Spiderman No Way Home Survives Expectations: For Better Or Worse


Spiderman No Way Home Survives Expectations. For Better Or Worse.


It Took A While, Though That’s A Given; Beit All Things Marvel Stretch And Yawn, Glitch And Wind Up Before The MAchine Gets Rolling And The Effects Takes Hold.


That’s to Say Before The Marvel Cinematic Universe Had to "Grew On Me." I Mean, How Could It Not.


The Superhero Movie Genre Has Outlived So Many Styles Of Film Believed To More Universal.


The way It Which It Conquers Hollywood Felt "preordained."


Since The Dawn, Hollywood's Reckoning With Superhero Would End In The Genre Redefine The Art. For Many Its Critic Marvel Movies Are Still Cinematically Discontented.  But Marvel takes No Losses. It Is "Inevitable.


As A Dc Fanboy


 For Me, It took A Familiar Face To Convinced Me Marvel Had More To Offer Than Iron Man And "Captain America." Whom? Spiderman.


 Once The Crimson Red Suit Got Integrated The Films Webbing. Marvel Became Irresistible. I Had To track Backwards Before Infinity War To catch Up To The Entire storyline. Mercifully YouTube Save e Most Of First installment of A  Few Titles(Iron Man).


Nearly Six Films Deep. Spiderman No Longer has That Level of  Magnetism To Me. The Character Had To Evolve—A Point I HAve Made.

No Way Home, Advance Spidey’s Abilities, The MArvel Timeline And Finally This Spidey’s Life, Out Teenage-dom. But Not Much Else.

An Argument Can be MAde That This film Presented A “De-Evolution” For A Number of Characters And For A Number Of Reasons.

I Read A Book By Stephen King Named "Mr. Mercedes," Completely Unrelated, but Those 400 Plus Pages Were The Best 4/5 Of A Novel I ever Read. The Last 1/5 is "predictable." A Modest Let-Down.

After The Antagonist Builds A Mythos And Arch Of HAving An Exceptional Wit. By The Books end, All of It Gets Comb Over To Make Room for The Protagonist Obligatory Triumph. The Mercedes Steamrolling Asasine falls Prey To The Curtails Of common Criminals. Perhaps To Say “No One Can Always Be On Their A Game.”. True. But Dont Build Up A Character’s Identity Only To Then Drift And Obscure It For The Preordained Plot.


I Get It.


In Film, A trilogy May Be The most complicated Feat To Execute. The first Spider Film Series Flop Under Its Weight. The Other Never Lived To Die By Its Own Hands.


That Alone means No Way Home holds rank As a Game Changer.  


 Spiderman, No way Home Earned From Me A Rating of A Solid "Meh!"





"Expect Disappointment, And You'll Never Be Disappointed."


Said Michelle Jones, The Love Interest Of Tom Holland's Spiderman.




Her Universally Indifferent Disposition Chasm-ing And draining The Color Of An Already Listless Quotes. In This Universe Of Comic Book Movies, Expecting Disappoint From Any Studio, Even One As Maligned As DC Has Become Is Itself Tantamount To Executing The Trilogy. For  Marvel, Even Amid Its "weakest" Run As Premium Content Overlords; Disappointment, That's Tantamount To Tony Stark Admitting That He Could Be Wrong About Something.


 Disappoints Marvel Rarely. The Box Office  Return For No way Home Reflects That; In Some Regards. It's Creeping Over $600 Million. With Generous Estimates Suspect A Billion could Be The Reasonable Enough figure The Year's Most Anticipated Feature. Of Course, If Expectations  Hold Through The Films.


But Box Office Success No Longer Registers As The Litmus Test For This Studio's Product. Marvel Achievements At The Box Office, even During A Pandemic Are Mere Formalities Than Milestones.

 Those Standard Were Crush Under Weight Of Thanos And The Infinity Gauntlet In The Year of The Infinity Saga in 2018, "the conclusion of Marvel's cash cow of a franchise." That Was then.


Marvel Has Transcended Such Arcane Standard Of Justifiably Good Cinema.



What Can Marvel Hope Achieve Now That It’s Satiate The Very Thing That fed It: Hunger.

In The 1990's Marvel Found Itself Destitute. They Sold The Rights To Spiderman. The Spidey Movies Sold Big And From there Marvel Banked.


 Now They've Happened  Into Phase 4. With Money a Mystery of The Past, There is "No New Ground Broken" as Happy Put It.


Marvel Films Can No Longer "come back" to Its central Trio. Cap, Iron Man, Thor. The "home base," The "status quo."



 It's All Been Ruptured and ripped At The End of Phase 3.

Another Few Visual Dazzling Installments. That's Small Thinking For Studio Always Enthralled With The Bigger Picture.


Any Achievable  Transition Would Force Marvel, The Behemoth That It Is, To Be More  Nimble.  Further "Transformative." I Know We Think Of Marvel as Already "Transformative," And It's Been For Better Or For Worse. The forward Thinking Superhero Story Telling As Well as The Four-Dimensional Characters. The One-Liners.  But Often the Case in Physics When Things, Masses,  Become Too Big The Collapse Under The Weight Of Their  Own Force And Gravity.



The Character Appeal, The Studio's Arch A Build In Three Tropes:


New Characters Reflect Old Ones, With Minor Alternations And Only After The Story Has Moved Beyond That Point Of The Old Characters Mythos. "Doctor Strange suffers a tremendous tragedy, just like Tony Stark, then has to battle his way back from the brink. Black Panther struggles to live up to the expectations of his father and his kingdom and tries to dip into our world without causing a fuss like Thor always did. And Captain Marvel is a former military woman, undervalued for her abilities, who is gifted with immense power in some weird combination of pure accident and seeming destiny, much like Captain America."


The Old Palette Swap, Minus A Pivot Point Or Two.




An Entirely Different Cinematic Vision Would Have To Come Into Place.


Marvel Would Need "a spinoff of itself while simultaneously resolving the continuity Already In Place Thus far." That Point Maybe Where The Studio, And Its Artificial Intelligence Become Self Aware Like Jarvis And Realizes, It Just Can't. No Without The Step Back.


At Times, As A Writers, Flow into Extemporaneous Scribbles.


I Veer Off Topic. Venturing Into Nothing And All things Simultaneously; Like An event Horizon.



But understand That No Marvel Movies Can Be Judge As If It Were A Singularity.  


They Are All Taken Into effect Of The Grandeur Monolith. Even The Terrible Ones, Like Say A… Never mind.


Each Movie  Excels In In That Its Accelerates In The Grand Scheme. That's Marvel Redemptive Quality. And The Studio Attempts That Here.


The Multiverse.


A creative ecosystem. You May Have That Phrasing Before.  DC Has Dash Any Plans Of Assembling Its Phase By Phase Movie Allotment For Its films. That Ship Sunk With Justice League. But The Warner Multi-verse Will Soon Be Put In Motion And if It Fails To Net Box Office, It Has Marvel Beat In One Thing. Well, many things, But All Of Its brands And Its Characters Are Home.


 Marvel cant Utilize all of the Trinkets Of The Comic Book catalog Without Asking Sony To Come Over and Tag Along. If You could, For A Moment,  Imagine, A Conversation between Two  Corporate Entities. In Conflict Over  A Billion Dollars In revenue, Power Structure(who Answers To Whom), And The Creative Direction.


The first Spidey Movie, Homecoming” Pitted Peter Against The Vulture. Adrian Toomes, Played By Michael Keaton,  The Villain Might Be Consider One Of The Famed And  “Aggressive” Of Spidey Villains But  He Falls Far From Heights of Say, "The Green Goblin."



Mysterio, Of "identity Reveal Fame”, and Far From Home Was A Villain Who casual Spiderman Fans—of Which I Am—Came To be A Surprise When It Turned Out To Have A Surprising Deep Lore. Spanning Beyond The Green goblin. Before Research, I Presumed Jake Gyllenhaal's Rendition To be A Character The Studio Created On The Spot And The Created The History For The Sake Of Mythos and Story Arc. For God Sakes, He has A Fish Bowl For A Helmet.


 The Contention Between Disney And Sony Narrowly Swept the Entirety Of Marvel Web Crawling Agenda Off The walls. When It Does Work, At Times It Can Be A Drain Or A Hurtle In The Creative Process.



Three Studio Platforms Are All engrossed And Invested Into The Product Of The Comic Book Franchise, As Perhaps The Creative Heads Had Always Wanted. Yes, Three. The Disney Merged Fox, Which Still Operates In The Shadows Of Sort.  


Sony Has Shared Custody of The Other Marvel Movie Right.  This "New" Ambition Could Have Them All Cohabitating. All Exchanging Properties under one Continuity. "There Shouldn't be Two Marvels" Or Three.

Marvel's The Matrix. "A world without Rules And Controls Without Borders or Boundaries, A World Where Anything Is Possible."


Due To The Multiverse's Amorphous Nature, The "Anything Is Possible" Crediton  Could Lead to even greater Pastures Of Exploration.


The Multi-verse Has "Multiple Variation.".



Not Only Where Separate Comic Saga's Merge But Merged Saga Can Develop Their Spinoffs. A cluster of Possible Worlds In A Space Of The Already Boundless Multi-verse. Across Time Characters Like Doctor Strange Are Irredeemably Evil. Others Where He's Fused With Of Marvel Characters,  Other Where The Sorcesoror supreme Merges With Other Well Known Mystics. Dr. Faith, I Presume.



When Matt Murdoch, Daredevil Arrive In No Way Home, For A Brief Minute. His Present Confirm What Marvel Head Kevin Fiege Told Reporters about The Status Of The Character. "whenever Daredevil returns to the screen, it would  be Charlie Cox." From the Netflix Canon under the horned mask. Disney took Back A Number Of The Titles Gifted To Netflix his Past Decade. But The Relationship Between The Two Companies didn't "Sour" During The Process. With Mutual Respect Or The Possibility To Earn Bank, Could The "Multi-verse" call on Competing Studios To collaborate.


The Collection Of Former Netflix Marvel Brands Is "no-longer-in-production" Netflix. That included "Luke Cage," "Jessica Jones," and "Iron Fist," which always had the intent to connect to the MCU.


When They Radiate  Vague Sometimes Fake Expectations.  Then Forge Disappointment Into  A Shield And A Compass.


The End Begins Here, But First We May Need To Start All Over. "It is the beginning of the culmination of everything that has come before."


What had once been Fox's X-Men And Marvel's Avengers Roam Side By Side In The comics Had Only A Decade Ago Been Inconceivable In Film. Now it's a Script Away.



 Nevertheless, Without Sony on Board, The World Would Have Limits. Like Many  RPG Videogames Of The 2000s. Gaming Characters Could Only Explore So Far. Glitched if They tried To Breach A Restricted Environment Software Developers Never Wrote A Greater Plain Into The Game's Story.





A Spiderman Movies Are As Formulaic As Adaptation Can Come.

Radioactive Spider. Awkward Teenager. Crossing Paths. A love interest.  Death. The Rest Unfolds On Its Own. Marvel Played Off Of This By Ignoring Most Of  These Trivialities Completely.  Because Assuredly Most Fans Know The Story Well Enough That A Refresher Would Only Hold The Story Down.


Generating A Marvel Movie, That's A lot Different.

It's Big. Dramatic. Things explode. The Soundtrack, You feel It More Than You Hear It. Sometimes The Fate Of The City Can Is On The  Line. Other Times It's the Country. Or The World. And There's That Time Half The Universe Got Wiped Out. Sometimes It's Personal For The Heroes Themselves. But it's Always A Big Deal.


A Sony Movie  Is More A Debatable Matter Of Dignified Subjectivity. Often Baseless Or Based on A Few Presupposition;

"When Are You Viewing This?".

How Intrigue Are You By The Depths Of CGI Advancement?

Are Lore And Mythos More Crucial Than Ethnic Idiosyncrasies?

How Best To Manage All The Materials We Have Already Mismanaged?


Spiderman No Way Home Take Place At The Point All These Ideals Intercept With Maybe Some Room For More Interpretation. "As Mundane As it Is Marvelous."


After The First Weekend In Theatre, A Social Campaign Gave Way: 'Don't Let Out The Surprise' The Surprise, This Movie is No More Than A Fair Let Down.



When Marvel "Inherited" Spiderman. Their version of Peter Parker Had Taken Up The Mantle Of Regular Crime FIGHTING vigilantism Most Comic Book Enthusiast Inspire Too. Except Parker Got Bitten By A Charged Up Spider, without Such,  fighting Crime in Brooklyn Would Be A Death Sentence. That's Before The Web( The Internet) Turned Parker Into An  Overnight Sensation Because He Shot Out Webs Form His Arms. It Earned Him An visitation And Invitation From None Other Than Tony Stark, Iron Man. Stark Adopt The Young aspirer.  They Take On The Rogue Avengers.


Parker Takes Championed Banner As The New Stark.  But…


Before The Frightening Reality Of This (Potentially) Being The Final Installment of This Spiderman. We watched His "Becoming," Or Reluctant Becoming. That's The Theme: "The World's Always Forcing You To Choose" Bit.   


Spiderman No Way Home Takes off With A Crisis.


Peter's Life Takes a Nose Dive.   His Identity exposed. The City's Fondness For The Hero Continues To Deteriorate. The "Mysterio was Right" Brick Made That Point, But This Matter As been At Hand Since The Dawn of Civil war.


 Under The Light Of A Standard Superhero Mythos, An Identity crisis of This Sort would Mean The Dreaded, "Villains Know Who My Loved Ones Are" Spook. Marvel Updates This Honest But Hackneyed Theme.

In The Age of Internet And information, A New Norm Of Social Consternation Has Been Born: Cyber Bullying. Instagram Carries The Burden As One Of The Most Pernicious Elements In the 21st Century. Facebook As Been The Target Of Criticism Since Its Inception I believe.


It's Hard To Imagine, But One of The Destructive Features Of Peter's Teenage Heroism, In This Film, Happens Most  every day. Citizens With Cell Phones Engineer viral Calamities.


Phones, Billboards, And Anything With A Digital Monitor. Become A instrument Of Ostracization. They Erupt With Spidey Face On it. Peter Moves  Through the City. He Swings In The Save MJ And Asks If There Is A Place he Can Go.  Peter Cant quite Save Her Or Himself from Reality. The Walls Close In On Them More When college Acceptance Letters To MIT, come Back Void.


The Letter Decisively implies That Their Association With Spider Played Into Their Less Than Favorable Returns.


The Movie Does Little As For As heavy Stakes Are Concern. I Mean, Did They Try Cal-Tech.

Remaining As Closed To The East Coast, I Picture, Might Be A Far More Tempting Offer.


Peter, Visibly Distraught By His Circumstances, Takes To Find Dr. Strange. Peter's Lawyer, Who Happens To Daredevils, Appreciates To Him That Legalities May Be Less Auspicious Avenue, Matter Of Fact, A Better Lawyer Should Be A Consideration.  So Now Spider Must Take His Chances With "Magic."


Peter Enters The Sanctum Sanctorum, The Home Of The Sorcerer Supreme. A Place Dr. Strange Cant even Believe he's Been. Whether Marvel Has new Plans For Strange In The Many Coming Feature. Will He Become Evil. The Once Skilled Doctor Has Fallen A few Notches Since His Battle With Thanos.


Perhaps The Follow Up Strange Film May Explain Why They Rewrote The Character Of "Steven" He Seemed Pretty Inept In This  Film. Especially consider How, Dare I Say, "Kick A**" And Adroit, From Infinity War, Made Him Look.


Strange Cast the Spell That Goes Array And we’re Left wondering; Why “Scooby-Doo This Crap” Got taken Out of the Film’s Final Monologue.

Also… What Going To Happen?



One Of The Things This Movie Does Well, it Create A Conflict too Big for The Hero.


In The Worlds of Batman; Film, Cartoon Etc. The Conflicts Of The Story  Never Escapes Batman's All-Encompassing Skills and grasp. He's Always There, Anywhere In The City.


In AN Episode of BTAS, I Believe It’s the “The Cat and Claw” From Season 1. The Opening Line Roll As Followed.


"Ok, I'll Tell You What I Know Just Lay Of The South Side.". Compliant Informant. To Which Batman Responds, “Keep This Up, And Ill Be On You From All Sides". This After Batman Approaches The Poor Guy From the Depths Of the Shadows.

That’s Him. 

Batman intimidates A Soon To Be Informant. Its Classic And It Underscores A General point of His mythos. As the World’s Greatest Detective  He can Always Get To Anyone. In A fight, Batman, He Reaches Into His Utility  Belt And Presto, A Gadgets Of All Worlds To Make Waste Of Any Adversary. It's Magic.


 In Spiderman, No way home.  You get The Sense That Peter has Gone Too Far. He's In Way Over His Head. It's all Become Too Much for Him. These Are No Longer Bank Robberies In Brooklyn; It's Cosmic Now.


 The Scene When He And Strange Enter The Mirror-Verse. Another "Uncharted" Facet Of The Multiverse.  Parker Uses His Wit Of Angles To Trap Strange In The Mirror Verse While He Escapes. For A Brief Moment, You Get the Sense that Maybe He Is Not Sure About what To Embark on As The Events And The Environment are Unpredictable. He tells Strange That Math Beats Magic Because no Matter How Abstruse Math Has formula’s And Rules . With Magic  Every Action Sends Peter Down The Chain Effect of Cause And Effect Challenges That Require To Grow As A Character Perpetually.


Peter Came To Strange For Help; They were On Name To Name Basis. Now, it's Battle Of Ideology. That forces Peter To Outmaneuver the trap Strange. Pitted Parker At Odds Against Another Would be a mentor.


The Stakes Change. The Multiverse Takes Hold Over The story Line.


The Villains. The Prized And  Foremost Exhibitioners  Of The Movie Make Their Entry. Ghost Of  Former Spiderman Movies Get Another To Revel In Their Humanity Some. Jamie Foxx's Electro. Electro, No Longer Blue, Or "Geeking."




Alfred Molina's Dr.Ock, Steadies The Skeleton Crew, Sandman And The Lizard Are More For Ballast Then Impact. And Then There is Goblin.


Perhaps the Death Of Mysterio Plays On Parker's Mind. I Mean, How Could It Not. Mysterio is The Dying embodiment Of The Past coming back To Haunt You.


Bricks Spray Painted "Mysterio Was Right" Come Flying Through Your Windows; Not to Mention Along the city wall.


Peter stole the magic box, From Strange, containment Of The Spell, The "kill-switch," sending the Sony villains back to their respective worlds.


Strange had no problem pulling the trigger. Foremost, it's His Plunder That opens The Realms of Space-Time. Any Continued Venturing Into This Saga Would Only Serve Salt I The Wound Of His Failure As Skillful Wizard. Furthermore, it'd mean his reality Rescued and the fabric of space and time restored.  


Peter is Understandably  More "sympathetic" if Better stated reluctantly. His Recent Bout Against villainy Has It fair Share of "Negative" Consequences.  Peter Become Reluctant Send This Ghost back To Their Rest. The Aftermath of battle These Foes Could Prove Catastrophic For All Continuities.


Peter opts To "cure" the villains. Then Send Them Back, Perhaps To NOT die fighting their versions of the wall-crawler.



The Other Versions of the WebCrawler Enter The void Invited. Ned And Michelle Are hopeless trying To find Peter. With the use Of Strange’s Mythical Ring They begin to open Portals for other Peters to walk Through.


The Film Attempts To Apologize Or  Even Mend fences Between The Three Brands. Underscored by The Therapeutic Scene When The Spidey's Are Huddled. The cures Are Engineered, And So to Has the Plan. The Night Commences As the Attempt to change the Past. They invest Themselves Into Andrew Garfield's Peter; He's ostensibly The Lamest But Maguire And Parker  Counter, And Reinforce The Point: "you're Amazing."


The Film Draws On Other Films in Disney's Capacious Stable, But Also Its Rivals.


Willem Dafoe's Green Goblin Conjures His Inner Joker. He's Instigating.  Tom Holland's Peter Parker's Darker urges Are Prey For Goblin's Neurotomy Surgical Incisions as the Well Of Anger, And Remorse Rise Up In Peter Goblin Pushes further. Even If It means Death. So Had the Joker In The Dark Knight Film.


The Visuals Become Eerily  Similar To Anakin's Turning To The Darkside. More Over Dafoe Takes On A Heath Ledger Like Joker Tone. The Goblin Had His Mystique From The Sam Ramie Films But His Psychological Quips More Than His Physical Appearance Are What conflict Peter Greater. Revenge Flows Deep.


The Act  Charges With A Similar Chord The Joker Uses To Tempt Batman Into Killing Or Choices Between Two Equal Crushing Alternatives courses In Life. Of Course, Tom's Peter Narrowly Obliges.


Dafoe's Goblin Stole The Trailer. He's The Most Memorable Villain of All The Spidey Films; next To Him, Maybe Dr. Ock. For Dafoe's Goblin, His Presence Here Raises The Stakes Some. For Him, It's Personal. With Parker, HIS Relationship And The Agenda adds An Element None of The Other Villains Of The Film boost of Having.


The Film Plays Off Of That Fact. Goblin's Spilt Personality Evokes A Psychological Thriller Atmosphere. Like The Serial Killer From The Crime Film “Se7en” Who Toying With The Detectives. Goblin Dream Of driving Tom's Peter Into This Woozy World Of Psychopathy.




 Marvel Supplanted DC in Cinematic Glory Some Time Ago But Heath Ledger's Joker Remains A Tyrannical Figure Overshadowing The World Of Supervillains. While Marvel Has Earned Praise For Adding Depth And Nuance To Their Villains: Killmoger, And Thanos In Particularly.



 The Joker, And that Joker Especially, Remains The Only Archetype Villains.  Not Only Superhero Villains, Are compared To as The Dark Knight Film Approaches A  Decade and Half Old. Eerie Memories Of The Rendition come calling back.  Without A Fan Having To Revisit the Film. It's That Good. But It's Not Replicable. Where Thanos Had Been Inevitable. The Joker, he's Inescapable. "Why So Serious?"



When Tom's parker Has The Choice To Kill Dafoe's Goblin And He Obliges, when He Proposes To Impale Dafoe, With The Hover Board-Thing That Killed The Goblin in The First Film, This  Serves As The Films "Red Bill," "blue Bill" Moment, If You May.


Awaken Your Dark Side And See The World For What Is it, Beyond Your Class Half Full Vision. Eat The Fruit and Know Both Good And Evil.


Maguire Spidey Interjects Saving Dafoe's Goblin And Curing Him.  What Mental Scar Tissue Could Be The Remnant for Tom's Spidey, that's A matter Deep Within The Multiverse.


That Motif Doesn't Have The Effect I Believe The Film hoped.



The Mythos(Backstory) Of Spiderman And Goblin Prevails In All Arts Forms Of Both Character But These Iterations Don't Share a Story. The Movie's Plot Drives The Film forward, Not The Characters. There Isn't A Film With a Long Arch For These two Acquittance Themselves . Tom's Spider doesn't Bare The Burden of Being "The Chosen One" Like Anakin Or "A figure Of The city" like Batman. He's a teenager trying To Get Accepted To MIT; the Stakes Are Not So High Here.  



For Me, Foxx's, Jamie Foxx's (interesting), Triumphant Transformation Wins The Villain Amongst Villains Award Here.


He Happen To Be The  Only One With Tangible "Ambition." Aside Of Evening The Score With Spiderman.


 He Looks Down On This New York City From Happy Hogan's Apartment. This City,  One For the Taking.



 The Energy He Absorbs By the Grid When He First Encounters Tom; It's Insatiable. But More tantalizing Energy Exist Lock Away In The apartment . Even At The Prospect of Death And Cure, Electro’s Chief Motivation; Energy. Also, He's The Only Villain With Charisma. "Are you Guys Just Going To Stare Like I’m Not Butt Naked?" Nobody notice Until Foxx Remarks.


“Yeah” Thomas Church’s Sandman remarks matter-of-fact-ly.



Where The Blue Electro Shows Up To die In The "amazing" Films And The Other Villains, Arrive In Marvel's Universe Only To Be Cured And Returned. Electro Won't Go Along With Either Script.


 Brief Moment as Electro "takes Form," I guess By the Power Grid. As spiderman Magical Wrist band Alerts. The Figure Appear Angelic And Even Feminine Before Jamie Foxx Comes To Life As Electro. Perhaps, Nothing More Than another Fan Theory. Reading  Too Much into Things.  But Thanks To Several Artistic Endeavors And Instagram I, Happen to be An expert on Female Form. The Body Taken Shape Then transmogrifying As Peter's Magic Generates Another Alert, Could be Another Multiverse Quirk. Where Several Variation Past Through the Void Before One Settles in.


 Rhys Ifans's Lizard Barely Takes Screen. With An Agenda Aimed Towards Turning A City Into Lizards, I Understand. Lizard Holds An audience though, That Is Whenever The Camera Finds Him.



Ifans's Lizard; He's Witty And Articulate Which Creates Jarring contrast Between His Intellect And His Appearance. Looking At This Scaling Form, Large Jaw And Barreling Chest you'd Think Less Of The CGI Forged Humanoid. He’s One Of Many Scientist At Oscorp In Garfeilds’ Universe. Here, He's only In The Movie To Make The Numbers. A Sinister Six Montage. The Spidermen can fight in the final battle. Lizard Also becomes The Object For  High Schoolers to roast him for looking like a dinosaur. He’s Surprising Reckless But Nimble For Massive Frame But After Charging Through A Portal, He Someone Fails To Kill Ned And MJ Who Are Waiting For Him As He Exists the gap In The Space-Time.


Sandman Avails In A Similar Vein. He's Introduce In the Same Scene as Electro.  He Save's tom's Spidey Fromm Electro  Because Ground Cancels Electricity. For Most Of the Film, He's Just There And Humble. Suddenly In The Boss Fight, He's Vengeful And Menacing But The film Can Persist On without Him. “Sandman was one of the villains who seemed to make a 'blink and you'll miss it' appearance in the trailer” And That Travels Through Into The Movie.


Peter, Tom's Peter, He Gets A Suit Boost. At Civil War/Homecoming, Stark Gifts Him The Sleek, More Original Spidey Suit That Adorns The Frame Of  The Battle During "Civil War"; That Replaces The Homemade Suit.  


Then Theirs The Iron Suit.  Then Nanotech, Later When Spidey Takes To Space To Face Thanos and Then EDITH Afterward.




 Spidey, Marvel's Spidey Gets More Augmented With Magic Wrist Band. Having just Begin His foray With The Dark Arts And Given His Convictions Towards Science. Math Over Magic, Another Realm Of Abilities Soon To be Explored. In Some Of The comics, Spidermen Have Significant "Totemic" Powers. A Strange Source Of Energy. Totemic Powers Are The Stuff That Powers The Worlds. It's Coveted Point Of The Spidermen Lore. Beings That Feed On Said Energy Scour The Multiverse To Feed On These Spideys—another Uncharted Realm of The Comics.


The Film Lasting Bit Of Magic, The Aforementioned  Introduction Of Toby Maguire And Andrew Garfield Into The Marvel Verse. Though The Garfield Films Are Mercifully "forgettable," The Maguire films, Which Hindsight Deserve Equal Disdain, Are Heralded Cult Classics.


Spiderman 3 Took Box Offices To New Heights "Before It Was Cool."

The Trio Worked together to Resolve The crisis At hand. And While This one Film Seek To Redeem The Fallen Reality Of its Predecessors. An Act the Film fails to Invoke.


We Learn, Toby's Parker Regains His relationship With Mary Jane Nothing More Of That Relationship gets Explored. Garfield's Spidey Gets The Sympathetic Treatment. That Campy Feel.



 A Similar Vibe As The One We Get At The End Of "end Game."


 After Cap Has had Some Of That "Life," he'd been told Of So Many Stories Ago. The resonance Got Lost Then Because the Gravity Of The Infinity Saga, And It Got Lost In No way Home.



Customary To Marvel Standards, "What Happens next Is More Important Than What's Occurred."


Thanks To Ned's Sudden magical Prowess, Dr. Strange finds His way Out of The Mirror Realm.

Strange Struggles To Hold The Threads of Their Universe Together As Figure from Alternative Universes Bruise The Fabric of Reality. In The Form Of Heavenly Be, they Begin To Take Corporeal Form.


Spiderman, Tom's Spiderman, releases the Spell.


Everybody Forgets That He's Spiderman. Objective Achieved. But He Had to Make A Sacrifice, One Greater than what Strange First Appreciated to him.  More Than Spiderman, Everybody Forgets Peter Parker; At Least the One He wanted to Preserve. The Old Choose between Everything You Want.


 Michelle And Ned Get Accepted to MIT. Peter Approaches Her And Ned In The Coffee Shop And Attempts to "re-introduce" Himself, But After Some reservations, he Leaves The Shop: Loveless less and MIT-Less.


Aunt May Dies In A battle Versus the Goblin.




Spiderman, No Way Home is A Film Driven By Plot (the Action, The things happening). That’s to Say, What’s Happening, It’s More Important Than Who’s Performing It. That’s Contrasted to The Story Element; The Emotional Overtones.

Marvel Films Have that Weighted Connectivity, generally Most Films HAve One Or Two Main Cast Deaths—Aside of the villain. We’ve Witness enough impactful Deaths And demises In One Continuity That this One Just Fades into The Woodwork.



There could Be A temptation To Hail this As The Best Spiderman Film Of All, Which May Speak More to The Franchise More Than The Film Itself Or Than Anything Else That's Went becoming coming. This Film Feels Claustrophobic, Weighted By Expectation Its Producer Had No Intention of Fulfilling.


The Ending Credit Suggest that Venom Will be Coming to the MCU. When that Happens, Anyone Guess. Dr. Strange and The Multiverse Of Madness Up Next To Forge Phase 4 Forward. More foundation for The Future I Suppose.




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