Quickly Escalates. Agatha Unveils The Nature Of The Scarlet As Written In The Book Of Damn. The Scarlet Witch is Forged Not born. Has No Needs No incantations To Cast Spell. Power Beyond That Of The Sorcerors Supreme, Who I Assume Is Dr. Strange. The moves in town. True To himself, vision Attempts An appeal to His chromed-out copy assailant’s Sensitive Side. “Why are you doing this?” asks a bewildered Vision. True to themselves, Marvel’s one-dimensional Antagonist Offers A Response I Could Only Assume Was Left Out Of The Script For Ultron, so Old And Robotic,  “ my programing” Replies White Vision.  Stoned Faced And Equable. Vision, Our Vision, Informs He’s Assailant That He Is Not Real, Vision. Beyond The Synth Identity, Vision IS Only Conditional Being Of Nods, Bolts Mircoships, And His Destruction Would Do Littke In Satisfying His Assailants Objective. Meanwhile, In Town Square Agatha Continue Her Relentless Disparagement Of Wanda By Liberating The Town Folk From Wanda Sitcom Psychosis. Immediately The Freed, The Fire Folk Turn An Chastise Wanda For The Perceived Torture And Sickness That Scarlet  Strain U=Had Subjected Under Them To Under Her Illusory Magic. Suddenly Wanda Is A Witch And Not A Sub-Mutant. Elsewhere Monica Emerges From Being Held Captive By Pietro, who turns Out To Be An Actor Under The Bewitchment Of Agatha, His Name Is Ralph Borner, Oh God. Rambeau Arrives In Town  In Time To Sheild The Twin From The Bullest Of Hay ard And Several Sheild Agents. Both The Twins And Monica Powers Are Put On Display.  Monica’s Body Absorbs The Bullets, Her Body Autoprojecting In The Midst Of The Malay. The Lame Twins Uses His Telekinesis To Control The Matter In The Bullets. Hayward IS Then Rammed In By Darcy Lewis Who Was Still Driving The Van Vision Left Her In. Vision ANd The Other Vision, END THEIR Physical Conflict And Begins To Discuss Their Difference Diplomatically. Vision, The real conditional Vision Uses his Syth Mind stone Abilities to enlightened other Vision of the flaw In His Directive as well as Their Shared Origin And Memories. Other vision promptly flies away never to be seen again, presumably. Who was that guy? Agatha Is insistent On Garnering Wanda’s Power. Wanda Complies, With Force. Using Blaster infused with Witch Craft chaos magic To Subdue The Rapacious Old Gal. The Entanglement Of. Wanda And Agatha End The When. Wanda Traps The Nosey Neighbour Within The Wall Of The Character Agnes, Soothing Agatha’s Boot With Scarlet Fever. They Are Amicable Friends Again. Wanda, Vision, And The Twins Propose To Go Home As Wanda Release POart of The Town From The Binding Barrier. Back Hime Vision And Wanda Tuck Their Sons inTo Bed Adding In How Proud He IS Of Their Behavior. Somewhere A Part of My Inner Child Just Died.  Around tHem, The City OCntinuew To Be Liberated from Wanda Magic. The Couple Kiss Farewell And Wanda Witnesses Vision Vanish One More Time, Again. Wanda Enter The City And IS Greeted By Several Scowling Faces, NO=one ToPlease To See Her. Ther’re Waiting For Her Rambeau, “ They’ll Never Know What You Sacrificed For Them.”, Wait Wasn’t This Wanda’s Fault In the First Place. Wanda Exist Westview, In Quest Of Discovering The True nature Of Her Powers. Credits Roll, Home Stretch, Lets Watch. Post Credits Hint To The Future. Monica is Visited By A SKRULL, Come As AN Emissary Friend OF HER MOTHER, From Captain Marvel, Signaling Monica Up, Into The Sky. Roll Credits.



Wanda Vision Review Episode 6


Wanda Vision Episode 2.